"You said, can the G5 branch successfully survive the crisis this time?"

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fleet Admiral's office.

Sengoku closed his eyes, rubbed his eyes, and asked his old friend Garp next to him.

In fact, Sengoku knew that Garp couldn't answer this question, but he still asked this sentence. He just wanted to use the chat to calm his inner anxiety.

Garp laughed heartlessly: "Didn't the brat of Borsalino have already set off? As long as Hailan can insist on waiting for Borsalino to arrive, I don't think the problem is big."

Garp smiled exaggeratedly, like a mentally retarded person with no head and no brain, but in fact it is not. An older Garp is not stupid at all.

From Garp's point of view, Sengoku is already worried, and if he becomes sad again, the atmosphere will be too depressing.

Several decades, Garp has always been so optimistic, so stupid, and his optimism has affected his comrades countless times in the countless difficult times. In the mood, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane were all infected by Garp's optimism. It was Garp who made everyone persevere, survived the dark moments again and again, and waited for the dawn of dawn.

"In the past few years, Revolutionary Army has emerged one after another, New World Yonko separatist, Marine has contracted too much territory in New World and the four seas.

As long as Hailan can be in G5 station A firm foothold means that our counterattack against Pirate has made a beautiful start, and then we can increase troops to New World and further defeat the Yonko."

Sengoku is not an individual who is worried about Hailan. Safety, with Hailan's current strength and his fruiting ability, even Yonko could not keep him.

Once this counterattack fails, Marine will face huge casualties, and Marine's prestige will be greatly reduced. In the next two years, I am afraid that there will be no way to conduct a second battle against Yonko. .

But it would be unrealistic to send a large number of Marine elites to G5 to face Pirate Yonko directly.

The Pirates are best at guerrilla warfare. If G5 is maintained, other Marine bases can be dangerous. This is undoubtedly dismantling the east wall to supplement the west wall.

"It's all up to you, Hailan."

Sengoku sighed.

There is only one thing he can do now, and that is to pray for the Marines of the G5 branch.


New World, G5 branch.

In the air.

"Hey, where are you looking?"

A stream of light flashed by Kaido, and then came Hailan's voice to remind Kaido.

Hailan’s charged blow has surpassed the speed of sound.

"pu 呲!"

A large swath of blood splashed out, and Kaido's neck was slashed by the lightning-shining Thunder Sword in Hailan's hand.

Just now, Kaido was attracted by Big Mom's funny and embarrassing appearance. He seized Kaido's weak spot and Hailan was merciless.

It is definitely a tactical taboo to show a weak spot due to distraction in the battle. If Hailan was killed by Whitebeard or Akagami just now, even if they were not dead, Hailan would kill at least 30% on the spot. Combat capability.

There has never been an upright gentleman in the battle. Pirate Yonko and Marine Headquarter will never miss the weak spot of the opponent in the battle.

Reality is not a fairy tale.

In fairy tales, people will not die. Being hit by the enemy is at most just being injured and unconscious, and even serious injuries will not stay, and the 2nd day will return to the original state.

In reality, if you are hit by an enemy, even if you will not die in the end, it will leave an internal injury that will seriously damage your own battle strength.

If Hailan was caught by Kaido, he was caught by the weak spot and he would not get angry. For whatever reason, he was caught weak by the opponent in Life and Death Battle. spot, then you can only blame yourself.

Only Kaido dared to show his weak spot unscrupulously in battle.


Kaido's wounds evaporate like boiling water. Under the steam, Kaido's wounds cut by Hailan can be seen with naked eyes. Healed together again at a speed.

Kaido's eyes widened, looking like Ox Demon King.

Kaido is very angry.

But he is not angry with the sword that Hai Lan just slashed at him, but how could this little demon, who was almost beaten to death by two punches a few years ago, grow up to be difficult to solve with him? The degree of points?

Obviously Laozi is the strongest creature in the world!

Did I remember correctly? ! !

Kaido looked towards Hailan angrily: "little demon, I am going to be real."


Hailan browses slightly wrinkle, his look is not relaxed this time.

For some reason, Hailan felt an extremely dangerous feeling in her heart.

Kaido's imposing manner suddenly skyrocketed, and Haoshoku Haki burst out, disrupting Hailan's perception for an instant, and at the same time, the power of the whole body was concentrated on the right arm.

The pitch black Busoshoku Haki dyed Kaido's right arm brightly with ink, like a steel giant beast. The surging force of worship blasted the air towards Hailan, rippling waves in circles.

"Overlord bang!"

Kaido loudly shouted.

