One ​​and a half months.

First quarter moon.

A meteor fell from in the sky to the ground and collided with the ground to produce a rumbling sound.

It's not quiet in the middle of the night.

Hailan has been fighting for a day in the guerrilla warfare in the Flower City. The army of Beasts Pirates and Hezhi Country was exhausted physically and mentally, and the people in the Flower City were alarmed.

The residents of the Flower City have not experienced such a turbulent night of war for a long time. The last time was the Wano Country coup more than ten years ago.

"Damn day tiger, you came out and challenged!!!"

The roar of Kaido of the Beasts echoed in the night sky of the flower capital, and Haoshoku Haki unbridled release After opening up, everything in the Flower City is disturbed.

If Golden Lion Shiki is a man who can be eliminated, but will never be defeated.

Then Hai Lan is completely a man who can neither be destroyed nor defeated, and most people can't do anything about him.

He appears and disappears unpredictably like a ghost in every corner of the Flower City, like Death God, covering everyone's heart.

Whether it is Pirate of Beasts Pirates or Kurozumi Orochi's subordinates, once Hailan catches the opportunity, what awaits them is the slaughter with the sword.

Even the "drought" Jack, who finally rushed from the island of ghosts to the capital of flowers, was cut a few times by Hailan fiercely. If it weren't for his strong vitality, he would be early He has become Hailan's dead soul under the sword.

The other two big signs of Beasts Pirates are not here.

The Plague is looking for the explosive rock that Catalina promised to Beasts Pirates on Ross Island, and the Plague is watching the prisoners in the prison quarry.

"Report to Master Kaido that the day tiger is not here!"

The Pirates rushed to the location where the meteor fell.

The meteor just now was Hailan who was shot down by Kaido.

It's a pity that the Pirates didn't find the target here.

Kaido of the Beasts blows his beard and stares: "Keep looking!"

Kurozumi Orochi, whose head was beheaded by Hailan, has no intention of giving up.

Does the hatred of a head mean that you can put it down?

It's just that Orochi doesn't understand.

Wonokuni didn't offend the World Government this time. Why did Marine come to his own turf and desperately?

Could it be that Beasts Pirates provoke Marine?

Kurozumi Orochi, who has never heard of foreign affairs, called a subordinate: "Is there a conflict between Kaido of the Beasts and the World Government recently?"

"It is said The salamander fruit Ability User that Master Kaido liked was the undead old Joe was killed by Marine Hiruto..."


Regarding the theft of Dynamite Rock, World Government Has tried to hide it.

In addition, the intelligence capabilities of Wano Country are relatively poor, and it is normal for them to not understand the reason for a while.

The other side.

Hailan, who spit out a mouthful of blood, was hiding from the enemy in the streets of Flower City.


A voice sounded not far from Hailan, Hailan took a closer look: "Xiaoqing?"

Be Hai Kozuki Hiyori, who Lan gave the code name "Xiaoqing", eagerly said: "I will take you to a safe place."

Hailan followed, and satori didn't take a few steps.

I have come to Kyoshiro's mansion unconsciously.

Hailan frowned: "Aren't you worried about being discovered by Kyoshiro?"

Kozuki Hiyori bit clenching one's teeth and said: "Kyoshiro is not loyal to Orochi."

Hailan has heard Kozuki Hiyori talk about this matter, but he didn't expect Kyoshiro's Xiao Jiujiu to be so complicated.

"Let’s see if there are any here!"

"Oh, they are catching up, you come with me!"

Without any explanation, Kozuki Hiyori grabbed Hailan directly by the wrist and led him into Kyoshiro's mansion.

Upon entering the door, the fragrance of Youxiang assaults the senses.

Looking at the elegant and gentle layout in the room, Hailan can judge that this should be a girl’s room.

Kozuki Hiyori's boudoir?


Kozuki Hiyori stretched out a finger to signal Hailan not to make a sound.

The Pirate and the warriors outside have arrived.

