In this sea, there is an old rumor.

Devil Fruit has a nickname-"The Incarnation of the Devil on the Sea".

It is said that this is because the powerful Devil Fruit Ability User appears to ordinary people as terrifying as the devil in the legendary story, so the name "Devil Fruit" was born.

In fact, this is only one of the reasons. Otherwise, why isn't it called "divine fruit"?

People who eat Devil Fruit will be hated by the sea and become a landruck. In this ocean-based world, it is definitely a tragedy not to be able to swim.

"Duck duck", in the eyes of the world, is a kind of curse, and "curse" is generally associated with the devil.

Apart from this, people who eat more than one fruit because of their greed for ability will explode because they can???t bear the energy in the body. This terrifying form of death even implements the "demon" statement.

"Devil Fruit", so gradually has become a universally recognized name.

Obviously, the demon in the "demon soul" mentioned by System refers to the devil of Devil Fruit.

"Doesn't this mean..."

Hai Lan's eyes flickered slightly.

His silhouette disappeared in place.

Ayin Captain, who passed out, was pitifully thrown into the forest by someone she likes...

"I'll go... I'll forget her with excitement ......"

Two seconds later Hai Lan ran back.

He directly carried Ayin back to her room, and then ran to Marine's armory.

"Vice Admiral!"

The busy Marine soldiers saw Hailan appear here and hurriedly salute.

Hailan replied: "All busy...don't care about me..."


Hailan looks peaceful on the surface , To maintain the demeanor of Vice Admiral.

In fact, stormy waves have already appeared in his heart,

I can???t wait to experiment with the newly acquired skill [Soul Stripping].

Hailan walked slowly to the vicinity of the Kairoseki equipment, suppressing the excitement in her heart, and grabbed a pair of Kairoseki handcuffs in her hand.

"It is indeed Vice Admiral...As a Devil Fruit Ability User, even after touching the Kairoseki handcuffs, he looks so bright."

Kairoseki's suppression of the Ability User The effect depends on the purity of the keratin plasmid named "PYROBROIN". The higher the purity, the more significant the suppression effect, and it is also related to the physique of the Ability User.

Kairoseki products with extremely high purity can suppress Marine Headquarter and Pirate Yonko. Ordinary Kairoseki handcuffs deprive them of their abilities at the most. Only the Corporal-level Ability User can't even lift a trace of strength.

So these Marines were not surprised to see Hailan holding the Kairoseki handcuffs in her hands and looking peaceful, and they even admired the power of Vice Admiral.

But under Hailan's calm appearance is an excited heart.

No more!

Really gone!

The discomfort that was suppressed by Kairoseki is gone!

Hailan now almost wants to sing a song to express his excitement.

Being a Devil Fruit Ability User is really uncomfortable.

Not to mention the sea and Kairosaki.

Even if it is normally, even bathing requires cautiously. Although the bath water does not contain a large amount of keratinocytes like sea water, as long as half of the body is submerged, the Ability User will still feel weak.

Unless you take a bath with distilled water, this is unrealistic just thinking about it.

The Ability User even needs to worry about whether he will be sneak attacked by the enemy when he takes a bath. When Hailan goes out to perform tasks alone, he dare not even take a bath. No matter how uncomfortable he is, he can only take a shower.

It's all right now.

[Soul Stripping] makes myself feel "alive" again.

Finally, I can take a bath and swim like a normal person.

Especially in battle, Ability User???s biggest weakness is gone!


"What's wrong with Vice Admiral? How do I feel that Vice Admiral is so happy today?"

"It may be because of Celestial Dragon granting funds to rebuild the base..."

" money, everything is hard..."

After calming down, Hailan didn't get overwhelmed.

To put it simply, [Soul Stripping] allows you to switch between [ordinary people] and [Ability User], and does not allow you to remove weaknesses while maintaining fruitful power.

Hailan held the Kairoseki handcuffs in his hands, trying to mobilize the aurora elements.

Sure enough, there was no reaction at all.

