"Do you need me to say it again?"


Vinsmok Gage was stunned, "We Germa are too The World Government is a member of the World Government. I, Vinsmok Gage, is the king of this country. Since you are the Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral, you should understand that you have no right to order us to do things, right?"

"Of course."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I am asking you to assist me in a personal capacity. It is also an insult to your three sons. Atonement by the corpse."


Vinsmok Kage's expression became weird.

Let him dignified war expert, evil army to carry the corpse?

Isn’t this nonsense?

"Zhouhu Vice Admiral, are you serious about this?"

Hailan narrowed his eyes, but didn't smile: "Of course I am serious!"

It is true that the Kingdom of Djerma is a member of the World Government.

But "war experts" and "evil army" are not good words. This is a country that provokes war everywhere, disrupts order and peace, and uses mercenaries to make war money and even often fights on its own. .

Not to mention that this country plans to marry the Charlotte Family, one of Pirate Yonko in the future, although Hailan does not know this.

Had it not been for Deerma to be a member of the World Government, Hailan would have already destroyed this occasional war group.

From here, we can also see the crimes of World Government.

Due to the excellent results of Deerma 66 in terms of biochemical technology and combat props that are valued by the World Government, the World Government has acquiesced to the war crimes of Deerma 66 and allowed it to stir up trouble in North Blue Rain destroys the order and peace of North Blue.

Frevans, the hometown of Trafalgar Luo, who was rescued by Rosinante, was similarly victimized.

That is a prosperous and beautiful country, where the ground and trees are as white and flawless as the country of ice and snow in the fairy tale world. Frevans was once as beautiful as the Human World Immortal Realm.

All of this is caused by a mineral called "platinum lead", and the World Government discovered that platinum lead is highly toxic and will be passed on to offspring more than 100 years ago.

But in order to mine this expensive mineral, the World Government concealed the truth and caused the "platinum lead disease" to erode the entire country, and Human World Immortal Realm became a hell on earth.

And in order to conceal the facts, the World Government has also spread rumors that platinum lead disease is contagious. In this way, even if survivors escape from Frevans, they will be carried by people from other countries as a plague. Humane destruction.

For profit, World Government can sacrifice countless lives without mercy.

If Pirate is the unscrupulous bacteria on this sea, then World Government is the deep-rooted malignant tumor on this planet, and now Marine can only struggle between the two, innocent civilians even more It's because I don't even have the strength to struggle.

So treating this war group as a temporary coolie, Hai Lan didn't feel sorry for him at all.

Vinsmok Gage tentatively said: "What if I say no?"

Hailan's temperament has changed gradually: "Then you can try."

Gachi stopped speaking.

The smile on Lei Jiu's small face also froze.

She really couldn't understand why Marine Vice Admiral would trouble her father.

The three Brat, Iji, Niji, and Yuji, were even more scared and sat on the ground.

They have no emotional ability and will not be affected by the outside world, but this does not mean that they are robots made of metal.

In front of the imposing manner released by Hailan, they still couldn't resist, because this was pure powerhouse's pressure on the weak in the Spiritual Plane, and had nothing to do with the weak's emotions.

The big beads of sweat formed on Kaji’s forehead, and he swallowed: "Didn’t you say that you are the Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters? We are a member of the World Government. You hurt us. Make mistakes!"

"I won't hurt you."

"I'll just say..."

"But your battleships... …"

"Hey, don't be impulsive."

A sword aura rushed straight to the sky, and even the clouds were cut by a sword.

In the distance, Beryl looked at the sky with a pair of bright and intelligent eyes: "Look, Mama, Hailan Uncle has cut the sky open."

"That It's not the sky, it's the clouds."

"That's the sky."

The woman laughed and stopped arguing with her daughter.

"I will also work hard in the future to become an adult as powerful as Hailan Uncle!"

The woman startled, she somewhat didn't want her daughter to be on the battlefield.

But yesterday's experience made her recognize the fact that in this Great Age of Pirates, no matter how peaceful your life is now, you may be taken away by the wicked in the next second.

On this sea, people without power are the saddest.

She has no way to become very strong at her age now.

Since my daughter has made up her mind to become stronger, why should she stop her?

The daughter gently stroked her little head: "Then you have to work hard."


Beryl hardly nodded.

By the sea.

The Aurora Sword in Hailan's hand has not disappeared: "If my hand slips, please bear with Mr. Kage."

