Sea Calendar 1516, October.

New World, Iron Ore Island, World Government Steam Steel Plant.

"Tom Technician, I have two pieces of news about you here, one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Fishman shipbuilder Tom issho heartily : "Of course the loud man must listen to the good news first."

"Your Head Disciple Ace Bagu has successfully run for the mayor of Water 7, and the World Government has approved him as mayor. !"

"Ace Bagu Na brat is really promising!"

Hearing this, Tom smiled happily. He always felt that the steady Ace Bagu would have one Fan as.

"Now there is only one message left, no matter what it is, the most resounding man will accept it!"

"Uh... the second message is your second disciple Katy Fram (Franky) opened a shipbreaking plant..."


Tom was shocked when he heard this.

In his memory, Fram’s stupid brat is the most favorite shipbuilding. Why did he open a shipbreaking plant?

It's a pity that he is now in the body of sin, so he can't leave this steam steel factory casually.

The establishment of a "sea train" for the World Government previously offset his crime of creating a Pirate Ship for Pirate King Gol·d·Roger.

Just as the World Government judge was about to acquit Tom, Spandam framed Tom’s dísciple Katy Fram.

In order to save Fram, Tom used the credit for building a sea train to cover Fram's crime, and he was arrested on Judicial Island.

By chance, Hailan convinced Gorosei to save Tom's life, so Tom was sent here to develop steam technology.

The steam steel plant has long been successfully developed by Tom.

Later, at the suggestion of Hailan, Tom started to develop the "buoyancy net" based on the technology of the sea train track, and obtained the great Great Accomplishment function. Now, Tom is busy building the "floating island". fortress".

The World Government promises that once the "floating island fortress" is completed,

Tom can regain his freedom.

According to Tom’s speculation, at most four years, the "Floating Island Fortress" under his command and construction will inevitably become the largest sea ship in the world!

"That brat, what the hell is happening on earth?"

After muttering, Tom shook the head, and a smile soon appeared on his face.

"Forget it, the man must have his own pursuit, let him go!"

Tom would not have thought that Katy Frahm's establishment of the "shipbreaking plant" is actually Because of him Tom himself.

Compared to Tom and Ace Bagu who like to build ordinary sea ships, Frahm prefers to build battleships.

Because of his battleship, Spandam had the opportunity to frame Fram, leading to the arrest of Mr. Tom, who was treated as father by Fram.

In Fram's view, if at first did not build these battleships by itself, Spandam would have no chance to frame himself, and Mr. Tom would not be arrested.

So, he wants to break the ship!

Remove these Myriad Evil Origin!

At this time, Ace Bagu, who is far away in Water 7, is entangled in whether to hand over the design of the ancient weapon "Dark King" to Fram for safekeeping.

He faintly felt that there seemed to be some danger lurking beside him. When did this feeling start? Probably last year...


Sea Calendar 1516, October 7th.

Marine Headquarters, residential area.

"Black Arm" Zephyr's yard is about to become a zoo...

Koala's friends gathered together.

Koala will be 17 years old in more than half a month.

According to Marine's regulations, generally speaking, a Marine student will go for an internship with a veteran at the age of 17, and formally enlist at the age of 18.

But Koala is different.

Childhood experience made Koala a premature girl.

After being rescued by Hailan and eating the fruits of music, Koala followed Zephyr's elite training camp for three years. In terms of combat experience, most elite training camp graduates are not even as good as her .

Coupled with Koala's comprehensive strength not lost to Marine Vice Admiral, and Hailan's nepotism, Koala, who is only a few days old, is 17 years old and is now a Marine Headquarters Captain.

That’s right, Hailan “abuses his authority” in this way, he opened the back door for Koala.

As for some people dissatisfied?

It's okay.

Win Koala first.

In order to fulfill the promise made last year, Hailan came to pick up Koala from New World to the g5 branch today.

After more than a year of development, the g5 branch has been rebuilt. Various fortresses and traps have been rebuilt step by step. Even Momousagi and Tokikake have been transferred to the g5 branch together. Marine’s current three Admiral candidates are all at g5. Branch.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Marine is going to make a big move in New World.

Koala dressed in military uniform turned around in front of Hailan, smiling happily: "How about Hailan, am I handsome?"

Thumbs up: "Handsome! Really handsome!"

The outfits of female officers in Marine are generally cooler.

The basic package is to wear a tight waistcoat or shirt on the upper body, a short shorts or miniskirt on the lower body, and then put on a Marine justice coat.

What's more, people simply wear a one-piece miniskirt, which is very sexy.

