"Xiaoyu, do you really hear any weird noises?"

On the streets of the village, two dark silhouettes are in the night Going forward slowly, one of the bigger ones is not holding a little girl in his arms.

There are almost no streets in this poor place of Jianlou Village, and the only places where you can walk are streets.

The little girl named Xiaoyu explained: "I didn't hear it, but I heard it too!"

The man was so angry: "You stinky girl, Can you believe the words of Gutai?!"

Xiaoyu insisted: "Why can't you believe it, Gutai is the girl's best friend!"

Quatai...actually it is A toad...

The woman's voice sounded: "Fly, don't blame Xiaoyu. What if it's the Pirate or the warrior in Boluo Town? We'd better be careful."


"Are you looking for me?"


I heard a strange voice ringing beside me, a little named Xiaoyu The girl was so scared that she yelled.

The man and the woman immediately became vigilant, but no matter they looked left or right, they couldn't find the owner of the voice.

"Who is it? Come out for me!"

Hai Lan appeared in the dark directly: "Who am I? It turns out to be you two, you two Okay, Great Heavenly Dog, Ahe."

A woman named "Crane" who looks and "Sleep" Kyoshiro belongs to the same style of painting, covered her mouth and whispered: "Original... It was day... …"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am now, I have a single name, and my full name is Shiranui·Kage."

The large-bodied man whispered: "hmph! Shiranui·Kage? I remembered it, but trouble you to remember my name, I am not a great Heavenly Dog, my name is Heavenly Dog Mountain·Fei!"

Hailan nodded: "Fly, right? Heavenly Dog Mountain·Fly, very good, I remember.

Is this little girl your child?"

He hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Don’t mess up. Speaking, the little girl is a married woman! Xiaoyu was picked up by Master Fei."


The reason why Hailan appeared directly, It's because when he had trouble with Kizaru a few years ago, he helped Fly's hometown "Biankasa Village" and Aharu's hometown "Gang Leak Village".

At that time, the people in these two villages were almost hungry and walking dead. It was Hailan who caught a few big fish and solved the food crisis in the village.

Although it only alleviated the temporary urgency and did not solve the problem fundamentally, the kindness is kindness, and Fei and Ahe have written it down.

Hai Lan looked at Fei's waist, where there was a brand new knife.

It seems that after taking away his second-generation Ghost Toru himself, he rebuilt a new knife for himself.

Relying on the intuition of the great swordsman, Hailan feels that this blacksmith's new knife is probably only at the level of "Yuikiri Fifty Workers", and it is not a demon sword. The attribute is far worse than the second-generation ghost. many.

There is no doubt about the forging level of Heavenly Dog Shanfei, who is from the "Blacksmith" family. He doesn't even have an O Wazamono quality sword now. It can only be said that he does not have the materials to make O Wazamono here. Bar.

"My lord!"

Different from Heavenly Dog Shanfei, who blows his beard and stares when he sees Hailan because he was taken away by Hailan from the second generation of ghosts. The gaze towards Hai Lan was full of eagerness.

As soon as she spoke, Hai Lan knew what she wanted to say.

He waved his hand to stop what Ahe was about to say, and took the initiative to say: "You want food to help the poor, right? Yes, I brought it, but you have to arrange it for me first. I don’t want to be discovered by Pirate or the warrior."

Ahe was ecstatic: "I understand, I will arrange it."


Hai Lan pointed at Heavenly Dog Shan Fei: "Let him go!"


The weird man with a one-meter long nose was taken aback. Then snorted: "Go! Xiaoyu, let's go!"

"Then...who is that warrior?"

Lying on Fei's shoulder, Xiaoyu desperately wanted Look at the appearance of Qing Hailan.

"Leave it alone.


"He said he wanted to give us food, is it true or not?"


Since she was born, Xiaoyu didn’t know what it was like to be full, and her eyes were full of small stars: "God, is he a hero sent from heaven?"

"You Why are there so many words? Remember, the thing that I don’t know that Naruto appeared here can never be said to anyone, anyone!"

The little girl who seems to be only two or three years old hardly nodded: "The little girl remembers I won’t tell you if the little girl died!"

Hai Lan insists on sending Heavenly Dog to fly to the mountain. The reason is simple: who wants to see a person with a beard blowing and staring in front of him? Swing around.

Although Fei’s eyes were wrong because he took away his second-generation ghost, but that’s his own fault, who made him pull him like two to eighty thousand when he showed up. of?