"What? Did you even dare to break into my mansion? Did you get my consent?"

It was the voice of "Sleep" Kyoshiro.

"Master Kyoshiro, today's things are special, I hope you can forgive me..."

"Forgive me, do you suspect that I will collude with the enemy?"

"This General suspected that something was wrong with your brat during the day. Now I finally think of something wrong."

It is Kurozumi Orochi's voice, "You seem to be wrong from the very beginning. Did Hiruto have a knife?"

" seems to be the case..."

"You admit it?"

"I Admit what?"

"Why don't you attack Hiruto?"

"Aren't I protecting Mr. Sakino?"

" Mr. Sakino? Right. Where is Sakino? Where is the beloved Sakino of this General? Is she in danger?"

"Reporting back to Shogun Orochi, Mr. Sakino has fallen asleep."

"Talk nonsense, the candles in her room are still on!"


Kozuki Hiyori in the boudoir hurriedly blew out the candles, but she The move even aroused Kurozumi Orochi's suspicion.


Hai Lan looked at this hurried woman silently.

In fact, to avoid Kurozumi Orochi's search, Hailan doesn't need to be so troublesome at all, but he has one thing he wants to test.

Kozuki Hiyori put his index finger in front of his lips and motioned to Hailan not to make a sound.

She looked up at the hidden compartment on the roof, and quickly denied the hiding place. How could Shogun Orochi's subordinates fail to consider that location.

No way!

Kozuki Hiyori slammed inside, and directly stuffed the speechless Hailan into the quilt on his bed, and then took off his hair accessories and went in with him.


The door frame banged. Just as Kozuki Hiyori put the quilt on, Kurozumi Orochi broke in.

"Will... General?"

Sakino pinched the quilt and softly complied.

"Did you meet a thief?"

"The girl is okay."

Orochi's men searched in Kozuki Hiyori's boudoir, and they When the secret compartment on the roof was about to be opened, Kozuki Hiyori suddenly shouted: "General, what do you mean? Are you suspicious of a little girl hiding a thief?"

" is it possible, this? Why would General suspect you? This General is just worried that you don't know that the culprit is hiding with you, so I want to find it for you. What if this culprit is in the same group as the assassin who kidnapped you before?"

Sensing Sakino's abnormality, Kurozumi Orochi did not stop his subordinates from searching for the hidden cells on the roof at all.

He himself walked to Sakino's bedside.

Sakino yelled: "Don't come here!"

Orochi was a little surprised: "What's the matter?"

"I...I've fallen asleep...inside ...Inside..."

Sakino flushed, realizing that her shoulders were exposed to Orochi's gaze, and she hurriedly tightened the quilt.

Seeing Sakino's white fragrant shoulder exposed on the edge of the corner, Kurozumi Orochi surged with blood and guessed a possibility.

"No... I didn't mean..."

Orochi waved his hand and stepped back.

"General, there is no culprit here!"

"Neither do I here!"

"General, you exposed the little girl to so many stinky men Under the gaze, do you want to force Sakino to commit suicide?"

Seeing Sakino's weeping beauty, I see the pitiful appearance, Orochi roared: "Get out now!"



"General, Mr. Sakino has encountered too many changes in the past few days, so don't be irritated. He's gone, let me come down to comfort her."

"Kyoshiro, you must explain to Sakino that this General is definitely not offending her."

Kyoshiro hehe smiled : "Understand, understand..."

Kyoshiro, who was the last to leave Sakino's boudoir, closed the door, and his face was covered with question marks.

Where did that Marine go?

Didn’t Mr. Sakino just go out to help that Marine?

Why didn’t my Kenbunshoku Haki catch anything?

Hailan got out of Sakino's bed until the electromagnetic waves felt dangerous and far away.

"Many thanks to you."

What Hailan wants to test is actually Kozuki Hiyori's loyalty to him.

