The piercing whistling sound quickly approached Hailan .

The "Emperor Sword" Napoleon was held in the hand by Charlotte Linlin. Her arms bulged, and the large giant sword cut the air, fiercely slashing towards Hai Lan's neck.

Charlotte Linlin is not a pure swordsman, but the sword dance she slashed by she who can release "Elbaf's spear and prestige" is definitely not to be underestimated, even more how Soul Sword Napoleon also has the Soul Cut attribute.

Being slashed by this sword, Hailan has to lie down for at least ten days half a month.

But Hailan is fearless.

A long knife glowing with faint purple fluorescence appeared in Hailan’s hands, smiling on Hailan’s face: "Napoleon, do you recognize this sword?"


Napoleon looked indifferent and said nothing.

But the subtle emotions in the eyes betray its mentality.

It was once cut off by "Lifeng". Although Lifeng without Soul Cut attribute was unable to cause substantial damage to Napoleon at that time, it was already on Napoleon’s young mind. Left an indelible impression.

I thought I would not be afraid of the weapon in this man’s hand, but the long knife glowing with the fragments of the dark green rays of light made it feel something that originated in the depth of one's soul fear.

In that battle, it pitted Charlotte Linlin once.

Now, Napoleon has become stronger than before, and coupled with the protection of Charlotte Linlin Busoshoku Haki, he has enough courage to face the long knife.

Deep green has become a faint purple, and the oppression originating from the soul is getting stronger and stronger.

Yes, Soul Cut can be done by Soul Cut, Napoleon can also Soul Cut, but... Soul Cut is not afraid of Soul Cut!

The restraint on attributes is so unreasonable, strength can make up, but how big is the difference in strength to make up?

Napoleon felt scared again, but this time, Charlotte Linlin's violent mood affected his mentality.

Why don't you be afraid? What's the use of being afraid?

It's better to fight to the death, maybe you can still make a future!


Charlotte Linlin's eyes were chaotic, and his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl roared.


Napoleon's eyes are red, his facial features are twisted together, and his face is full of madness.


The emperor's sword cut the air and divided Hailan's body into two.

No...It seems to be an afterimage!

Although Charlotte Linlin lost her sanity in the runaway state, it does not mean that she has no ability to think. Basic fighting qualities still exist.

She noticed the mutation in an instant, but Hailan had already stepped forward to Charlotte Linlin.

This move "Afterimage Fist" was used for the first time to deal with the "drought" Jack. In this world with Kenbunshoku Haki, Hailan rarely used this style, but at this time, it was used to deal with Charlotte, who lost his mind. Linlin actually played a miraculous effect.

In Hailan's hands, the soul has long been disappeared.

In fact, before the soul cut Kaido and absorbed the cursed treasure, he was sleeping at this time, and there was no Soul Cut ability. He was just scaring Napoleon before.

Being scary is also a manifestation of strength.

Paper tiger is also a tiger, and it can be scary. I have never seen anyone paint cats to ward off evil spirits.

Napoleon's short hesitation has given Hailan a chance to get close to Charlotte Linlin.

If you hesitate, you will lose!

"Quick fist!"

The bulging fist of Hailan's green veins slammed into Charlotte Linlin's heart steadily.

The fist strength is not big, it seems that it is only the level of a Marine Vice Admiral.

The destructive power of this fist is definitely not to be underestimated. The Busoshoku Haki bursting out of the fist is enough to make any powerhouse on the sea treat it seriously.


Charlotte Linlin internal organs churned, and a mouthful of black blood spewed out.

Almost at the same time, Hailan heard a strange voice in her ears.



Hai Lan was shocked, and Charlotte Linlin in a runaway state really did everything. Actually resorted to a spitting attack!

This sounds a bit ridiculous, but Hailan couldn't laugh at all.

That's Charlotte Linlin's sputum, it's not for disgusting people, it's a strong acid that is more terrifying than aqua regia!

The most puzzling thing for Hai Lan is that he actually felt a strong crisis in Charlotte Linlin's acid.

He is Logia ・Aurora Fruit Ability User, unless he soaks his body in an acid pool and the acid in his body cannot be drained out, otherwise if only the acid splashes on his body, he will not Hurt.

"She mixed Busoshoku Haki with acid?"

A thought came to Hailan's mind.

Charlotte Linlin’s acid attack speed is extremely fast. Hailan, who has not yet retracted his fist, has no time to pull away. He has to take the initiative to open a big hole in his chest elemental transformation, making the acid from the middle Fly over.

Her scalp numbs for a while, and the extreme sense of crisis spreads throughout Hai Lan's body.

Hai Lan looked up, and a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl was actually swallowed by him!

Charlotte Linlin's teeth are dark, it is a rich Busoshoku Haki, she wants to kill Hailan alive!

Hailan’s chest is in a state of recovery after elemental transformation, and light transfer is not available.

"Tiger Hunting!"

Hai Lan, who has no way to retreat, turned into an aurora tiger on his left arm, and bit it fiercely towards Charlotte Linlin's big face, with a crisp "ding" There was a sound, and Napoleon "Emperor Sword" was stuck between the upper and lower jaws of the Aurora Tiger.

The competition between power and power, the fire star splashes.

Napoleon and Hushou were blocked in the middle of the two, but Hai Lan was happy at all, does not raise.

Charlotte Linlin seems to be in a runaway state. I don't even know what hurt is, but the heavy damage of "Shine Fist" not only failed to repel it, but instead aroused the irreconcilable animal nature of this woman.

The thick forearm was stained with ink by Busoshoku Haki, and Charlotte Linlin punch towards Hailan's head seemed to explode like a watermelon.

Hai Lan's lifting arm held up Charlotte Linlin's brutal and violent blow. Charlotte Linlin opened his mouth, and a condensed destructive sound wave surged towards Hai Lan, even the air was distorted. , Forming a twisted translucent ripple between the two.

“clang! dang dang! !”

The sound wave hits a crisp tremor, and Hailan’s head is bright and dark, and the electromagnetic barrier forcibly withstands Charlotte Linlin’s monster. Tone attack.

lightning flashes and thunder rolls, the wind howls.

The Thundergod gun and the wind gun formed behind them almost at the same time, like two armies on standby. Only after the two of them gave an order, the feast of killing was about to bloom.

"Sure enough...this is Yonko's true strength..."

The offensive of Charlotte Linlin in the runaway state was extremely fierce, Hai Lan couldn't help but sigh.

If this continues, only both sides suffer waiting for the two.

Decisive...will give it to...

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