But Hailan was not disappointed.

You must know that his [Soul Stripping] has no cooling time. He can turn it on and off anytime, anywhere, do as one pleases, and switch his own soul attribute.

This is enough, what more Bicycle?

If there is anything Hailan is more concerned about, it is the "identity value".

Identification is not prestige.

It is easy to gain a wave of prestige, but it is difficult to gain a person???s approval.

Otherwise, Hailan???s "prestige value" would have been millions of millions.

After the "identification value" of 100,000, it turned out to be directly at the mark of 500,000. This super high value caused Hailan a headache.

A long way to go.

But behind the super high value, it should often mean more generous returns.

Hailan put the Kairoseki handcuffs back in place and left the equipment room with a smile.

"Work hard...young man...add food tonight."


Feeling Vice Admiral like spring breeze With warm smiles, the hearts of the soldiers jumped with peng peng, the feeling is the same as when a fan met his star idol.

After Hailan left, the soldiers asked in doubt: "How do I feel that today's Day Tiger Vice Admiral is particularly attractive?"

Another soldier scratched his head: " I am not very clear about...Illusions?"

The effect of [heroic temperament] is activated, and of course the soldiers cannot guess the truth.

In order to ensure that no omissions will be left, Hailan took the opportunity of catching fish to test the impact of sea water on him, as expected by the skill description.

There is nothing to be confused about.

Hailan piled the caught fish on the beach, and first returned to Ai Yin's residence.

The ingredients will naturally be handled by Marine cooking soldiers.


Push the door open.

Hailan almost collided with Ai Yin behind the door.


"Why did you run? You said you can test lightning resistance?"


Looking at Ai Yin???s panting with rage face, Hailan had an idea: "Because I have a new discovery!"

Pretending to be very busy, Hailan Squeezed into Ain's room.

Ai Yin's voice came from behind: "Don't fool me!"

After so many years, no matter how simple people know Hailan is a big fool...


Hailan scratched his head: "I tell you, you also have lightning resistance!"

"You Flick me?!"

"I'm serious!"

Staring at Hailan's eyes for a long time, Ai Yin felt that Hailan didn't seem to be teasing her. .

When I thought that I might really have lightning resistance, Ayin became excited: " do I have lightning resistance? What is going on?"

"I don't know. You didn't eat Devil Fruit related to lightning."

Hailan relaxed, the previous incident finally passed: "Think about it, do you usually have Contact with lighting-related things? For example, have you specifically electric yourself......"

Ai Yin didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "What do I do by myself?"


Hailan is very serious: "Have you ever been to Thundergod Island when you were a kid?"

Thundergod Island, an island in New World.

The island is full of thundering all year round, extreme danger.

"No... how dare I go to that kind of place?"

"That's weird."

Sitting on the sofa, Hailan supported her with both hands He held his chin, thinking about this issue.

Ai Yin sat beside Hai Lan. Seeing that he did not respond, Ai Yin boldly moved to him again.

She lightly approached Hai Lan, her little head quietly trying to lean on his shoulder.


Hailan patted his thigh: "I remember!"


Ai Yin leaned back, Hai Lan slapped her thigh just now and hit her chin with her shoulder.

Hailan apologized: "No... sorry, I just thought too much, didn???t notice you... are you okay?"


Ai Yin struggled to utter her words, her hands were tightly covering her chin, and her tears flowed from the pain...

"Are you really okay?"

"Really... it's okay!"

"Well, I remember why you developed lightning resistance."

"I remember too."


After being hit by Hai Lan like this, a shadow flashed in Ai Yin's mind.

The two of them said in unison: "Zidian Qingshuang!"

"It is Zidian to be precise!" I opened Ai Yin's hands and checked her chin for a while before he was relieved.

The "chin" is a very fragile part of the human body. Sometimes opening a big mouth several times in a row will make a person's ears hurt for a long time.

How about there is a boxing technique called "hit between the ears of the chin".

Ai Yin did not resist.