Although this woman said that she wanted to cooperate with herself, who knows if this acting school who can get the Oscar statuette pretends?

Hailan can detect polygraphs, but cannot predict the development trend of things.

People who are good to you sometimes lie to you, and those who tell you the truth may not be for your good.

Just now Kozuki Hiyori was able to cover herself with a mortal danger, at least it can prove that her intention to cooperate with Marine is sincere.

"You are the only hope of Wano country now, of course I will help you, no need to say thank you."

Some vocabulary in Kozuki Hiyori's words have changed, no It's as rusty as before.

Looking at Kozuki Hiyori, who was left with only an indecent dress, Hai Lan said, "You..."

Kozuki Hiyori pushed Hai Lan out of bed with his cheeks: "You've already seen it once, so why not watch it again."


I have to say that the customs of this Wano country are really strange.

Sometimes the women here are chaste enough to commit suicide at the first glance by a man, and sometimes they are open enough to dare to share a bath with a man in the same mixed bathhouse.

"You'd better put on your clothes first."

"No more, in case they come back again."

Of course, Kozuki Hiyori is also impossible. She has been exposed to Hailan's gaze. She put the quilt on her body, wrapping it tighter than before.

Hailan didn't pay too much attention to this woman, but took the soul in front of her.

This is also the second reason why he is hiding here in Kozuki Hiyori. He can't wait to study the abilities of the soul.

The same feeling as before, but after more soul tempering, the previous feeling is stronger.

Hailan stretched her left hand into her arms, and with the help of her clothes, she drew out a cursed gem.

He still has two on his body now, and the other four are in the hands of Ayn, Koala, Carlo, and Kuro.

The cursed treasure is not big, so Hailan dared to take it out in front of Kozuki Hiyori. Just seeing this scene, who would have guessed that there is a castle in his body protection talisman.

Unless he pulls out a cannon from his neckline...

Kozuki Hiyori doesn't say a word, just quietly watching Hailan study the soul.

The No. 1 Cursed Jade has been completely fused with Soulshang, and it has not left any star marks similar to Seven Stars Sword.

Hailan brought the second cursed treasure to the vicinity of Hunshang. When the green energy of Hunshang intersects with that of the cursed treasure, Hunshang immediately became excited.

The energy on the cursed treasure rushed towards the soul like a tide, and in a short while, it completely disappeared from Hai Lan's sight.

Kozuki Hiyori stared at Hai Lan's every move intently, and Hai Lan didn't stop her either.

It doesn't make any sense even if she writes down the steps completely. Hailan's soul can evolve to this step, and it was realized by a variety of coincidences.

Even if someone else has similar experiences to Hailan in the future, the way that person's Demon Sword evolves and Soul Sorrow will definitely not be the same.

The demon knife must have its own unique soul.

"Not enough?"

Just like the parents who hoped that the child could eat to death, Hailan quickly took out the third cursed gem.

Cursed Baoyu still quickly dimmed, but when it was about the size of a grain of rice, the soul sent a feeling of "fullness".

"When you are full, you should exercise. UU Reading"

Hailan put the rice grains back into the body protection symbol, and looked carefully at the size. A circle of soul sorrow.

The fragments of the soul sorrow have come into contact with each other, and if tempering continues, they should reintegrate.

And Hailan can faintly feel that "Soul Cut" is definitely not the only ability of Soulshang.

The Ghost Clan can make swordsman use the "Ghost Qi" to fight and develop the "Ghost Qi flow" sword technique.

It is recorded in the book that someone once developed the "Three Heads Six Arms" style using Ghost Qi, and every head, every arm, and every saber had the effect of physical attack. unimaginable!

Although Hai Lan couldn't guess what abilities Soulshang would evolve, he always had a feeling.

The soul is formed by the fusion of windy fragments in the warming of cursed energy and the tempering of the soul of the powerhouse.

Hai Lan guessed that the new abilities evolved by Soulshang would surely break this recast demon knife into a sky full of stars again.

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