This time Kage is really panicked. .

His battleships are not ordinary Pirate Ships, they are dedicated battleships he carefully built, and each one is of great value.

Although I don't know what hole cards this day tiger Vice Admiral has that makes him daring to disobey the government's discipline, Gage weighed the pros and cons and felt that he didn't have to bet on it.

Anyway, his clone soldier is absolutely obedient, and his work efficiency is high enough.

"Soldier! Go and bury all the dead on this island!"


Hailan regained his breath, and he told Kaji Issho "Look at how good this is, and the cooperation is pleasant."

Sister and brother Lei Jiu felt that their breathing was much smoother.

"Happy, happy..."

Kaji wiped his sweat.

Happy fart, you are happy, I am not happy.

Of course he did not dare to say this sentence.

"Mr. Kage, you should have a nutrient solution for corpse preservation, right?"


"Don't let me ask the second time ."


"Very good."

Hailan moved Weibull's body over: "Save this person's body Okay, I want to bring back Marine Headquarters."

"This is..."

"Don't ask more."


Kage eagerly went to make preparations.

It's not that he suddenly wanted to shoot Hailan's flattery.

With his years of accomplishments in biochemical sciences, he has realized the power of this corpse cell.

Even if some parts of the corpse cannot be divided for research, as long as some culture fluid can be preserved to protect the corpse, maybe the bloodline factor of the artificial human soldiers can be further improved and cultivated. Produce a stronger soldier.


Later, Hailan found Miss. Bajin's body.

Although he has never seen Miss Barking's appearance, there is only such a healthy corpse in the dead little old lady, most likely she is the old lady Weibull said.

It's a pity that no matter how he investigates, he can't find a clue in Miss. Barkin's body.

There is quite a long distance from Marine Headquarters to North Blue Yayaffa Island. It is simply unrealistic to wait for Chief Crane Staff or Staff Kong Ming to investigate. When the time comes, the corpses are stinky, and in the end they have no choice. Over.

Djerma’s special battleship can directly cross the Red Line continent. Vinsmok Gage sent Hailan, Beryl, her mother, and Weibull’s corpse to Marine Headquarters, by the way Because of a blessing in disguise, I made a wave of good impressions at Marine Headquarters.

Hailan brought Weibull's body to the Marine Research Department.

"Ah, my respectable Vice Admiral, what did you come to do with me?

Oh, let me guess... I don’t have any new inventions recently. Good stuff, so it shouldn’t be that you asked me, so the result is very clear. Did you bring me something good?"

Wearing a scientific research coat, Bega with a nervous tone Punk came to the waiting hall of Hailan.

For the old friend Begapunk, Hailan is not polite and straight to the point: "How is the PX (Peace Pacifista) project going?"

"I think It is really difficult to discover effective research on living people without damaging the body and brain of the volunteers, that is to say, there is almost no progress.

I definitely didn’t come to be a volunteer. Well, let me guess... Are you here to let me study your Aurora ability?"

Hailan smiled: "Don't even think about it!"

He is not a hobby who has been studied by others.

Unless Begapunk can see what we know, Hailan wouldn’t mind sharing some hair, nails, feet, etc. with Begapunk...

Begapunk can’t guess. It came out: "What could it be?"


Hailan pulled the black cloth on hand, and Weibull's body soaked in nutrient solution appeared. Within the vision of Bergapunk.

"This is..."


"Who is Weibull?"

Begapunk This is a matter of deaf ears.

"Who cares about him, just say, this person is strong enough to develop PX!"

"Then I have to try, you don't mind waiting Wait a minute?"

Unlike Gachi, who can see the value of the Weibull bloodline factor at a glance, Begapunk has too many options at hand. Just by looking at it, he can’t see Weibull. Whether it can beat other maternal bodies, such as the new Oka Shichibukai, Bartholomew Bear.

Begapunk's time flies quickly, Hailan's time flies very slowly.

Finally, Begapunk walked towards Hailan with a smile on his face: "Perfect! I have never seen such a perfect mother! It is more powerful than that Bartholomew Bear!

Where did you get this corpse? Forget it, it doesn’t matter."

Since Hailan doesn’t want to say it, Begapunk doesn’t mind, as long as he can study it as much as he wants. .

Hailan faintly Issho: "So, you don't need Bartholomew Bears now, right?"

"No, of course you do."

" Why?"

"This Weibull looks too ugly, and the above is not satisfactory, so the template still has to follow Bartholomew·Bear's. This is related to the image of the Government."


