Sorry everyone, you are late today. . .


Marineford, Marine Headquarters.

"Ace, this stinky brat, turned down the old man Oka Shichibukai's proposal!"

Hearing Koala's retelling, Garp's face floated with someone who wanted to hammer someone. expression.

"If he wants to be a Pirate King, let him be a Pirate King, can't Oka Shichibukai become a Pirate King?

This stinky brat, what is in his mind? What kind of rib is it?"

Garp has been chattering for a long time. Koala has never seen Garp have such a high level of roasting.

It turns out that there is normally carefree, The problem of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth Vice Admiral Garp the Fist His deep in one's heart also has a soft side.

Koala lightly said with a smile: "Don’t worry, Mr. Garp, although Aisy has refused Oka Shichibukai’s invitation, she will never be Pirate anymore."

"How Say?"

Garp startled.

Could it be that Ace's dream has changed from Pirate King to an adventure king like Luffy?

Koala explained: "As long as Aisi can't beat me for one day, she will not become Pirate for one day."


Hearing that, Garp is sighed.

"Good boy, the old man knows that you are already very strong now, but..."

Garp stopped halfway through his words.

Koala blinked: "You want to say that with Aisi's potential, she can surpass me soon?"

Garp hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean You are not good..."

"I know."

Koala nodded, "I am a girl, of course I am at a disadvantage compared to men in strength. But~"

Koala deliberately sold it.

Garp used his little finger to dig out his ears: "But what?"

"But when Aisi will fight with me in the future, what are the conditions for both of us? It's all the same."


Garp was confused, "Why don't I understand what you are talking about?"

Koala Explained further: "How can I prevent a teenager from becoming a Pirate King man?"

"How to do it?"

Garp is like a child listening to a story, his face is full of curious.

In fact, Garp is not stupid at all. He just kept the innocence that many people have lost like an old naughty boy.

"That is to prevent him from becoming a Pirate!"

"You this girl, take old man to make fun, right?"

Garp, Issho, in Koala's eyes shook his Iron Fist, as if he wanted to teach Koala.

But Koala is not too worried.

In her impression, Garp seems to have never hammered a girl before.

"Didn't you say this a long time ago? After a few years Ace becomes stronger, he will still become a Pirate."

Koala is not in a hurry. Slowly: "So apart from this there is another way."

"What way?"

"That is to turn that boy into a girl, so she can't do it anymore. Become the man of Pirate King!"


Garp was taken aback for a while, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

Just when he thought Koala was playing with him, a message flashed in his mind.

"pu... hahahahahaha ......"

Garp was holding his belly in the face of the junior Koala and laughed like a lunatic. Like, tears came out of her smile, she fell to the ground and rolled around...

Koala blinked in surprise, but this time it was her turn to be a little confused.

Is this... a good thing or a bad thing?

Is Mr. Garp angry with Hailan or not?

"The old man has a granddaughter! hahahahahaha..."

Garp laughed so hard that he could hardly catch his breath. A dignified Hero of the Marines was quite about to laugh. Signs of death.

"So there is a granddaughter that would make Mr. Garp so happy?"

Koala was stunned by Garp's smile. Look at his appearance... It should be no sea. Is Lan angry?

Of course, Garp has heard about the development of Begapunk’s sex-transformation agent.

Linking all the information revealed by Koala together, Garp easily thought of Ace being turned into a girl by Hailan's use of medicine.

But does the grandson becoming a granddaughter really make Garp so happy?

Of course not.

If Hailan turns Luffy into Ruphy, Garp will definitely "chase" him to the ends of the earth.

Garp is actually watching Roger's joke!

The old rival who fought him for several decades and was called the "Pirate King" by the world, Gol D. Roger entrusted his bloodline to Garp before he died, and finally set off on the road with peace of mind.

Roger is not picky about whether his child is a male or a female. He has thought about the names of his children. The boy is called [Ace] and the girl is called [安].


If that Roger knew that his son was turned into a daughter, would he crawl out of the grave with anger?

Garp smiled that Roger's coffin board might not be able to hold it down!

"Too wit, Hailan's brat is so wit!"

Garp is in a good mood.

Even the exhaustion of running and running for Ace's "Oka Shichibukai" status for Ace's "Oka Shichibukai" for the grandfather to ask for grandmother.

"Look at how he became a Pirate King man!"

"The old man has a granddaughter~"

Garp, who has recovered from his breath, is actually happy The ground blew the whistle...

This time, Koala could finally determine that Garp was definitely not angry with Hailan.

"Mr. Garp...Mr. Garp!"

"en? What's the matter?"

Garp is radiant and looks 20 years younger.

"Hai Lan said that in order for Ace's bounty order to be suppressed, he hopes that you can keep this matter secret."

"Secrecy? Of course! Secrecy! Must be secrecy. !"

If Garp heard about Enel being turned into a woman, he might be told by his big mouth.

Regarding Ace's security issues, his confidentiality is still very strong.

Garp from start to finish didn't reveal anything about Ace as Roger bloodline, even "accidentally leaking" has never happened to Garp.