If Heavenly Dog Shanfei could be polite to Hailan, Hailan would never teach this blacksmith.

"You come with me."

Hai Lan took Ahe back to the wood house where he held Oiran Sakino.

In the room, in order to prevent Sakino from escaping, Hailan locked her in the "Aurora Prison".

Each Aurora railing was covered with sparkling electric arcs. Not to mention that Sakino ran away, she didn't even dare to try.

This convenient "Aurora Prison" also has its shortcomings, that is, Hailan can't go too far away, and Hailan needs to inject energy into it every once in a while.

After all, this is not a cultivation world. Devil Fruit’s ability is not mana. Of course, Hailan is impossible to draw a circle like Sun Wukong to resist demons and ghosts.

After Hailan returned to the wood house, he successfully lifted the aurora prison around Sakino.

Ahe looked confused: "Master Ying, what are you taking me here for?"

"You can open teahouses in Diluo Town and Boluo Town at the same time, which shows that you should Can you learn a lot about Beasts Pirates and Heitan Shogun Orochi?"

"Of course."

"I caught a woman tonight. I always feel like this woman There are many secrets in him."

"Which woman?"

"It's her."

Ahe followed Hailan’s finger and looked over, his eyes And his mouth suddenly opened up.

"This, this, this..."

With a sound of "pu pass", Ahe actually knelt down in front of Sakino, "Light...Sakino, Mrs. Fu!"


He almost missed the word, and Ahe hurriedly changed his words.

But Hailan still caught her lost self-control: "Do you know this woman?"

"Of course, she is the only oiran in Wano Country!"

Hai Lan looked cold: "A trifling oiran, will make a woman like you kneel down? A Tsuru, if you intend to hide the truth from me, then we will not be friends."

Ahe kowtow, not knowing what to do: "I, I, I..."

Sakino said in surprise: "Are you friends?"

" Mr. Sakino, it’s like this. Thanks to this master Shiranui, during the famine many years ago, many more people survived in Bianli Village and Jianshi Village."

Ah. Crane hurriedly read Hailan's good to Sakino.

Hai Lan didn’t let her mention it, such as "Zhou Hu", she didn’t say a word, and Hai Lan hadn’t mentioned anything, Ahe was all shaken out, and it was all good things about Hai Lan. It was as if I was afraid that Sakino would not know that Hailan was the benefactor of these two villages.

Ahe knew that the matter had reached this step, and some secrets could no longer be kept, but she couldn't say it casually, she was waiting for Sakino's approval.

"Tsuru, what you said is true? This Shiranui·Kage...does he really dare to fight with Beasts Pirates and Shogun Orochi at the same time?"

I'm almost anxious: "Of course it's true!"

Sakino looked towards Hai Lan.

Her eyes are extremely complicated.

There are grievances, unwillingness, anger, surprise... It even seems to be mixed with some expectations and gratitude.

Suddenly, Dr. Sakino bowed down in front of Hailan, prostrate oneself in admiration: "Master Ying, please save the country of peace!"

Ahe also followed Kneeled down.


Hai Lan's mind is full of question marks.

Two women in one scene?

What the hell is happening?

This happened too suddenly!

"What the hell is going on with you?"

"Please save the country of peace!"

"You two, get up first... "

"If you don't agree to the little girl, the little girl will kneel and die here!"

"Then I'm leaving..."


Sakino, who was kneeling on the ground, let out an exclamation, slammed on Hailan's body like a puppy, and hugged Hailan's arm.

"Say things in advance!"

After a while, Sakino and Ahe's emotions finally stabilized.

"Miss, why are your clothes tattered?"

Sakino's face flushed upon hearing Crane's doubts: "I was caught by...I was caught by Master Ying... Ah no, I was scratched by a tree branch on the road when I was rescued."


Ahe will be suspicious.

Hai Lan remained silent.

Ahe found a stool in the ruined house and moved it behind Sakino, wiped it clean and asked her to sit down, and stood behind Sakino like a servant.

"Actually, my name is Kozuki Hiyori......"

First, Sakino looked towards Hailan who was sitting opposite her.

For some reason, looking at Sakino's current appearance, Hailan feels that this woman's Essence, Qi, and Spirit are different, as if she is the real side of her now.

Bright red lips, smooth long hair, bright and intelligent big eyes... The appearance is still the same, but the temperament has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Seeing Hailan staring at herself intently, Sakino, or Hiyori's eyes flickered and couldn't help but look aside. He was actually shy by Hailan's staring.

