
The sky darkened gradually.

It is not night, but gradually a large number of dark clouds have accumulated over Yayafa Island, and the sun covering the world has been gradually obscured by thick clouds.


The thunderbolt shone, and a towering tree was split from the middle by lightning, and a raging fire ignited.

It rained heavily.

The endless fire in the town has finally gradually diminished.

Rain water fell on the ground, mixed with blood water, and the sea of ​​red was flowing on the earth.

"It turns out...that bastard is a good person..."

The little girl covered the rain with her hands, her eyes widened and moved towards Hailan, but she could be seen here. In the extremely low thunderstorm weather, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see Hailan's appearance clearly.



Suddenly heard Mama's groan, the little girl no longer paid attention to these two adults, She restarted her futile efforts.

The rain fell on Hailan and Weibull, converging into one after another water column and continuing to fall.

The light shining from time to time illuminates the sky and the earth, and the silhouettes of the two are bright and dark, each of which makes one look far away.

It was raining in a good weather.

Hailan doesn't know if this is a coincidence caused by the changeable weather in North Blue, or in this world with souls, God is indeed crying angrily over this scene of Yayafa Island.

Only Weibull was left in his eyes, a criminal with countless blood on his hands.

"I'm not a bad guy, you deserve to die!"

Weibull roared and rushed towards Hailan suddenly.

The sword cry of "weng weng" sounded, and the countless Aurora Sword slashed towards Weibull's position.

Flying Sword one hundred steps!

Weibull slashed left and then slashed,

hitting a long sword with a handle of energy, he and Hailan were getting closer and closer.

"What kind of rubbish style is this? Is the accuracy so bad? Not as good as those thunders!"

Hailan did not answer Weibull. Boolean distance.

Those energy long swords passing by Weibull went straight to the little girl's mother, the sword light shone, and the ruined walls were chopped to dust in a moment.

Weibull doesn't know this. He has only one goal now, killing Hailan!

"Go... Saved, Mama, you are finally out!"

The woman hugged the little girl tightly in her arms, her eyes blurred with tears: "I The child."

"Uncle, you have to cheer, you can't lose to that bastard!"

The little girl opened her throat to cheer for Hai Lan, but the two who had already left just listened I didn't see her voice.

"Split the mountain!"

Weibull swung down the giant axe fiercely, the rapid slashing trajectory brought the air flow, and even the rain could not get close to the axe blade.


"Raeche" spawned in Hailan's hands. He held the sword hilt in one hand and the sword in the other, facing the giant in Weibull's hands. axe.

Hailan held Weibull's top-down fierce blow, but his feet sank to the ground.


A terrifying shock wave rushed in all directions, like a meteorite falling on the ground, houses and trees along the way collapsed, and none of them survived.


Weibull’s giant axe suddenly broke a piece at the axe blade. Even though he had used Busoshoku Haki to cover the giant axe, it was picked up anywhere. The quality of the axe itself is far inferior to his S-knife. The Busoshoku Haki of Weibull is already powerful enough without being directly smashed in front of the sharp Rachel.

"I'll hack again!"

With a roar, Weibull's arms swelled, his muscles bulged, and giant axe was lifted up by him.

"Chop you uncle!"


Just when giant axe was not too far away from Hailan, the whole body was shining with blue electric light The Aurora Tiger suddenly spawned and leaped forward. The bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl bit Weibull's giant axe in its mouth, just like a hunting tiger firmly biting its prey, never letting go.

Tiger Hunting!

"Return the axe to me!"

Weibull once again strengthened the strength in his hands, but he was unable to compete with Hailan.

"How does the venom of the monster snake taste?"

"What are you talking about?"

Hailan uses language to distract Weibull’s Attention: "Your strength is not as good as before. Is it because your internal organs are damaged and you can't exert your strength?"

Not everyone is called "Kaido of the Beasts", Weibull is absolutely impossible Like Kaido, you can ignore your injuries.

Weibull was furious when Hai Lan said he was injured.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Hailan shook her left hand firmly.

"oh la la!"

At the moment Weibull spoke, the upper and lower jaws of the Aurora Tiger suddenly exerted force, and the sharp fangs entwined with the arc penetrated Inside the giant axe, the Weibull axe covering the Busoshoku Haki is crushed like a biscuit.