Seeing Hailan's speechless appearance, Begapunk smiled: "But don't worry, as long as the core research has this mother is enough, Bartholomew Bear is responsible for it. It's just a face project, that guy won't be transformed into a vegetative."

Hailan relaxed: "Then I can rest assured."

"Why? You want to save that Bartholomew ・Bear?"



"Because my father needs his ability."

"So...then I won't ask more."

Begapunk nodded: "But that bear is now on duty. When he comes back, I will tell him to go to Marine Headquarters to find you. ."

"Then many thanks."

"Hey, thank you, it should be me thank you. This Weibull's body strength is much stronger than that of the bear. !"

Hailan left, Begapunk behind him muttered: "Ah, my lovely Weibull, although your appearance is a bit ugly, I will definitely love you very much in the future. PX-0 is you, the remaining big bears will be behind you..."


Hailan is speechless.

The life of a scientific maniac is really not something ordinary people can integrate into.


Marine Headquarters, medical hospital.

In a ward, Ai Yin is leaning on the bedside looking at Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances outside the window.

The sun shines into the room and falls on Ai Yin's body. Her long blue hair reflects rays of light, sparkling like the sea.

"Dongdong dong!"

"Please come in."

Ai Yin looked towards the door, and the originally melancholic expression immediately became clear : "Hailan, you are here!"

I moved, the pain in the legs stimulated Ayin slightly frowned.

"Don't be stubborn if you're not good, my father is not as stubborn as you."


Ai Yin stuck out his tongue , Issho embarrassed.

"Hailan, are you injured?!"

Seeing the bandage on Hailan's shoulder, Ai Yin felt a little distressed.

"It's okay, a small injury, it makes people bite."


Ai Yin blinked, her original expression even more surprised NS.

"Let’s talk about this, let’s talk about you."


"Did you use the cursed treasure?"

Ai Yin lowered her head and said, "This...I'm sorry, I wasted your precious jade, and I still failed to protect Zephyr-sensei."

Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "I want you to be a female student for protection? You said this to piss you off Sensei?"

Ai Yin panicked: "I didn't mean that."

"I know you didn't mean that."

Hailan didn't continue teasing her, "I will help you take out the cursed treasure."

Ai Yin startled:" Can this thing be taken out?"

"Of course it can be taken out!"

This thing does need to be taken out. Although the influence of a gemstone is not particularly large, it still does. Invisibly affect a person's character.

Hailan stuck the main cursed jewel on her chest and integrated it into her heart, "Did you see it? As long as I in this state touches the position of your heart, the cursed jewel will be taken by me. Suck it out."


Ai Yin's face flushed suddenly.

"Are you...?"

Hailan didn't react for a while, but he realized it just after saying half a sentence.

Ai Yin is different from herself, she is a girl...


Hai Lan coughed awkwardly.

The atmosphere in the ward is a bit wrong...

Ai Yin clutched her blushing cheeks, her voice was as soft as a mosquito: "Actually, I...don't mind..."


The divine light flashed in Hai Lan's mind, he interrupted Ai Yin's words.


"I'm so stupid, isn't it the same afterwards?"


" Ayin, take the sick number off first."

"Is this okay?"

"Don't you have..."

"You are thinking about it. What is it?"

"Actually, you don't need to take it off. You sit up and turn around."


Hailan sits Behind Ai Yin, he hesitated, and reached out to touch Ai Yin's delicate back.

When touching Ai Yin's body, Hailan could feel Ai Yin's body trembling obviously, but since he wanted to take out the cursed treasure, there was no other way.

"Sister Ai Yin!"

The door of the room was kicked open with a "bang".


Ai Yin screamed and buried her head in the quilt like an ostrich.

Hailan looked at the door, it was Lilith, she was still holding a bunch of flowers in her arms.

Lilith, who was intern on the Momousagi boat, did not participate in the 24th Elite Training Camp because she failed the cultural class. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was lucky to escape.

"Sensei...Sister Ai Yin...you..."

"Brat, don't you knock on the door before entering?!"

"What about me?" I haven't seen it!"


Lilith closed the door heavily.

Leaning against the wall at the door, Lilith was breathing fast and confused.

"Here...the two of them?

There is another story?

Then I will call Hailan Sensei brother-in-law?

Sister Ai Yin still has to call her "mother"?

It's messed up, it's all messed up!"

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