Although this is a bit awkward, he still cares about himself anyway.

Ayin asked while rubbing her chin: "When can we start training?"

"Tomorrow, today you have been in shock once, and you are not suitable for training anymore. Now."

"en. "


Den Den Mushi in Hailan???s pocket suddenly rang .

This is a call from one of his clerical Lieutenant Commander.

"Not good, Hailan Sir!"

"It's me, Hiuhu???Hailan, please calm down first."

I heard Vice Admiral Lieutenant Commander calmed down a bit.

"It was a call from Charlotte Linlin from'BIG???MOM'..."

Hailan took a look at Ai Yin and looked towards Den Den Mushi: "Connect the signal Come here."

Ai Yin turned around to leave the room, but was dragged back by Hai Lan.

Seeing Hailan's resolute profile, Ai Yin's heart warmed.

"Well hahahahahaha..."

A terrifying laugh came from Den Den Mushi's mouth.

Like the classic "face-changing performance" in Sichuan opera, Den Den Mushi grinned immediately, and several wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

Den Den Mushi grinned open his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and suddenly roared: "Day tiger!!!"

For a long time, Den Den Mushi was angry. Calm was restored.

Hailan turned his back to Den Den Mushi and came right over: "BIG???MOM, can you stop yelling? You are heartbroken for your poor lungs anyway? "

Another string of palpitating laughter came, showing how crazy Charlotte Linlin is at this time.

However, she may have accepted Hai Lan's suggestion and did not yell again.

"Zhouhu, do you know? You killed my treasured son Snack."

"Ah, of course I know this. War, there are no dead people. "

Den Den Mushi grinned Issho: "Why did you kill Snack?"

"Because he killed my Rear Admiral Lucky.

BIG???MOM, if you call me just to talk nonsense to me, then I don???t have the time to spend time with you, you should go find a parrot and chat."

With that, Hailan It???s about to hang up Den Den Mushi.

But the next word Charlotte Linlin uttered stopped his hand in the air.



What does this mean?

A trace of doubt came to Ai Yin's mind, but she did not say anything.

"Snack is my family."

Hailan held the receiver to her ear again.


"So you also have a family? Hihu??Hailan!"

A lot of information is in Hailan My mind flashed.

BIG???MOMPirates is actually a more cruel Pirates than Beasts Pirates.

"Totto Land" under the rule of Charlotte Linlin is a gourmet kingdom that will never starve to death.

There are edible gourmet desserts everywhere, even the buildings and lakes are made of cream, Koala and other desserts.

In Totland, there will be countless cute delicacies shouting "eat me" and "eat me" into people's mouths.

Those cute food will give people a wonderful feeling of being in Immortal Realm and dreaming of fairy tales.

It is simply wonderful!

But when a person knows how those cute foods come from, he may no longer laugh, or even feel nauseous.

Every food that smiles and shouts "eat me" is a beautiful spirit made by BIG???MOM extracting the souls of others.

speaking from a certain perspective, eating these self-conscious foods is almost equivalent to eating people.

And this is just one aspect of the cruelty of BIG???MOMPirates.

Offended Whitebeard, Beasts, Akagami, and at most ended up being blown up and killed.

If you offend BIG???MOM, it is no longer just yourself that is dangerous, but everyone close to you.

BIG???MOM likes to assassinate the opponent???s family members, or kidnap the opponent???s family members to threaten them.

There was once a Marine Vice Admiral who provokes BIG???MOMPirates. His parents were brutally killed by Pirate. For this reason, he became a hawkish general and his wife and children never dared Leave Marine Headquarters for a half step.

Because of her identity, only a Captain's Ayin did not know the characteristics of BIG???MOMPirates, so she looked confused, but with the G5 branch hitting BIG???MOMPirates, she worked here. Ayn will soon learn about Pirates and BIG???MOM.

Perhaps seeing the expression of Hai Lan imitated by Den Den Mushi, the BIG??MOM on the other side suddenly laughed.

Hailan also laughed: "BIG???MOM, then you mean, who is in my family?

