The country of harmony , the island of ghosts, the base camp of Beasts Pirates.

"What? You mean that Zhouhu went to the country of Hezhi to make trouble?"

Soon after Hailan appeared, the news was passed to Kaido, "the beasts" .

Hailan did not deliberately conceal his identity, and there is no need to conceal it.

If you want to act wilfully in the country of Harmony, Devil Fruit's ability must be hidden.

In this sea, Devil Fruit’s ability is often tied to one person, just like Whitebeard is the first person to think of when talking about concussion ability. Once Hailan uses the Aurora Fruit Ability, people will soon see through the identity of his "Day Tiger" Hailan, and there is no point in concealing it.

"Where is that day tiger now?"

Kaido of the Beasts squinted, and a pair of nostrils exhales heat continuously like bulls.

This Zhouhu, if he didn't bother him, he actually came to the country of Hezhi and made trouble for himself. Isn't he putting himself in his eyes now?

Kaido of the Beasts was furious when he thought of the war that attacked the Marine G5 branch.

At that time, Beasts Pirates clearly hoped to beat the G5 branch, but I don’t know where a Leviathan came out, which completely attracted my attention and made myself addicted to peace. The duel between the Vitans forgot the original intention of Beasts Pirates.

When I repelled the Leviathan, it was already more than ten days later, and the war in the Marine G5 branch was over.

Fortunately, the brat Jhin made a decisive decision to withdraw from that war, otherwise Beasts Pirates would suffer a terrible loss.

I heard that Charlotte Snack, the son of Charlotte Linlin, was killed by Shura?

After so long, why didn't you see the old lady doing anything?

What a shame!

No wonder Zhouhu, Marine little demon, is getting more and more arrogant now.

He is swollen!

Does he think that Beasts Pirates is as good as BIG・MOMPirates?

I must teach him a lesson today!

Kaido of the Beasts temperamental ,

The members of Beasts Pirates have long been used to it.

Nevertheless, when Kaido is furious, most of Pirate still dare not communicate with Kaido.

A pillar replied boldly: "I heard that it is in the Shogun Orochi Mansion, the capital of flowers."

The loud Dragon's roar is deafening, and Kaido of the Beasts soars into the sky.

There is no doubt that the destination of Kaido's flight must be the flower capital where the day tiger is located.


The country of Hezhi, the capital of flowers, the castle tower.

"Do you really think this General can't do anything with you?"

Shogun Orochi, the black charcoal who turned into Yaki Orochi, looked at Hailan who was frozen into ice sculpture in front of him. Smiled triumphantly.

The legendary Demon Yaki Orochi possesses the ability to destroy heaven extinguishing earth. As a Zoan ・Mythical Type Devil Fruit Ability User, Kurozumi Orochi is impossible to possess the Yaki Orochi in the story. Abilities, but his abilities are also known for being weird and changeable.

Venom, curse, air-conditioning, Kurozumi Orochi has already used 3 types of completely different abilities in just one confrontation.

"Look, that Marine will never be easily defeated like this."

Kyoshiro unfathomable mystery, who protects the "sleep" in front of Kozuki Hiyori, said a word He seemed to be talking to himself, but he was actually explaining for Sakino beside him.

A cold sweat formed on Kozuki Hiyori's forehead. She really couldn't guess why this Kyoshiro kept helping herself.

Kozuki Hiyori, who has lived in Kyoshiro’s mansion for a long time, has not yet figured out the true identity of Kyoshiro. Is he a former retainer of Sir Father?

But it depends on his attitude towards himself over the years... How is it like a retainer's attitude towards Princess?

"What do you mean?"

Kurozumi Orochi also heard Kyoshiro's voice.

As soon as his doubts were raised, the ice sculpture in front of him made a crisp sound.

A few cracks were generated around the ice sculpture and spread quickly to the surroundings, like a densely packed spider web.

Only two seconds passed from the beginning of the crack, and with the sound of "oh la la" like breaking glass, the ice that tightly wrapped Hailan shattered into the sky on the spot. Ice crystals.

"It’s so ugly, just like a donkey screaming!"

"What did you say..."

Kurozumi Orochi hasn’t finished speaking yet, like The emerald-like soul of the faint green fluorescence has been cut fiercely on one of Kurozumi Orochi's neck.

The speed of Hailan's knife has reached a limit, Kurozumi Orochi even Busoshoku Haki has not had time to make it, the blade of the soul has already deeply cut into Orochi's flesh and blood.

blood splashed.

A snake head that is terrifying like a Demon in the eyes of the weak and as funny as a stupid donkey in the eyes of a powerhouse, whirls and flies high under the inertia of Kurozumi Orochi's dodge.

"hong long!"

The huge snake head hit and collapsed a shoji door without accident.

But what is really chilling is that the doors, tables and chairs contaminated by the blood flowing from the snake's heads melted quickly as if they were corroded, and plumes of blue smoke were in the room. It spreads inside.

"Back, back!"

Kyoshiro's expression can no longer remain calm.

That Marine actually cut off a snake head of Kurozumi Orochi, Kurozumi Orochi is going crazy.

If he is alone facing Kurozumi Orochi who is mad, he still has the confidence to escape.

But if you want to protect Sakino, once Kurozumi Orochi starts to attack indiscriminately, he cannot guarantee that Sakino will not be harmed.