"Give it back to you!"

Hailan let go.

Weibull finally took the weapon back, but only a stick was left in his hand.

"pu 呲!"

Raeche successfully pierced Weibull's body again, the lightning shone, and Weibull's skin was immediately burnt.

Weibull’s low IQ is a disadvantage, but at some point it is also an advantage.

Weibull until now is relying on wild beast-like instincts to fight, the moment Hailan’s Raeche pierced the air, Weibull’s style was also released.

The ability of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is activated. The raindrops that originally fell to the ground in front of Weibull are as if they have been ordered. The Busoshoku Haki wrapped in pitch black is like a metal barrage.

On Fuwa Fuwa no Mi’s handy development level, Weibull is certainly not as good as the Golden Lion who has become a Legendary, but Weibull’s powerful physique and Busoshoku Haki are definitely not the same as the sickly old Golden Lion. mention on equal terms.

“sou! ”

“sou! ”

“sou! ”

The barrage of raindrops pierced the air and brought Hailan The location is obscured.

Hailan has avoided most of the barrage attacks with elemental transformation in advance, but there are still a few raindrops covering Busoshoku Haki that successfully hit his body and even directly penetrated his body. , Leaving blood holes in his body.

The blood gurgled out, and the corners of Hai Lan's mouth also overflowed with blood.

But he didn't have time to raise his hand to wipe it, because Weibull's huge pitch-black giant fist had already moved towards Hailan with the whistling sound of breaking wind.

"Mountain Collapsing Fist!"

Weibull roared loudly.

This is the style named by his favorite old lady. The old lady hopes that he can blow a mountain with one punch, and Weibull did.

The blue light shining on Hailan's right arm, facing Weibull's violent punch, Hailan did her part.

Just like an athlete who has already been angry, the rain slapped Hailan’s face, and Hailan also roared: "Cangquan!"

Hailan's body is not as good as that. Weibull is huge, but the "blue fist" that can be entangled by lightning is not inferior to Weibull's giant fist.

"bang! !"

Two giant fists collided together, and there was a thunderous sound.

Layers of surging air waves swept away in all directions, centering on the two of them, and even the rain could not fall on this small area for the time being.

When two terrifying forces collided, Hailan and Weibull quickly flew out.

Hailan vomited blood, complexion pale as paper. I don't know if it was caused by the shining lightning, or his physical energy has been greatly consumed.

Weibull's appearance is even more miserable.

When two huge forces burst out suddenly, not only the fists will be hit hard, but all parts of the body will have to bear the impact of this force.

Hailan’s "Cangquan" brings not only a burst of power, but also violent lightning energy.

The impact and lightning energy spread all over Weibull's body in an instant, stimulating Weibull's stomach and kidneys that had been chopped by Hailan, which made Weibull even worse.

"Wow" he vomited a big mouthful of blood, and even the previously healed wound broke open again.

"It's not over yet!"

Hailan yelled, the dark sky seemed to have suddenly broken through a hole, and a white beam of light with a blue halo around it broke through the blockade of dark clouds and fell from the sky , Moved towards Weibull, who rolled to the ground, went straight.

Not only Hailan, Weibull is also backing up and activating Fuwa Fuwa no Mi's ability again.

The soil, rocks, steel on the ground...all the substances with entities are gathered together under the order of Weibull moved towards Hailan swept away.

This time they are not combined into any shape, just like terrifying avalanches, rushing mudslides, Weibull wants to use the power of the earth to completely bury Hailan.

"My Weibull is the strongest!"


The beam of "satellite ray" accurately hits the prestige that was too late to dodge Bull and Weibull’s area was blasted out of a terrifying pit by this destructive power ray, and Weibull’s silhouette disappeared.

At the same time, Hailan was also "sealed" by Weibull in the "mountain" he made with Fuwa Fuwa no Mi. The densely packed soil, rocks, steel... Naked eye gathers at a visible speed, solidifies.

It can be seen that Weibull has not lost consciousness yet.

The silhouette of Weibull gradually floated out of the abyss.

His waist and abdomen have already rotted a lot.

