22 seconds!

Hai Lan broke into the camp of big·momPirates alone, and in a flash severely inflicted Charlotte·Snack of the four Commanders, and disturbed the camp of big·momPirates.

"There are still two seconds..."

Hailan, who has both the "overclocking" and "overloading" states enabled at the same time, is about to approach the limit of his brain.

Once his "overclocking" time is too long, it is as if the cpu of the same computer exceeds the upper limit, and the next "downtime" is no longer Charlotte·Perospero and Charlotte·Smoothie, but the sea Lan himself.

By then, Hailan can only be slaughtered in place.

Momousagi impossible, with his shoulder injured, broke into the camp of big・momPirates alone, repelling Perospero and Smoothie while saving Hailan. Hailan must retreat before he reaches the limit.

The aurora flickered and Hailan decisively left Pirate's camp.

24 seconds!

Hai Lan, who was flying in the middle of the road, finally couldn't hold on to the self-streaming light showing her figure, as if an airplane had lost power and moved towards the ground head-on.


Momousagi, who was waiting outside the camp of big・momPirates, jumped and stretched out her right arm, which was pierced by Jack's shoulder, to sea in midair. Lan took it in her arms, and while holding the Kim Pira in her left hand, she danced out a few swords and knocked back some Pirates of big mom Pirates.

Perospero and Smoothie who came back to his senses quickly chased them out, but Momousagi had already pulled Hailan away from Pirate and disappeared into the darkness.


Perospero and Smoothie are unwilling, but they dare not continue to pursue them.

They were unable to determine whether Marine had a subsequent ambush. Although the woman called "Momousagi" suffered a shoulder injury, it was not easy for Smoothie to win it for a while.

It's just a trifling Marine g5 branch. The Charlotte Family thought it would be easy to swallow it without too much force. The other two Commanders, Daifuku and Owen simply did not follow Charlotte. Linlin marched.

Absolutely didn't expect, not only did it fail to break the island in most of the day, but Marine was hit by Snack...Wait...Snack? !

Perospero and Smoothie looked at each other and hurried back to their camp. Snack is their younger brother. They would never let Snack die so suffocated!


The battle between Kizaru and Charlotte Linlin continues in the sky above the G5 branch.

It was like a thunderstorm, and the sound of "rumble" fighting never stopped since it started.


A purple thunderbolt cut through the sky, illuminating the dark night, dispelling the darkness that shrouded everyone, but not dispelling the anxiety in people’s hearts .

There are only more than 200 soldiers left in Marine, and everyone's body is covered with dust and blood.

They are still fighting bravely, but many people are no longer fighting for the so-called "justice", not even to destroy Pirate, they are still fighting, just because they want to live Go down.

Once the feast of killing begins, only those who fight to the end can survive.

Ayin looked towards the surrounding comrades, only one after another indifferent gaze can greet her.

The one after another gaze stabbed Ayin uncomfortably like a sharp sword. It was not the wretched gaze when a man coveted a woman, but the coldness when he was crazy, just like Ready to choose someone and eat it at any time.

They are not aimed at Ai Yin, they are not aimed at anyone, they just have some mental disorders due to the ongoing war.

War is not just a meat grinder, it is also a demon that destroys human nature. War can easily drive a person crazy.

Who would have thought that a gentle person in normally would cut open a living person's chest brutally?

But in order not to be killed by the enemy, to survive, what choice can he make?

Many of the only 200 remaining Marines have entered an abnormal state.

There were also a small group of people who were so scared by the war that they curled up and couldn't give up any more energy.

When the war is reopened, these people who have lost their fighting spirit can only become fish on the enemy's steel knives.

"Let's eat something."

Ain distributed the prepared food to the remaining soldiers.

At this time, only food can comfort everyone's anxiety a little bit.

g5 does not have a new recruit from school. No one will lose appetite due to the fierce war.

They know that if they are hungry, then only death is waiting for themselves.


It is the sound of footsteps on the grass.

Wagner and Ain became vigilant.

"It's Gion Vice Admiral and... and Hailan Vice Admiral!"

"What's wrong with Hailan?"

Put down the food, Ai Yin ran to Momousagi's side.

Momousagi pushed Hailan forward, Hailan fell to the ground, Ai Yin hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Hailan.