Hailan's pupils shrank sharply.

Hailan, who is still several tens of meters away from Kaido, feels like he was hit by a meteorite, and his immense strength makes it difficult to resist.


Like a meteor, Hailan was blown out by Kaido on the spot.


A comet hit Earth with a general shock, and the two sides in the fierce battle on the battlefield looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

"What just flew past?"

"Hiruto Vice Admiral is gone... Is he defeated by Kaido of the Beasts?"

Big Mom Pirates fell into a chaotic passive situation because of Leviathan's return.

Marine and Beasts Pirates in the fierce battle were froze because of this sudden scene, and even the battle was suspended.

This is a world in which one man becomes an army.

If the Lord will lose, then the persistence of the soldiers is meaningless.

Hailan was punched towards the Marine base of the G5 branch by Kaido.

In the impact of Hailan, the base building actually began to collapse in a "rumbling", and large blocks of slabs fell in the air to the ground and shattered to pieces.

Even the walls that survived the impact were shaken into pieces by the after waves that erupted. The powerful after waves even spread to the battlefield all around, sweeping past like a violent wind, blowing everyone for a while I can't open my eyes.


In the ruins, Hailan's internal organs churned and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

He hasn't lost consciousness yet, but "weng weng weng" keeps ringing in his mind.

"...what the hell is that style, I think this guy is very similar to Divine Dragon after he transforms, how come he can even use the'qi' in Dragon Ball now? is it possible that this Kaido is also a crossed over? His ** strength is considered to be a plug-in level in this World, right?"

Hailan was caught off guard by Kaido's punch and got a little confused, like a The message of heavenly steed, soaring across the skies flooded his mind.

Kaido's this fist just now resembles the style of the protagonist Kakarot in Dragon Ball when he beat him fiancee at the first under the heavens Martial Dao after he returned from the temple.

In the air, Kaido answered Hailan’s doubts: "little demon, your Busoshoku Haki cultivation base is still far short!"

"It turns out to be a high-level Busoshoku... "

Hai Lan in the ruins gritted his teeth and spit out a word, and the blood stained his teeth red.

Haki, there are a total of three levels: high-level, middle-level, and low-level.

Haoshoku, Busoshoku, Kenbunshoku all follow this rule.

Akagami is owned by high-end Haoshoku, Rayleigh's is mid-level, and green peppers are low-level.

The three ghosts of gold, silver and bronze in Roger Pirates of Pirate King-Gol D. Roger, Silvers Rayleigh, and Scopper Gaban are the high-level masters of San Haki.

Rayleigh can release Busoshoku Haki like "qi" for an air attack.

Since fading out of the rivers and lakes at Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh has never used the high-end Busoshoku Haki again.

The high-level Busoshoku is about to be gradually forgotten by the world.

Hailan’s Logia elemental transformation ability is simply unable to withstand Kaido’s all-round attack "Overlord Boom", and even he crashed into the Marine Building because Kaido entangled Busoshoku Haki around him. .

Yes, Busoshoku Haki can be attached to others.

Seeing that Hailan hadn't appeared for a long time, Kaido suddenly accelerated towards Hailan's direction.

He doesn't believe that Hailan will be easily killed by himself with a punch.

He hasn't had a good time yet!

"oh la la!"

A strong ocean current soars from the sea to Kaido of the Beasts in the sky.

Feeling the most powerful aura on the entire battlefield, the militant Leviathan has long been eager to have a try.

"Is that a what the hell thing?"

The sudden sense of crisis diverted Kaido's attention.

The sound of the fire disaster reminded Kaido in time: "Master Kaido, that thing is Leviathan, the most powerful creature in the sea in the legend!"

"Fart! I'm obviously a man!" It is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air alone!"

Kaido turned the dragon's head, and hit the soaring ocean current from the sea with a mouthful of "Dragon Breath".

Large tracts of seawater were evaporated by dragon flames, and for a while, clouds and mist over G5, like Immortal Realm.


Another meteor fell to the ground, and Ainilu was defeated in the battle with the flames.

It has not been easy for Anilu of the partial family to persist in the hands of the fire disaster.

"I'm back!"

A loud like sound stunned the audience, and the drowning drought·Jack returned to the battlefield.

"Little ones, rush with me! Kill Marine, don’t leave Big Mom Pirates a chance!"

Kaido still has some brains when he is awake. As for the drought・Jack , No matter what the circumstances, his principle is only one word: reckless!

But at this brief moment, his "recklessness" greatly boosted the morale of Beasts Pirates.