Regardless of the configuration, the slender white legs of the female officers must show up.

However, this is only the most common equipment, and you can change to other outfits if you don't like it. For example, the more conservative Crane staff wore long trousers from his youth.

Koala doesn't choose these. Long trousers or shorts are fine. Even short skirts don't matter to her.

But Hailan still prepared a pair of trousers for her.

In Hailan's view, although it is a woman's nature to love beauty, being a soldier is not a beauty pageant. Being a soldier is about fighting. The exposed big white legs are especially vulnerable in battle.

Koala’s black trousers are made of New World’s cannibal silk. They are extremely tough. If they fall on the ground, they can protect people’s skin from scratches, even if it’s an ordinary Marine with an ordinary steel knife in his hand could not destroy this kind of silk.

Everything is for combat service.

But of course, considering the identity of Koala girl, the style of this combat suit must not be as big as gay men, it is a more suitable design for women.

Ai Yin and Momousagi also have black combat pants of the same design.

Maybe these trousers designed for combat cannot withstand the tricks of true powerhouses, but with an extra layer of protection, there will always be an unexpected advantage at some point in the future.

"Your them......?"

Looking at Koala's friends in the yard, Hai Lan's mouth twitched a little.

Koala Issho proudly: "Of course! Only they are irreplaceable!"

Koala sits on the back of "Little Yellow Duck" Pikachu, holding "Unknown" in his arms Creature" Miss Pipa, caress the little head of the "little civet cat" Chopper next to her with her left hand. Behind her, there are two baboon monkeys 1 and 2 with long swords on their backs, giving people a special Haki. a feeling of.

Hailan, who lacks rhetoric, thought of only one adjective at this time: "Queen..."

Hearing Hailan’s admiration, Koala smiled very happily: "Don’t call me Queen, call me the king of heaven!"

"Good Queen!"

"Call me the king of heaven!"

"No problem, Queen!"

"You are the one who calls the king of heaven, and you are the one who is not called the king of heaven. Hailan, you bastard, you bully again!"

"How dare I bully Queen?"

"You still say?!"


Sea Calendar 1516, October 25th.

Today is Koala’s 17th birthday.

After finishing the day’s military affairs, Hailan and her friends organized an "adult celebration party" for Koala. The reason why Hailan did not call this time the "adult ceremony" is Because he didn't plan to engage in that many complicated forms at all.

It's just that everyone gathered together happily to celebrate Koala's birthday, and sincerely wish Koala finally adulthood.

Hailan, Koala, Ai Yin, Wagner, Buggy, Momousagi, Tokikake... everyone gathered in front of the bonfire to enjoy this rare moment of tranquility and happy time.

Always entertaining will make people drunken stupor, always busy will make people numb and crazy, the combination of work and rest is life.

Koala came to Wagner's side, Issho sweetly: "Wagner big brother, we meet again."

When she was rescued by Hailan, she had a heartbreak. Little girl, in addition to Hailan's care, Wagner's meticulous care and Buggy's funny responsibility also had a good healing effect on Koala's trauma.

Watching the thin and timid little girl grow into the slim and big girl today, Wagner was also full of emotion: "The little koala is really getting longer and more beautiful."

"I'll help you barbecue, my craft is awesome!"

"No, you are a little birthday star today. You can only enjoy our service, and you are not allowed to serve anyone."

"I'm telling you, it's not me! I was a member of Roger Pirates back then!"

Buggy, with his red nose shining rays of light under the fire, took strange steps and performed "The Clown Drunk" ", making everyone chokeful.

Everyone here knows that Buggy was born in Pirate in his early years. As for his "Roger Pirates member", everyone heard it as a joke.

"Hai Lan..."

With an arm on Hai Lan's shoulder, Tokikake came to Hai Lan's side with a glass of beer.

"What's the matter? It's also mysterious and secretive?"

Tokikake whispered: "I recently felt that Gion's little elder sister looked at me more and more wrong."


Hailan couldn't help but be surprised. Is it because the good guys get rewards, and the good guys finally moved sister Gion?

"It feels"

Hai Lan listened carefully.

"It's like killing someone..."



Co-authoring, you always moved Sister Gion, or are you driving Sister Gion crazy?

Not paying attention to the change in Hailan’s expression, Tokikake continued to whisper: "I see who...just that...that Ai Yin little elder sister seems to like you, do you have something special? Pick-up skills?"


Tokikake said to himself: "For example... For example, what are the small movements of men that women can't resist?"

