If the battle between Hailan and Kaido relied on pure Busoshoku Haki and domineering Haoshoku Haki to collide with a jaw-dropping imposing manner.

Then the battle between Issho and Charlotte Linlin is like a magical blockbuster.

"The light of gravity!"

Issho's rod and knife return to its sheath, and the purple gravity is condensed into substance, forming a ring-shaped wave that surges into the sky, instantly breaking through the atmosphere.

Issho's gravitational waves are extremely fast, and even Kizaru and Hailan of elemental transformation can't escape his gravitational constraints.

The cosmic meteorites surrounding the planet were drawn by Issho's gravity. One after another meteorite fell in the direction directed by Issho like a soldier who had been ordered.

Looking from the Sea Territory in the distance, there seems to be a meteor shower over Sodaliga Island.

"Child, make a wish."

In a certain country, a gentle mother treats his daughter Issho warmly.

"I hope...world peace."

The cute little girl whose father died in the battle with Pirate sincerely acquiesced to a wish in the heart.

The gentle mother and the innocent little girl will never think that the meteor they wish can easily take the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

The world is infinite.

People on this shore will never know what the people on the other shore will face at the next moment.

Issho necessary for him to use this terrifying large-scale style?

Of course there is.

Because he is not facing Charlotte Linlin alone, but BIG・MOMPirates.

Charlotte Linlin is not a heads-up madman like Kaido, she is not interested in keeping ink with Issho.

Hailan nearly hacked her to death with a sword before, and then beat her so embarrassingly. She really wanted to fight against Hailan.

Issho in front of her is like an annoying stumbling block to her, she just wants to defeat this blind as soon as possible.

Issho’s expression is serious,

the whites of his eyes are raised, and his lips are lightly vomiting:

"...Fire Sacrifice!"

The civilians of Sodaliga Island have long been arrested. Issho transferred, so he dared to use this large-scale killing style unscrupulously.

And he has no choice.

In the previous battle, Issho was already at a disadvantage.

Because what he needs to face is not Charlotte Linlin alone, but a Yonko plus two Commanders.

The "blind man" Issho is so sharp as ***IG・MOMPirates naturally not to be outdone.

"Elbaf's gun. Prestige!"

"Sword aura!"

"Explosion. Pretzel!"

Countless meteorites from outside the sky burned with raging flames after the friction of the atmosphere, and crashed to the ground, instantly burning the earth into a sea of ​​flames.

Only the area near Charlotte Linlin, Smoothie, and Cracker was not affected at all. Instead, three stone pillars erected in the crater were formed.

Charlotte Linlin yelled: "Dead blind, you think you are old, are you worthy to stop in front of my old lady?"

Issho felt a little uncomfortable, "It seems like I was underestimated."

Before the rod knife was out of its sheath, a wave of Haoshoku Haki was moved towards Issho and pressed.


I was caught off guard, without Haoshoku Haki's resistance or dodge in time, Issho, a mouthful of old blood poured into his throat, and his spirit was instantly tranced.

"This is..."

Issho looked towards Charlotte Linlin's eyes were full of puzzles.

Capture the soul!


The battle between Hailan and Kaido continues.

In less than ten minutes, the two have already punched countless times, and they don't even remember how many punches they have been punched by each other.


The two fists collided.

Hailan sighed in her heart, "Not enough!"


Kaido hit Hailan's shoulder.

Hailan’s expression was distorted by Kaido: "It’s still not enough."


Hailan’s fist hit the Kaido steel plate. Waist and abdomen.

"Still not enough!"

"Where is the difference?!"

"Zhouhu, what are you talking about in a mess!" ”

Kaido punch towards Hailan, Hailan punched his forearm and slammed Kaido's fist to the side.

Did my calculation make a mistake?

Am I still unable to break through myself in the battle at this time?

It shouldn't.

Hailan has always had absolute confidence in her calculations.

Physical and Haki have reached a bottleneck, what is missing is the final breakthrough.

Isn't this kind of fist-to-fight fighting not enough to train yourself?

"Bawang. Bang!"

"It's so noisy!!"

Hailan's mood became irritable for no reason.

He would be furious because of Kaido's words.

It feels like... as if someone whispers in his ear when he is about to discover a new thing.

At this time, the man just wanted to slap the jiji crooked beside him to death.


Kaido's fist finally landed on Hailan.

But it wasn't Hai Lan's head, but his arms raised in time.

The rich Busoshoku Haki protects Hailan's arms and whole body. Kaido's "Overlord Boom" is not an ordinary fist, but comes with a high-level Busoshoku Haki.

Hailan's Haki stubbornly resisted Kaido's Haki. At this moment, Hailan actually had a familiar feeling.