Marine on the ground is retreating steadily, the ocean current in the air and the dragon fire Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven.

"Dragon Heat Breath" is energy, and "Sky Ocean Current" is an entity. In a short time, Leviathan's ocean current and Kaido's dragon flame can still go up and down. Over time, Leviathan obviously lacks stamina .

Kaido became more and more addicted, and Long Yan began to push the ocean current back to the sea at a very obvious speed.

Looking up from the ground, a scorching beam of light pierced the sky and stretched to the sea.

The light in the air suddenly distorted for a moment.

Kaido felt his scalp numb, and even the dragon flame, which had already repelled the ocean current, stopped.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

I don't know when, Hailan's silhouette has appeared beside Kaido.

"Aurora cut. Break the air!"


Hailan and Kaido appear out of thin air like broken glass Generally, the space of densely packed cracks is chopped by Hai Lan with a single sword.

Hailan was not pretending to be dead after being shot down by Kaido before, but instead was preparing to release "Aurora Slash. Breaking the Sky".

He is betting on a chance to make this move, and obviously he won the bet.

The taste of this sword, Kaido has to try if he doesn't want to try it.

"The sky...the sky seems to have been cut..."

Charlotte Smoothie in the distance vaguely saw the fragmentation of the sky, and there were beads of sweat overflowing on the pretty face .

This move seems a bit familiar to her.

A scream burst from in the sky.

Kaido, who was unavoidable, was cut frontally by Hailan, and a deep wound was already formed on his chest.

Kelong is a dragon.

Even with painful screams, the creatures of Above the Heavens and Under the Earth all felt the terrifying coercion brought by Kaido's Dragon's roar, and even the grass and trees lowered their heads.

Kaido Divine Dragon Moving it's Tail, once again sweeping Hailan from the sky.

But the strength of his tail is far inferior to his fist. Hailan urges Busoshoku Haki all over his body to defend, using the flying ability of the Aurora Fruit to slow down, and successfully stabilize the moment before hitting the ground. Live the figure.

"Very good......"

Seeing Hailan's safety, Ai Yin in the distance finally sighed in relief. Just now, her heart fell into the ice valley. She thought ......

"Ainiro, be careful!"

Kenbunshoku Haki caught a powerful aura, Hailan reminded loudly.

Anilu, who was defeated by the fire disaster, was suspicious of her life, and a black blade covering Busoshoku Haki had already been cut at her.


A brilliant sword aura breakthrough was struck by obstacles, and with an invincible imposing manner, it slashed towards the disaster.

The flames curse secretly, damn it.

If he insists on killing Ainilu, then he will definitely be cut by this sword aura, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

The flames' wings shook the air, and suddenly stopped his body from advancing.

Sword aura flashed in front of the flames. The distance between the flames and Ani Lu was only a few meters, but the thin sword aura was like a boundary between life and death. People are isolated.

Sword aura flashed past, and Ainilu had already distanced herself.

"Who the hell is it?"

The flames stared at him.

A beautiful and alluring woman with long black hair, waist-length and wearing a Marine justice coat is reflected in the pupils of the fire disaster.

The woman has a peach-colored vest on the upper body, a bulging chest, and a pair of black mini shorts on the lower body, showing slender and white legs.

There is also a black spider tattooed on her left thigh.

The famous sword Jinpilu is held in ten green onion fingers. Who else is there instead of Marine Vice Admiral "Momousagi"?

"This girl, are you okay?"

Momousagi looked towards Ainiru with a look of concern.

"Don't call me a girl!"

Ai Nilu tenderly shouted, like a arrogant girl.

Of course Anilu is not stupid enough to say "I am not a woman, I am a man." Isn't this selling herself?

How will others view yourself in the future?

But she really doesn't like other people calling herself by the address of a woman. Such a trouble makes it unique in the eyes of others. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Momousagi didn't get real with Ainilu, and didn't have that time.

She looked towards Hailan, Yanran Issho: "I really envy you, I can push Kaido to this level."


PS: In the original work, Roger Pirates does not say that there are three ghosts of gold, silver and bronze. Their three names are:

Gol D. Roger, Gol·D·Roger, Gold·Roger, Gol Duo・Roger, Gold・Roger

Silvers ・Rayleigh, Silvers・Rayleigh, Silver・Rayleigh

Scopper ・Gaban, ・Jabba, S・Copper・Jabba, S・Copper・Gaban

So the three ghosts of gold, silver and bronze are just for convenience to call them three. After all, Roger Pirates has too little information, and I hope everyone will understand.

(There is no charge for the above content less than 200 words.)

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