Seeing that so many friends are supporting Lizhi, thank you very much, thank you! !

I haven't written a book for more than half a month. I wrote some today, but it was not so easy. I had to delete it again. Let me sort out the plot and rhythm.

The update will resume tomorrow, and the update time will be 20.00-20.30 in the evening.

As for the plot, you don’t have to worry about rushing to work.

It will be written exactly in accordance with the original outline, and some holes that were not filled in the previous book will also be filled in this book.

My temper is: Either one size fits all, or it’s complete, there is no rush to work.

As for Ueben rushing to work... Ueben is really no way...

Who makes Big Mom fans too 233...┐(??-`)┌...

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Reading website of Shukeju mobile version:

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