In order to be able to hit " Xuanyue Hunter" Catalina with a single blow, Hailan had already made full preparations in advance.

He has a [Perception Barrier] that can shield Kenbunshoku Haki. Except for Dorag, which can control airflow, and Issho, which can manipulate gravity, anyone is imperceptible to the exact position of Hailan.

But this does not mean that Hailan can appear and disappear unpredictably do as one pleases to assassinate the target, because [Perception Barrier] can only shield others’ perception of themselves, but not the target’s intuition about the crisis .

Even if the target does not know the specific location of Hailan, once the unreasonable panic and nervousness arise in his heart, the target will inevitably take precautions against unknown dangers in advance, which greatly reduces Hailan. Chance of hitting.

In order not to be noticed by the target, Hailan who has [King's Heart] will adjust her mentality in advance so that she will not have the slightest killing intent on the target.

Without a killing intent, the target will not be like a man on the back. Even if a killing intent leaks out, as long as the target of the killing intent is not the target in the plan, the target will naturally not feel panic.

It’s like just a glance, Kaido of the Beasts can stun an ordinary people, but if Kaido of the Beasts is fighting Whitebeard, then as long as you don’t get hurt by the aftermath of their battle, Ordinary people can also comment on the battle of these two people with a smile instead of being scared to the point of shivering.

After using electromagnetic waves to determine the location of Katerina, Hailan focused her attention within a range of about one meter behind Katerina, and his target was behind Katerina. The chair, or the dining table, has never been Katerina.

So when Hai Lan appeared in the room instantly, he just appeared behind Katerina, and did not directly attack Katerina immediately.

When Hailan came within the range of his calculations, the calmness of [King's Heart] and the control ability of [calculation] made him move the target of the sword almost without stopping like a peer of the cloud and flowing water. Catalina's body.

So the moment Hailan broke into the room, Katerina suddenly had a sense of urgency like a glow.

She has responded in time, but it is a pity that her speed and Haki intensity are not enough compared to Hailan.

The soul in Hailan's hand drew a sharp arc in the air.

With just one stab, Catalina instinctively blocked Hailan's right arm and Hailan easily cut it off.


The attendants sent by Kurozumi Orochi are still smiling warmly,

forming a strong contrast with the atmosphere of the room.

It’s not that he was frightened by this sudden scene, but that his reaction couldn’t keep up with the sudden change of the room inner Qi atmosphere. The thinking in his mind still stayed at Catalina being attracted by treasure and agreeing to Shogun. The moment before Orochi performed Devil Fruit's ability.

An arm full of jewels and a skin complexion like white paper flew high. Catalina would never have thought that her arm would be cut off by an unknown enemy like this. .

If it is a head-to-head confrontation, although there is still a distance between Catalina and Marine Headquarter, it is still possible to fight for a few rounds and hold for more than ten minutes and half an hour.

In this kind of mental arithmetic and unintentional situation, Hailan can kill Catalina in a flash.

If it weren't for the purpose of keeping Catalina's life and asking where the Dynamite Rock was hiding, Hailan could have cut off the head of the Xuanyue Hunter with a single sword just now.

Without making a scream, Catalina adjusted her balance in an instant and met Hai Lan's gaze.

It's not how strong this woman is, but she simply doesn't dare to cry.

At this critical juncture of life and death, if pain is involved in energy, waiting for the end of oneself will only be a complete failure.


Catalina recognized Hailan's identity at a glance, her eyes were full of surprise, incomprehension, and...fear.

If possible, Catalina really doesn't want to fight this day tiger. After all, the day tiger is a ruthless person who can face Kaido of the Beasts.

In order to avoid harming "Xiaoqing", Hailan at this time is not dressed as a warrior of "Shiranui·Kage", but dressed in casual clothes in the castle body protection symbol, so Catalina You can recognize him at a glance.

The food Hailan gave to the villagers in the Leakage Village and Bianli Village was also brought from the castle.

Katerina had already given up her plan to attack Hailan immediately in her heart. She just wanted to delay the time until she could wait for the Kurozumi Orochi.

After Hailan slashed Katerina's right arm, apart from anything else, she raised her hand and stabbed Katerina's shoulder with a single knife.

Just cut off Catalina's right arm, and now Hailan is stabling Catalina's left shoulder. He intends to completely abolish this female Pirate's battle strength.

"Don't underestimate the old lady, Marine!!!"

Catalina roared hysterically, looking like an incompetent and furious shrew.

But Hai Lan immediately realized his mistake, an invisible energy fluctuation instantly rushed into Hai Lan's mind, rushing his mind into a trance.

Catalina’s this move is much stronger than Haoshoku Haki’s effect. Hailan speculates that only Akagami’s Haoshoku Haki can barely reach a higher level.