Hailan suddenly felt a killing intent coming. He looked back and found that Momousagi was looking at him with a smile. He couldn't help but shivered and said with an idea: "I don't know the small movements, I know the big ones. One, a woman can't resist."

Tokikake was a little excited: "Oh? What big action?"

Hailan slowed down and spoke clearly: "Hold your right hand tightly." The fist waved fiercely, hitting between the ears of the chin."

Tokikake couldn't help but froze: "Huh?"

Taking advantage of Tokikake's stunned skills, Hailan hurriedly left Tokikake's side.

Very good, the feeling of being targeted by the killing intent is gone.

"Clench your right fist and wave your hand violently, hitting between the ears of the chin?"

After a long time, the half-drunk Tokikake came back to his senses: "You are not beating People? Not to mention women can't resist, men can't resist either!"


Sea Calendar 1516, November 2nd.

In the "Port of Leviathan" of the g5 branch, Koala blue's pupils meet Leviathan's three pairs of eyes.

Leviathan port does not flow Battleship, it is only responsible for the docking of Leviathan, it is an area opened up after the reconstruction of the G5 branch.


Leviathan, who had been in peace with Koala, suddenly plunged into the sea water, agitated a large splash of water, and poured Koala into one on the spot. Drop soup chicken.

The drenched Devil Fruit Ability User Koala knelt down on the trestle, and the girl shouted in anger: "It's so difficult Ahhh...but I won't give up!"

Koala wants to "conquer" Leviathan, but Leviathan is the overlord of the ocean, no matter where she can conquer it casually.

Just as empress's "Mero Mero no Mi" ability is unattractive to Peak powerhouse (except for the lecherous ones), whether Koala's "music fruits" are effective is also closely related to her and the strength of the target.

At the same time.

Marine is stationed at the New World "Faust Island" Marine base.

"pu hahahaha..."

With a hearty laughter, "Hero of the Marines" and Garp the Fist actually appeared in this base.

"Card...Vice Admiral Garp?!!!"

"Why are you here?"

"Old man can go wherever he wants, isn't it? Do you still want to report to you little demon?"

"No, that's not what the subordinates mean."

"You don't need to be so scared, the old man is not angry. "

"Thanks...Thank you!"

Garp swaggered into the office and sat down on the seat that the head of the base had let out.

The base chief asked tentatively: "Mr. Garp, are you here for...?"

"Assault check, I'm here to check that thing!"


The head of the base stared wide-eyed: "That thing?!"

"Yes, it's that thing. Take me to see it. Headquarters heard that someone sold that thing privately, this But an incredible event!"

"Then please show the letter of approval written by Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

"brat! What do you mean?"

"I just follow the rules..."

"Do you doubt the old man's loyalty to Marine?"


"Little demon, when the old man and Sengoku brat were drinking and chasing Pirate, you brat didn't know where to cry, dare you doubt the old man?"



An Iron Fist hit, and the head of the base caught off guard fainted.

"Love who and who, love who and who, old man is just a thump!"

"What to look at? Why don't you take the old man to check the safety of those things?"



"Bring Den Den Mushi, too. After confirming safety, the old man will report to the old Sengoku brat."


Passing a metal bridge, Marine led Garp to the front of a secret room.

The door of the secret room is almost the same color as the surrounding walls. If you don't look closely, it is impossible to notice that there is a door here.

The sound of the key being inserted into the keyhole and turning, can be heard, this is a very thick special alloy hidden door.

"Wait a minute, the old man will try the hardness of this thing first."

Garp's Iron Fist covering the pitch black Busoshoku Haki hits the door with a "clang" shock There was a sound, the door remained unchanged, and Garp's expression was distorted insignificantly.

"It's pretty hard, you did good, I will report these craftsmen to the report."

All Marines are pleased, "Thank you Mr. Garp."

"Well, UU reading www.uukā, open the door."

Garp has been carefully observing the movements of the Marines. In this normally, the old fogey of hehe haha ​​has always been I haven't been so serious, as if I want to keep all the steps of Marine in my mind.

The Marine here is not familiar with Garp, so no one has noticed the abnormality of Garp.

After turning the key and turning the mechanism several times, the door finally opened slowly.

Walking into the secret room, you can find that the surrounding three walls have been completely transformed.

There are pink regular hexagons on each wall, which look like a honeycomb from a distance.

Garp stepped forward, reached out and grabbed a metal ring hung on the hexagon, and pulled out, and a glass test tube like a kettle was pulled out by Garp.

The glass test tube is filled with pink liquid. The liquid is wrapped in an oval-shaped substance, like a strange egg of some kind of creature.

Dynamite Rock!

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