"Gion Vice Admiral... Hailan Vice Admiral, he...?"

"I'm fine, but I'm a little tired, just take a rest."

Hearing Hai Lan's explanation, Ai Yin finally relaxed.

Momousagi walked towards the camp and looked towards everyone with a smile: "Tell everyone a good news. Charlotte Snack of the four Commanders of big・momPirates has just been killed by Hailan Vice Admiral. big・momPirates has nothing to fear!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and Momousagi was very satisfied with everyone's reaction.

After a pause, Momousagi added: "About an hour later, reinforcements can arrive. Everyone first conserve strength and store up energy, when the time comes, we will drive out big momPirates together. G5 base!"

Navigating at night is a very risky thing, but the g5 branch is at stake, and Momousagi’s Battleship has to choose this adventurous way.

"Run Pirate!"

"Marine will win!"

"Hailan Vice Admiral is the strongest!"

Soldiers who heard two good news in a row cheered loudly. The hope they saw in the desperate situation made their last fighting intent burn.


“bang! ”

“bang! ”

A round of artillery shells shot out from the sea, It fell on the camp of big·momPirates, and the smoke billowed immediately.

"Captain Lilith brings my soldiers to support, the whole army assaults!"

In the forefront is a female soldier holding a long sword, valiant and formidable looking.

Lilith, who graduated from last year’s elite training camp, is now one of Momousagi’s Lieutenant Commanders.

Three Battleships landed, and countless Marine soldiers flocked to Pirate camp like a tide.

At the same time, the soldiers of the g5 branch are also leading the Pirates, under the leadership of the Sirs.

For a time, big·momPirates was defeated.

"Mama, if Mama is not good, Snack is going to die!"

"What did you say?"

A bad news reached Charlotte Linlin's ears In the battle, Charlotte Linlin was caught by Kizaru's weak spot for a moment. Kizaru's "light speed kick" kicked Charlotte Linlin to the ground like a meteorite.

Charlotte Linlin, who had suffered such a blow, bounced instantly, but she did not immediately counterattack, but looked towards eldest son.

"What the hell is going on?"

Perospero did not answer directly, but persuaded: "Mama, let's withdraw quickly. If we don't withdraw, it will be too late!"


Faced with the Charlotte Family who glare like a tiger watching his prey, Kizaru didn't choose to step forward. He still couldn't deal with so many people at the same time.

"My mother is about to win, how can you let my mother leave?"

"Since you don't want to leave, then you stay here forever!"

A familiar voice sounded, Hailan and Momousagi also appeared in front of Charlotte Linlin.

Perospero became more and more anxious: "Mama...Marine’s reinforcements have arrived. We have fewer and fewer people."

"Two seniors, please cover me. For a while."

Hai Lan sank and staggered and assumed a posture of drawing a sword.

Charlotte Linlin's pupils shrank sharply. Not long ago, the other party used this move to chop herself and roll all over the floor. She never wanted to experience the pain of being chopped off her soul.

"Let's go!"

Although I hate gnashing teeth, in the face of this defeated situation, Charlotte Linlin has no choice but to retreat.

"Stop them, Hormitz Legion!"

Charlotte Linlin gave an order, and countless strange objects swarmed down from the "Queen Mama Anthem". They stopped in front of Pirate Ship.

Spoons, benches, tables and chairs, knives and forks, wooden barrels, armored men, toys... there are all kinds of messy things, like Hyakki Yakou.

These are Homitz Legion made by Charlotte Linlin using the extracted soul. It is a very important battle strength of big momPirates.

"Three Sirs, be careful, that kind of thing can't kill, they will get up again after being defeated!"

Wagner loudly reminded from the rear that in the previous battle, Because of the immortal attribute of Hormitz Legion, Marine suffered a big loss.

"If they are broken, will they still have a chance to get up?"

Sword light flashes in front of Hailan, and the first batch of Hormiz was Hailan was cut into a fan.

Hailan uses Raeche, which does not have the "Soul Cut" attribute, but these ordinary Hormiz Legions are all entities with entities, not elements like thunderclouds and the sun. .

When the boarding body of the soul is completely destroyed, these ordinary Hormiz Legions naturally leave the soul, as if dead.