"This feeling... was ignored by me before..."

In fact, Hailan has already successfully broken through this battle, but he hasn't noticed it all the time. .

"Flowing Haki, flow..."

There are two kinds of energy flow in Hailan's body.

One is Haki, and the other is Aurora.

The previous battle did not have time to experience it in detail, so under the cover of the aurora, Hailan did not perceive the flow of Haki.

In this brief moment, he suddenly enlightened.


Hailan's silhouette was bombarded by Kaido like a missile, smashing the rocks on the ground.

But in the next instant, the ability of the Aurora Fruit was activated, and Hailan returned to Kaido in an instant, as if Kaido's previous blow did not harm him at all.

Hailan, who has been looking forward to this day, has already figured out a name for this trick.

Haki is the energy from the heart, the flowing Haki...a punch of spare no effort...

"Shine punch. Flowing heart!!"

The pure energy converged on Hailan's right arm, a bright white and dazzling, shock wave with blue halo around it hit Kaido's chest.

"Zhouhu, you this bastard......"

Kaido yelled, and was caught off guard by Hailan’s "Shine Fist. Liuxin" completely hit by Hailan’s "Shine Fist. Liuxin". The whole person was like a rocket. Generally, Hailan throws a punch to Sodalika Island with unmatched kinetic energy.

"pu tong! !"

The large splashes of water can be clearly seen even if they are far apart.


Floating in the air, Hai Lan panted heavily.

Kaido's "Overlord Boom" certainly caused effective damage to Hailan, and Hailan was just insisting on it.

Whether it’s the last "Overlord Boom" of Kaido, or the first use of the high-level Busoshoku Haki "Quick Fist. Flowing Heart", these have brought Hailan's body A great burden.

There are only two Bega Punkert pills in the body protection symbol.

This thing is simply more precious to Hailan than fairy beans, and you can't just waste it just like that, you have to stay on the blade.

However, the fire disaster did not take the opportunity to sneak attack Hailan.

Because he knows that it doesn't make sense.

Powerhouses like Hailan, even if they are weak, must not be underestimated.

Even in this state, as long as he fights for a sigh of relief, it is not difficult for him to take away a "three plagues" before he is completely defeated.

"Go and rescue Kaido-sama."

Beasts Pirates hurriedly rushed to where Kaido fell into the sea.

The Aurora Fruit's ability was activated, Hailan steamed the sweat of the whole body, and at the same time manipulated Seimei Kikan to slightly adjust his own state.

Hailan, who sensed electromagnetic waves towards the battlefield of Issho, was surprised.

"How is this possible..."

Issho in another battlefield no longer has the initial imposing manner, and has fallen into a situation of continual defeat.

"Issho's strength is obviously not weaker than Admiral... Is it because Charlotte Linlin's Haoshoku Haki can hurt the soul? But that's not enough... He lost too fast!"

Hailan's brain spins fast, but he just can't understand why Issho is so embarrassed.

"By the way...I am different from them..."

Hailan suddenly discovered a blind spot in her thinking.

Issho does have as much strength as Marine Headquarter.

But he is different.

He also has the speed of the Aurora Fruit, the general computing power of a supercomputer, and various skills conferred by the System, such as [Perception Barrier].

Marine Three Great Admirals and "Blind Man" Issho don't have these things.

They need to do their best to deal with a Yonko, how can it be possible to face Yonko and her Commander at the same time.

Don't underestimate any Commander, they are also the Peak powerhouse of the second echelon in the sea.

During the war on the top, precognition clearly gained a temporary advantage in the battle against Whitebeard, but the "diamond" Jozu suddenly hit the precognition into vomiting blood with one move.

If Jozu temporarily restrains precognition from creating opportunities for Whitebeard, precognition will only be worse.

Charlotte Linlin, Smoothie, and Cracker join forces to fight, how can people like Akainu, precognition, and Issho stand up?

Not even Kizaru, his "Yasakani no Magatama" needs to be read, and it can be destroyed by Busoshoku Haki.

Faced with a luxurious lineup of one Yonko and two Commanders, the final result of any Admiral is death, and there is no chance to escape.

Not everyone has the ability to deal with Aurora Fruit and Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

In terms of destructive power, defensive power, and vitality, Hailan is not stronger than other Marine Headquarters.

But his aurora speed, various active and passive skills, and all kinds of weird and changeable styles, including Soul Sorrow, are far superior to others.

He can deal with two Yonkos at the same time, he can fly in waves, and even use "happy" tactics, but other people simply can't do this.

speaking from a certain perspective, Hailan’s comprehensive combat capabilities are already above the Marine Headquarter.

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