Kozuki Hiyori was even more frightened by the snake head that fell on the floor in front of him.

The snake head of that Shogun Orochi, but her father, the famous warrior of Wano country and the world-famous great swordsman Kozuki Oden, could not be cut off.

If father had this power back then, the country of Wano might not be taken away by Shogun Orochi.

Kozuki Hiyori now has no way to remain calm, she can hardly even pretend to look like a weak oiran.

"Follow me first!"

Kozuki Hiyori did not come back to his senses until he heard Kyoshiro's reminder.

She can see clearly that this "sleeping" Lord Kyoshiro who has always been fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth seems to have been stimulated in some way.

Kyoshiro knew in his heart that he himself could not cut off Kurozumi Orochi's head.

Seeing Kurozumi Orochi's embarrassed appearance, Hailan sneered: "Born in sorrow and died in happiness, it seems that this principle applies everywhere."

If Kurozumi Orochi Always spare no effort, Hailan is simply impossible to cut off Orochi's head so easily.

After Kurozumi Orochi froze Hailan into an ice sculpture, he thought he had a chance to win. He relaxed his mind and his nerves even more.

Since the eradication of the Kozuki clan and becoming the ruler of the Wano Country, Kurozumi Orochi's life over the years has been so smooth.

Except for Kaido of the Beasts, he has hardly come into contact with the second powerhouse of this level. He has long forgotten how dangerous and terrifying the true powerhouse is.

Hailan taught him a good lesson this time.

With Hailan's current strength, let alone Kurozumi Orochi's air-conditioning, even the precognition will not freeze him for too long.

You don't even need to use Devil Fruit's ability, relying only on Haki and strength, Hailan can shatter the ice around him.

Kurozumi Orochi's vigilance rose again when the cobweb-like cracks appeared in Hailan's body, but Hailan's "donkey call" stimulated his emotions again.

Come and go.

Hailan's knife was swift and thunderous, and Kurozumi Orochi was caught off guard before he cut off his head with a knife.

"I want you to die!"

I don't know what it is, the snake body from which Kurozumi Orochi's head was cut off by Hai Lan re-grows even though it hasn't been opened. A head, but the wound is no longer bleeding out of blood.

With a loud shout, and the seven snake heads are fully fired, Kurozumi Orochi madly pours all kinds of incredible abilities towards Hai Lan.

I don’t know if it’s because of Devil Fruit’s ability blessing that Kurozumi Orochi’s soul is particularly strong.

Hailan does not have the ability of BIG・MOM to observe the strength of the soul, but he can clearly feel that after cutting off a head of Kurozumi Orochi, the soul in his hand is extremely excited.

This is the excitement of the hunter when he meets the prey of the year for something even in dreams.

Finally met Kurozumi Orochi such a whetstone, Hailan's silhouette flickered, and the mad Kurozumi Orochi was once again fighting together.

Kozuki Hiyori, who was taken away by Kyoshiro, asked: "Where are you taking me?"

"Go home!"

Including Katerina in The three volleys inside are running at full speed: "Quick retreat, we can't participate in this level of battle."

I don't know how long it has passed.

The three volley six finally left the castle tower of Kurozumi Orochi and came to the streets of the Flower City.

But before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, a silhouette that appeared oncoming made their mood drop to the bottom.

"Where do you want to go in such a hurry?"

It is Hailan.

It was only an unexpected joy for Hailan to discover the opportunity for the evolution of Soulsoul. He has never forgotten the true goal of his trip to the country at this time: "Xuanyue Hunter" Katerina !

The crazy Kurozumi Orochi really showed the strength that Hailan judged in his mind. From Kozuki Hiyori and the six volleys until now, he has never been able to kill Kurozumi Orochi again. A head.

But that Orochi's current appearance is not much better. His fleshy body has long been covered with stab wounds, and his soul has left countless soul wounds.

Hailan, who was covered with icy ballast, shivered.

The ice can be shattered, but the cold cannot be removed.

Kurozumi Orochi's abilities are weird and changeable. Sometimes when the opponent's style cannot be avoided, Hailan can only make a choice.

He didn't want to get the venom at all, so he could only brace oneself to resist Orochi's air-conditioning.

Fighting with Kurozumi Orochi for a long time will only suffer both sides. Hailan will accept it when he sees it. He has no plans to fight with that Orochi. This is the enemy's home court.

"Day tiger!!!"

The six volleys hate gnashing teeth.

"Can't you leave us a little way to survive?"

"When you said these things, have you ever considered those innocents who were killed to the last one by you? People?"

Before he finished speaking, Hai Lan had already raised a knife and shot out.

The dinosaur's angry voice sounded, and a volley six desperately held up Hailan's knife.

If it weren't for the powerful power and defense of his Zoan ancient species, he would be cut off by Hailan with just one face.

Even so, blood has slowly overflowed along his skin.

The bright red blood ran through the cracks of the soul shards and dropped to the ground, not a single drop could be left.

Flesh and soul have been smashed, and a little bit does not touch the body.

Six pupils shrank sharply. For some reason, he felt that his strength was weakening.

Hailan's eyes also changed, because he vaguely saw that the gap between the fragments of Soulshang seemed to be smaller.

The soul is being repaired!

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