Some people have thought of this way before, but the battle strength of Hormitz Legion is still relatively high, and ordinary soldiers can't easily crush their bodies, so they fall into a hard fight.

However, these Hormitz Legions are simply a group of jokes in front of the powerhouse.

"There is still a fish that escaped the net?"

Hai Lan's silhouette flickered and caught a surviving Homitz in his hand.

"Let go of me! Otherwise Mama will kill you!"

It was a lute, struggling desperately.

"Interesting...the little things are quite chic..."

Hai Lan's eyes changed slightly, Haoshoku Haki accurately released, and the Pipa spirit passed out on the spot.

Hai Lan walked to Kizaru and Momousagi's side: "I will leave the rest to you, Admiral Kizaru, Momousagi Vice Admiral."

"Fortunately, the old man didn't chase after that. Crazy woman, even the old man was fooled by you."

Kizaru teased.

Hai Lan’s imposing manner just now was actually all pretends. He has not been able to cooperate with Kizaru and Momousagi to kill Charlotte Linlin for a long time.

Momousagi's condition is not very good either, Charlotte Linlin is purely scared off by them.

As for Kizaru, he said that even he was deceived, Hailan didn't believe it.

There are definitely not many things that can be hidden from Kizaru, the Old Fox.

"The old man has been fighting for a day, and he is almost exhausted. I will take care of the rest, Momousagi Vice Admiral."


Regardless of whether Momousagi answered or not, Kizaru turned into a golden light disappeared on the spot. Looking at the direction, it should be Momousagi's Battleship.

Momousagi sighed helplessly: "I'm a part-time job."

The second batch of Hormiz rushed up, the famous sword Jinpilu was out of its sheath, and Momousagi was also disappeared.


On the "Queen Mama Anthem".

Charlotte Snack is lying on the hospital bed, and the boat doctors in the room are treating the Commander nervously.

Tanks of blood stained red by tools were taken out, and blood-stained cotton wool and bandages were thrown everywhere.

As time passed by minute by minute, the mood of the ship doctors also gradually fell to the bottom.

"Get out of my mother!"

Charlotte Linlin squeezed into the room rudely.


"Just leave me alone, keep working!"


She is standing Behind the ship doctors, watching Snack on the hospital bed.

Every busy crew member feels a heart stuck in his throat. The big mom behind them is like a wild beast ready to pick someone and eat it. Everyone can’t breathe. Angry.

"How is my son?"

"No...not so good..."

"Damn! If you can't cure him, I I want you all person to be buried with him!"

Charlotte Linlin doesn't really care about the life and death of his children.

But Charlotte Snack is also one of her Commanders anyway.

Obviously, it was her Pirates who attacked the Marine base. Now Marine has beaten him back and even killed one of her Commanders. Where does this put her big·mom's face?


The dying Snack's eyes stared like copper bells, UU reading www. uukanshu.com does not know if it is because of pain or fear of death.

It is a miracle that Snack, who was cut off by Hailan's neck artery, pierced his heart, and cut half of his body apart, can be said to be a miracle now. How tenacious is the life of a normal person?

"Get out of here!"

Big・mom suddenly drank all the boat doctors in the room.

Because she saw Snack's "lifespan", Snack was no longer saved.

Snack has obvious fear in his eyes, and he has already guessed his fate.


The dying Snack couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

Charlotte Linlin's eyes suddenly showed a hint of kindness.

"Snack, rest assured, your hatred, Mama will definitely repay you."

Snack's expression became more and more ferocious, as if his soul was suffering from some kind of pain.

His body began to overflow with a sticky, creamy substance, that is the soul of Snack, the soul of Snack after being changed by "Soru Soru no Mi" as an attribute!

"My beloved son, this way you can stay with Mama forever."

Charlotte Linlin cracked bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and laughed , Her appearance looked a little devilish, a little broken, it was not an expression that a normal mentality could laugh at.

Snack's cream-like soul was held by Charlotte Linlin, and then she swallowed it like cream.

When Snack's body no longer gushes "cream" gradually, Snack's breathing also stops at the same time.

In other rooms, Kenbunshoku Haki could no longer perceive the smell of Snack. Smoothie and the others looked solemn, and a touch of sadness gradually climbed onto everyone's faces.

They know that their brother Snack is gone. (=Easy to read novels)

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