When the word "killing the soul" was uttered in Sengoku's mouth, the loud noise of "putong" just sounded when Kaido fell into the water in New World.

Hailan launched "Seimei Kikan" to adjust his own state, perceiving electromagnetic waves to the battlefield of Issho, but found that Issho was actually in a state of retreat.

"You...very strong!"

"BIG・MOM" Charlotte Linlin grinned bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl looked towards Issho, the voice and expression revealed Undisguised admiration.

Whether it's the perception of Issho's soul strength or just the battle experience, Charlotte Linlin has absolute confidence in his judgment. This blind named Issho should not be underestimated.

None of his children is the opponent of this blind, not even the most outstanding Katakuri.

The intelligence shows that this damn blind seems to be only five or six years older than Katakuri, which is really jealous and hateful.


A drop of stomach acid slides along the corners of Charlotte Linlin's mouth, dripping onto the ground, corroding large swaths of green smoke, making this woman look like It's like a devil.

"It's a pity...you are not strong enough!"

Charlotte Linlin smiled, but her heart was full of anger.

There is no doubt that this "blind man" Issho is a good man, but he can't get him.

Of course, we must destroy the things that are not available.

This is not the resentment of a woman, but the domineering of a Pirate!

"The wind blows the gun!"

Charlotte Linlin gave an order, the "Hurricane" Hera ability was activated, and countless dark green demon winds condensed into a spiral like a rod. The long spear whirling like an electric drill pierced Issho with the whistling wind.

If you are stabbed by any hurricane long spear, you will never get a hole. The power of the violent hurricane will only blow the human body into pieces like a dum bullet.

"Gravity rebounds!"

Issho's expression stunned, and the sword came out of its sheath.

The gravity of purple faces Charlotte Linlin’s wind guns, which severely restricts the speed of wind guns like a quagmire. Those dark green spiral long spears even have a faint tendency to retreat. .

Gravity is so overbearing.

Any Logia element attack will be easily captured by gravity. When gravity is strong enough, even light cannot escape.

But Charlotte Linlin is a Pirate emperor after all, how could she be controlled by Issho so easily.

"strong wind scattering the last clouds!"


The dark green hurricane long spear burst like a bomb. The position where the two abilities collided sparked one spiral air current after another.

It seems that the airflow vortex can only roll fallen leaves to the sky, but in fact it is a meat grinder that can ruthlessly shatter the human body!

Issho's heart sank. He felt his gravitational field was messed up by Charlotte Linlin's hurricane.

Issho's gravity can be transformed into a substance, but since it becomes a substance, it can of course be disturbed by other abilities.

"Yonko is not so easy to deal with..."

Issho's heart is bitter,

he was caught off guard in the battle with Charlotte Linlin and was wounded in his soul. Now, it is inevitable to face a Yonko and his cadres at the same time.

Just as he wanted to activate his abilities, Kenbunshoku Haki sensed the imminent danger.

At the same time that the two were fighting, Cracker, Smoothie and the others were always looking for an opportunity to take action. Now Issho is involved with Charlotte Linlin, which is a good opportunity for them to do it.

The drill-like spiral sword aura and the blade-like sharp sword aura came to Issho from both sides.

Commander's attack cannot be ignored in any part of the Sea Territory, and Issho naturally does not dare to exaggerate it.

There was Charlotte Linlin in front and two Commanders on both sides. Issho’s choice was to step back.

"Blade of Returning Wind!"

Charlotte Linlin's murderous aura is revealed, and those hurricanes crushed by Issho's gravity are transformed into countless fierce airs under her control. Chopped and chased the backing Issho, azure glow released.

"Did you lose?"

A wave of despair surged in Issho's heart.

by the strength of oneself Losing to the combination of an emperor Pirate and two Commanders is not wrong in theory.

But who is willing to step into the defeat?

"You can lose, but your excellency don't want to win at ease!"

Issho rolled his eyelids, revealing the whites of human eyes, imposing manner.

"Swordsman, only a deadly battle!"

"Gravity knife. Shura!"


The unparalleled gravitational waves turned into substantive waves surging towards Charlotte Linlin who had been killed up ahead, like Shura from hell, as if to swallow all evil.

Charlotte Linlin's pupils shrank suddenly. She had no idea that Issho would suddenly choose this fighting method.

"Do you want to die? The old lady will do you!"

"Sun" Prometheus poured out countless fires, orange flame energy and purple The gravity collided together, swelling out billowing waves in all directions.

"Hurricane" Hera carried Charlotte Linlin himself towards Issho at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, the power of the hurricane was added to the "Emperor Sword" Napoleon, making Napoleon's whole body dark green, like an aurora.

"Emperor Sword. Storm of Swords!"

"Good opportunity!!"

Cracker and Smoothie seized Issho and concentrated all their power on Charlotte Linlin The timing of the body, one after another, from both sides to kill Issho.

Once the wide long sword and sharp thin sword are cut on Issho's body, even if there is Busoshoku Haki defense, Issho will either die or become disabled.

"Mama, be careful!"

"The Sun" Prometheus was in a state of free attack, and his inadvertent glance was actually to see a flying in the sky. stream of light.

Its flame jets away toward the streamer, but the streamer's speed is too fast, he can't stop the streamer at all.

A reminder voice just spoke, UU reading www.uukanshu.com that streamer has already arrived in front of Charlotte Linlin.

Seeing the appearance of the person, Charlotte Linlin eye socket cracked, "Damn..."


Peiran is banging on With Charlotte Linlin’s dark forehead, her Busoshoku Haki, which had been gathered in a hurry, was unable to defend against Hailan’s attack. A surge of energy was hit by Hailan into Charlotte Linlin’s mind. Charlotte Linlin was bleeding from seven orifices and looked extremely human, as if Ghost from hell.


Charlotte Linlin cried out in pain.

"Really, don't you know to respect swordsman's consciousness?"

Although he said that, Issho changed the offensive in an instant, the gravity field near him Rapid change, cracks appeared on the earth.

The mouth is upright!

"Gravity Knife. Hell Journey!"

"Damn it!"

Feeling the suppression of the tremendous power, Cracker and Smoothie had to retreat.

"You are the one who brought this island."

Hailan looked towards Issho, and his voice was unquestionable: "Without my permission, it's not so easy to die!".. .

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