It's just that Hailan can clearly feel that Catalina is definitely not using Haoshoku Haki, because this imposing manner can't give people a domineering feeling at all, but it is full of weirdness.

"Attacks from the Spirit Element?"

Hailan frowned.

Reminiscent of the opponent's "Nine-tailed Fox Fruit" ability, Hai Lan knew it well.

The Devil Fruit of Mythical Type has a variety of incredible abilities. The legendary Nine-tailed Fox has multiple abilities such as "transformation" and "charm", among which "charm" is a kind of Spirit Attack.

It’s a pity that the Devil Fruit illustration book is not omnipotent. The Nine-tailed Fox fruit only mentions the name in the illustration book. There is basically no detailed information. Otherwise, Hailan can do more research and do a good job of targeting this woman in advance get ready.

Hailan has experienced the baptism of empress "Mero Mero no Mi" and Koala "music fruit". He is immune to the influence of most mental abilities. Nine-tailed Fox fruit wants to charm Hailan. impossible.

Catalina also seems to clearly understand that she is impossible to fascinate the powerhouse of the day tiger level, so she simply did not use any skills, just simply maximize her mental ability, fiercely impact Hai Lan's mind was once again.

Fortunately, her judgment was correct, and the action of the tiger on the opposite side was obviously slowed down.

Take advantage of the trance of the opponent to kill him!

Stop kidding!

Catalina didn't have such stupid thoughts. Her silhouette disappeared in the room instantly, and she didn't even have the guts to pick up her broken arm.

Fortunately, her judgment is correct again.

At the next moment when Katerina left the room, Hailan's thinking became clear.

If Catalina had just killed Hailan, then she would not be able to escape the fate of being defeated by Hailan now.

"Where is Marine?!"

Hearing Katarina's previous shouts, the warriors and ninjas in the General's Residence started to take action.

For Kazuki, World Government is not an organization that dominates righteousness, but its hostile country. In their eyes, Marine is completely the enemy’s army, and Marine appears in Kazuki. The country is no longer something illegal, but an "invasion"!

"Protect Sakino!"

Kurozumi Orochi loudly roared, and has never forgotten to take care of his dream girl.

But he simply didn't know that this Marine was brought by his Goddess Sakino, and he didn't even know that Sakino was his enemy Kozuki Oden's biological daughter Kozuki Hiyori.

"General, you can go with peace of mind. Mr. Sakino will leave it to me for protection and ensure that there is nothing wrong."

"Sleep" Kyoshiro smiled gloomily.

The man with narrow eyes puns, "You can go with ease" seems to be mixed with other meanings.

Kurozumi Orochi, unaware of Kyoshiro's subtle tone, has rushed in the direction of the sound.


After that damn Kozuki family was executed, the force he hated most in his life was Marine.

Last time the two Marines disturbed his General's Residence. This time he must make these pesky Marines unable to eat.

"Katrina, how could you be so miserable?"

I saw the hunter Xuanyue who lost an arm, and the two volley six who came to the General's Residence with her for a banquet. Shocked inexplicably.

"Six Volleys" have always been full of six people.

Although Hailan killed the "Wind God Wing Dragon" Keim in Hezhi Country, the "Six Volleys" are actually the six strongest "Taizhu" of Beasts Pirates, and one of them died. It's just fine to make up the position, as long as the pillar is not dead, the six volleys will not disappear.

When a more powerful newbie joins Pirates, the original sixth volley may even be expelled due to lack of strength. For example, Catalina now relies on her "Mythical Type" feature. Yue became the second person among the six volleys.

Volley Six is ​​a mechanism of "competition for employment".

"It's the day tiger, the day tiger is here!!"

Catalina's facial features are twisted together, perhaps because of fear, or because of the pain of a broken arm.

"That day tiger?!"

The expressions of the two volley six immediately became highly nervous.

They have already experienced the power of day tigers.

Back then, the opponent took advantage of Devil Fruit to kill one after six-on-one. Now, according to those companions who failed to attack the Marine G5 branch, they reported that UU reading that day tiger has grown. When they can fight Kaido-sama back and forth, how can they not be nervous.

"Gather together, don't separate, and don't provocatively provoke Niuhu!"

The six volleys gathered the members of Beasts Pirates. As for Orochi's subordinates, listen If you don't listen to suggestions, then they are beyond their control.

The blade light flashed past, and the wall of the castle tower was split open by Hailan.

Seeing the countless experts in the hall, Hai Lan's eyes showed the greedy eyes of a hungry tiger when he met a sheep.

The slashing of Katrina's arm just now made Hailan realize the opportunity for the evolution of the soul-tempering by slashing the soul of the powerhouse!

There are many powerhouses in the country of Wazaki. This country is a headache for Marine and even the World Government.

In this brief moment, Hailan is not sad but happy.

Expert Rulin's Hezhi Country is simply the most suitable hunting ground for tempering souls.

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