I don’t know if it’s real or pretending to be.

The reason why Hailan carefully examined Kozuki Hiyori, this change in femininity is only a small part of the reason, the real focus is actually on Hailan itself.

The system data of Hailan is as follows

Identity: Hailan

Perception: Lv10

Calculation: Lv11

Whether it is perception or calculation, from Lv9 to Lv10, Hailan has exercised himself.

So when the computing power was mentioned by the System to Lv11, the retested System was given the Hailan skill [Soul Stripping].

In the column of "skills proficiency", there are only Haoshoku Haki and Busoshoku Haki, and no Kenbunshoku Haki. That is because "perception" itself will have an impact on Kenbunshoku Haki.

After relying on her own efforts to increase her "perception" to Lv10, Hailan has always felt that if her perceived Rank reaches Lv11, her Kenbunshoku Haki will undergo a Heaven and Earth turning upside down change. , I am very likely to awaken "High-level Kenbunshoku"!

Like the other two Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki is also divided into three ranks: beginner, intermediate, and high.

Beginner Kenbunshoku: Just like "Coby" in the anime, Skypiea's little girl "Aisha", they will have a dangerous feeling in the dark, as if there is danger everywhere, This kind of feeling will scare them shiver coldly, and the performance is that they are very courageous.

Intermediate Kenbunshoku: Able to use Kenbunshoku Haki for perception.

Whether it is the "Dark King" Rayleigh with a large range of perception, or other Kenbunshoku Haki proficients, they all belong to the mid-level Kenbunshoku.

Just like Busoshoku Haki, whether it’s Marine Captain or the hero Garp, as long as they don’t use "outside play" skills, they are all mid-level Busoshoku, just because everyone’s physique is different, there will be strength s difference.

High-end Kenbunshoku: There are two development directions, one is the same "mind reading" as Red the Aloof and Queen Otohime; the other is the same "foreseeing the future" as Charlotte Katakuri.

("Listen to the Voice of All Things" official information is not enough for the time being, I don't know if it is Kenbunshoku Haki or D's bloodline ability)

"Mind reading" is more difficult than "foreseeing the future" Do it.

"Foreseeing the future" can be achieved by continuously exercising Kenbunshoku Haki. Katakuri is like this. Rayleigh also knows the Kenbunshoku Haki powerhouse, who also strives to reach the level of "foreseeing the future". He said he is not younger than himself. Katakuri, who was thirty years old.

Different from the "foreseeing the future" that can be achieved by working hard, there are only two people on the ocean who can "read the mind", that is, Red the Aloof and Queen Otohime, and the two of them Mind reading ability is born!

No one has ever achieved the level of "mind reading" through "exercise".

This is very hopeless.

The most frustrating thing in the world is not that the goal you want is far from the top of the mountain, but that you are simply not qualified to move towards that goal and work hard.

I don’t know if it’s because of System. UU read www. uukanshu. com Hailan has a faint feeling that if his "perception" ability reaches Lv11, then he is likely to awaken the "mind reading" ability.

Because after the "perception" ability reached Lv10, after more than a year of training, Hailan has been able to use Kenbunshoku Haki to judge whether a person is lying to himself.

Isn’t "Lie Detection" the prerequisite skill of "Mind Reading"?

Just to detect whether the other party is lying, Hailan must pay a high degree of concentration with Kenbunshoku Haki to perceive the target. Under normal conditions, he cannot detect lies, so he will stare at Hiyori intently.

Kozuki Hiyori, who was staring uncomfortably by Hailan, tentatively asked: "My lord...Shadow lord..."

"It's okay...I'm listening, you continue Say."

"Don’t keep looking at me like that...I’m a little...a little..."

"Isn’t it polite to look at each other’s eyes while chatting? Is it?"

Although this is the case, when you really talk, most people are looking at the triangle between the other’s eyebrows and nose, so that it looks like you’re looking at the other’s eyes. There is almost no difference in his eyes.

Because it is really embarrassing if the eyes of two people keep facing each other, and it is not impossible to laugh...


Hiyori is getting more and more urgent, but it's in Hailan's arms.

The more upset the target's mentality is, the easier it is for him to see through the lies.

Lying is also an art!

Hiyori's heart can't help but sighed...spelled it!

She tried her best to meet Hai Lan's gaze.

Fortunately... At least this Shiranui·Kage looked towards his eyes, and there is no awkward feeling of those disgusting men who covet their beauty.

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