Zephyr? Garp? Crane? Or Sengoku? Huh? "

What is the relationship between Hailan and Ai Yin?

It's okay!

In the eyes of others, it is just that Ai Yin Captain likes Hailan Vice Admiral, and he has not succeeded in catching it.


Hailan is just Lilith???s Sensei.

Sensei and Master are completely different concepts.

Lilith can be taught by Zephyr and Momousagi while using Hailan as a Sensei.

Master Master, the word "father" in it is not casual, one day as a master is a father for life, a responsible Master generally teaches d??sciple as a biological child; and d??sciple has a Master It also recognizes other people as Masters. This is called deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors.

The relationship between Hailan and Lilith is far less complicated, he is just a Sensei.

Hailan???s family, there are only those Marine veterans.

Charlotte Linlin was asked by Hailan for a while. She was silent for a long time before she grinned and said with a smile: "Xiuhu, don???t be proud, I remember you still have a younger sister. It's called... Koala, right?"

Hailan still keeps smiling, and can't see the joy, anger, sadness and happiness: "BIG???MOM, you know so much."


Charlotte Linlin smiled even more happily: "Are you ready to meet the anger of the Charlotte Family? Hihu, I will always remember that you offended the man named BIG???MOM on this sea Emperor Pirate!"


Ai Yin could hear it in the mist.

But looking at the changes in the expressions of Den Den Mushi and Hai Lan, and combining some of the key information in the dialogue between the two, Ai Yin can feel that this is not a trivial matter.

"Charlotte Linlin, I used to respect you as a Pirate emperor. I think you can sit in this position and you can be regarded as a capable person, but now it seems that I really look down on you more and more."

"What did you say?"

Hailan's tone was mixed with unabashed sarcasm, and the sarcasm sounded like a blade in the heart of BIG??MOM.

"Intimidation is the lowest means, it is the performance of strong in appearance but weak in reality!

What style do you have to make it happen, I will accompany you. Play to the end!"

"Tell me again..."


Den Den Mushi closed his eyes and the receiver was Hailan put it back on its back.


Ai Yin didn't know what to say.

Hailan calmed down and exhaled a breath of air, "Ayin, I have to go back to the headquarters, and I will leave things here to you and Wagner for the time being. Please ask Momousagi Vice Admiral for major events."


Ai Yin complied, hesitated for a moment and asked: "Will the last time Zephyr-sensei was attacked..."

Hailan shook the head: "It shouldn't be. At that time, my dad and I didn't have a relationship with BIG???MOM. Besides, if it was her, then she shouldn't call me this time. Just do it."

"Will Zephyr-sensei..."

"Don't worry about this, he is very strong now, he wants to assassinate him At the very least, I have to send a Yonko-level assassin. Charlotte Family does not have this ability."

"That's what I said."

"I'm leaving, you guys are also in G5 Be careful."

"I will take care of myself."


Marine Headquarters.

"I'm big!"

Chopper roared strangely and kicked a baboon across from him.

Hailan sometimes wonders if Chopper???s idol is Li small dragon......

"It???s so boring."

Sitting on the edge of the trestle, Koala dangled a pair of pure white feet, constantly drawing water lines.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

A baboon ran up to Koala, holding a strange thing that kept shouting in his hand.

"Monkey two, what is this?"

Monkey two is the name of this baboon, UU reading was knocked over by Chopper.

Hailan originally planned to call them Brother Hou and Monkey Brother.

"Oh oh oh oh oh..."

"Forget it, let me see for myself."

Koala took the strange thing in his hand: "This Isn???t it a pipa? My god, pipa can still talk? Did you eat Zoan???s Devil Fruit?"

"You hateful woman hurry up and let me go, otherwise..."

"Hello, Miss Pipa."

"Otherwise...otherwise...that...that...Hello, beautiful lady."

"It smells so good!"

Not far away, Chopper showed an expression of enjoyment.

His nose has been easily captured by an invisible smell of barbecue.

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