"Holy Land" Mariejois.

Marine Vice Admiral "Day Tiger" is standing in front of five old people in the meeting hall of Gorosei.

As a Marine Vice Admiral, a leader of Gorosei's level is not something Hai Lan can see if he wants to.

But it was about the surname "Portgas ・D", so Gorosei made an exception to meet Hailan once.

Gorosei, a bald head holding a demon knife in his arms, said indifferently: "Hailan Vice Admiral, what do you use to ensure that Portgas ・D・Ace will never be Pirate again?"

"I can't say this for the time being, it won't work if I say it."


Although Gorosei is wearing a daoist robe, in fact, His temper is the most grumpy of these five.

As if the heart is eloquent, there is no need to communicate, the youngest looking blonde Gorosei asked: "If that Ace reappears in the public eye as Pirate, what are you going to do?"


Hailan seriously said: "About this matter, the five of you can rest assured that if there is a Pirate who calls himself Hiken Ace in the future, I will personally send him to Impel Down."

The blonde Gorosei nodded said nothing.

Marine Vice Admiral's commitment to them is absolutely credible.

Because if the promise is violated, with the power of the five of them, one Marine Vice Admiral can instantly lose everything.

As long as Ace is not against World Government, everything is easy to say.

Gorosei, the goatee with the longest beard, said: "The bounty that has been set is impossible to cancel, unless that Pirate dies or becomes Oka Shichibukai. The reasoning does not need us to explain to you. ?"

"Of course."

Hailan had no extravagant hope that Ace's bounty order could be revoked, "My suggestion is that bounty can be recorded in the file, but the whole world is notified about what The "Hiken" Ace is temporarily unnecessary.

That "Hiken" Ace is the grandson of Hero of the Marines Monkey D. Garp. Considering the identity of Vice Admiral Garp, the Government does not actually have to push Ace too tightly. "

Only after a short period of thought, Gorosei made a decision.

Gorosei, the only person wearing a hat and curly hair, said: "Feasible."

In fact, even if you know that Ace is Roger's bloodline, so many years have passed, in Gorosei's opinion, There is no need to kill them all.

The five old people sitting at the apex of power in the world are not pedantic.

In the original work, Gorosei decided to execute Ace publicly for two reasons.

Firstly, "the strongest man in the world" Whitebeard intends to train Ace into the next Pirate King. Of course Gorosei cannot bear it.

Secondly, it was also to set a trap for Whitebeard Pirates and to eliminate the last Legendary Pirate galloping on the sea.

If Ace accepts the invitation of "Oka Shichibukai", in the face of Garp, Gorosei will not have to execute Ace.

This is why Gorosei can now easily accept Hailan’s suggestion.

Of course, the investigation of the surname "Portgas ・D", Gorosei, was impossible to give up. After all, a person who knows everything can make them feel at ease.

The blond Gorosei suddenly spoke: "Vice Admiral, Hailan Vice Admiral, this time we decided to suppress the Hiken Ace bounty order only because of your face."

" Then I am really flattered."

Hailan knew this was just a nonsense of Gorosei.

If Garp is standing in front of them now, then they will say "it is in the face of Hero of the Marines".

But the politeness of the mouth cannot be let down.

Gorosei, with a map-shaped birthmark on his head, coldly said: "Hailan Vice Admiral, regarding the explosive rock, have you realized your mistake?"

Hailan Last year, more than forty explosive rocks were detonated in Wano Country. After reporting the situation, it was criticized by Gorosei.

At that time, Gorosei meant: Explosive Rock is an extremely rare mineral, and it is the trump card to protect the end point. With one less than one, you detonated more than 40 Explosive Rocks in one breath, you know Did this cause much damage to the Government?

Hailan's reason for prevarication was "I used it to blow Kaido of the Beasts".

Unfortunately, Kaido is not dead.

Hailan doubts if Kaido is already "fleshy body sanctified"...

After thinking of a few words, Hailan just opened his mouth, daoist robe Gorosei He opened his mouth and said, "It’s been more than half a year, so we won’t hold you accountable, but..." Gorosei, a goatee, answered: "CIpher Pol’s agent is in New World’s A platinum-lead mine was discovered on the island called'Sodaliga'. You Marine must figure out a way to take that island of Sodaliga.

The distance to Sodaliga Island is great. Pirate Akagami Shanks’s site is relatively close."

Hailan is dumb.

This is another way of saying "it's your face" and "you won't be held accountable if the matter is over" or something. So are you waiting for yourself here?

Sure enough, being given a few candied dates for unfathomable mystery is never something to be happy about.

Hailan knows that the site of the Red Hair Pirates group is quite deep in New World. Even if the World Government seizes the island of Sodalika, it is impossible to build a platinum and lead processing plant on it, because The transportation line cannot be guaranteed.

But when I think of the secret that I have to say between Akagami Shanks and Gorosei... and the style of dealing with the World Government and Beasts Pirates...

A smile appeared on Hailan’s face: "Marine will do its best."

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