Being stabbed in the waist and abdomen by Hailan twice in a row, stabbing the internal organs, and still hasn't died, it only shows that Weibull's vitality is really terrifying.

But this kind of injury is nothing to Weibull.

For a physique powerhouse like him, as long as he is given enough time for treatment and rest, he will be able to restore his Peak state sooner or later.

In Pirate King's world, the truth is that "it is better to break one finger than to hurt one finger".

Victory once again made Weibull smile instinctively: "I still win..."

But he hasn't finished his words yet, those who are slowly consolidating The substance exploded like a bomb in a microwave oven.

"hong long!"

Weibull used the "Fuwa Fuwa no Mi" to make the mountain burst open, and a bright streamer rushed into the sky. It was Hailan.

Weibull mixed "steel" in the material of "big mountain". Hailan applied electromagnetic force on the steel, completely destroying the structure of this artificial mountain from the inside to the outside, and the mountain collapsed. .

Weibull underestimated Hailan too much.

Except for Zephyr, the target who was deceived by his employer, Weibull's enemies were much weaker than him and Hailan in the past, and his tricks have always been unfavorable.

Unfortunately, it has no effect on Hailan.

Even if there is no steel in the material, sword technique, electromagnetic gun, thunderbolt, aurora... Hailan still has many ways to easily crack Weibull’s seal style.

A thunder flashed across the sky, behind Hai Lan, countless lightning long spears had been generated.

"Thundergod's gun!"

With a wave of Hai Lan's left hand, Thundergod's gun pierced the rain and air, and went straight to Weibull.

"I will too!"

Following the appearance of Hailan, Weibull has launched Fuwa Fuwa no Mi's ability, countless blade, spear, sword, halberd, hoe fork one Fei Soaring to the sky stabbed Hai Lan in the sky.

Following behind "The Gun of Thundergod", Hai Lan turned into a meteor and flew in the direction of Weibull.

All weapons that stabbed Hailan along the way would detour when they were about to hit Hailan, which made Weibull startled.

"Why the hell is this?"

Weibull waved his dark fists and blasted the Thundergod guns apart.


The sparkling "Raeche" cut on Weibull's arms.

It was only then that Hailan answered Weibull’s question: "Because you are an idiot!"

"What did you say..."

"zi zi… …"

Countless thunderbolts flashed across Weibull’s body. Those Thundergod spears that had been smashed by him left a lot of lightning power on Weibull’s body. At this time, he was ordered by Hailan. The thunderbolt broke out in an instant, and Weibull's body was already weakly paralyzed.

Weibull's damaged stomach and kidneys can no longer withstand the stimulation of thunderbolt.


Another big mouthful of black blood came out, Weibull's facial features twisted together in pain.

The sword is light flashed, and two sturdy arms fly high.

"pu 呲!"

Blue's Rachel pierced Weibull's chest and pierced Weibull's back.

The electric arc blazed, Lei Che began to flush, and the demon snake was already possessed.

"I'm not... bastard!"

Weibull grinned, blood dyed red teeth, and roared loudly.

"You should save these to explain to God, and I am only responsible for sending you to see God!"

Hailan doesn't understand Weibull's past at all.

Even if he knows Weibull, he is impossible to forgive Weibull after Weibull has done these things. He can only say one thing to Weibull: I hope you can meet a good person in your next life.

Hailan held the sword hilt with both arms and raised fiercely, the sword edge slashed across his chest, and even Weibull’s lower jaw and upper lip opened together.

Weibull was broken by Hailan.


A flash of lightning pierced the sky, UU reading www.uukahnshu. com The electric light illuminates the earth.

Rain and blood are instantly evaporated by the high-temperature demon snake, steam is lingering, and more rain mixed with blood flows slowly under the two of them.

The picture freezes in this brief moment, and it looks like the cruelest Shura hell.

"I won."

"Monster Raeche" disappeared, and Weibull, who had lost his vitality, knelt down in front of Hai Lan.

"Butler, Camilla,...you can finally rest in peace."

Hailan read out the names of the 19 students in turn.

The revenge is avenged, Hailan doesn't have the sense of emptiness that some people say.

Now he only feels that his efforts for so long have finally paid off.

The rain washes Hailan's cheeks, and Hailan feels very refreshed.

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