The double-horned hat, a type of male hat in western clothing, is mostly made of bear skin or beaver skin, and of course it does not have much resistance to flames.

The temperature of the red Aurora Sword "the demon snake" can reach thousands. When Hailan's Busoshoku Haki broke the protection of Charlotte Linlin Busoshoku Haki, the demon snake easily ignited the "double-horned hat" Napoleon.

Charlotte Linlin's pupils shrank sharply and his heart was shocked.

Even though she was in a state of irrational runaway at this time, the instinct of wild beast still made her rush to respond.

"Sun" Prometheus is afraid of water, "Blizzard" Metis is afraid of heat, and "Emperor Sword" Napoleon is afraid of fire.

Just find the right way, these Homitz, who is immune to Busoshoku Haki, can also be killed.

Charlotte Linlin didn't dare to exaggerate, Homitz could be remade if she died, but her soul was wasted by one year.

"Napoleon, come back soon!!"

Charlotte Linlin yelled hysterically.

A clear afterimage of the soul quickly overflowed from Napoleon's body, drifting toward Charlotte Linlin like a frightened bird.

"Want to run?!"

Hai Lan waved the monster snake sharply in his hand. The overbearing Emperor's sword was like broken copper after losing the blessing of Charlotte Linlin's soul. It was easily and completely cut off by Hai Lan.

Before half of the blade fell on the ground, it was ignited by the high temperature of the demon snake and burned to ashes.

Charlotte Linlin didn't care, she hurriedly withdrew the remaining half of the Emperor's sword back, she just wanted to save her soul now.

The tiger howled.

A crimson aurora tiger suddenly rushed to Napoleon from Hailan's hands, and Napoleon was panicked.

The scarlet tiger does not give people a ferocious domineering feeling like the blue tiger bathed in lightning, but the hot energy it carries, no one dares to underestimate its sharpness.

"Tiger Hunting. Yan!"

"Don't think about it!!"

Charlotte Linlin's eyes are red, her crazy appearance is like a devil.

The sturdy arm made a fist and fiercely slammed into the crimson tiger.

Offense is the best defense, Charlotte Linlin wants to blow the red tiger with a punch!

It's just how Hailan could just ignore it, and he certainly understands the same reason.

The demon snake crossed the air, and the air was scorched nearby, and even the light became distorted.


Charlotte Linlin suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, and a sword wound was instantly generated on her arm.

The strength of BIG・MOMBusoshoku Haki in the state of full victory is not below Hailan, plus her steel skin that was born that day, Hailan wants to break her defense easier said than done.

Unfortunately, in Hailan’s “Thundergod’s Gun” and the continuous “Flash Fist” attack like howling wind and torrential rain, Charlotte Linlin’s body has been severely damaged. She no longer possesses the strength at the peak period at all.

More importantly,

runaway not only reduces IQ, but also reduces defense.

Charlotte Linlin's "steel skin" would even fail completely after entering a runaway state. At this time, her **defensive power would be at the level of normal people such as Whitebeard and Akagami.

Although the current Charlotte Linlin "defense reduction" is not that serious, but the combination of multiple factors is enough for Hailan to slash her arm easily with only one sword.

"It hurts!!"

Charlotte Linlin face looks sinister, Hailan's sword injury caused her aching pain.

Being cut into the fleshy body by a monster of thousands of degrees, the pain of the cut is almost negligible, and the burn is the most terrifying.

The blood was steamed dry, and the skin and flesh were completely carbonized. The second-stage damage caused by the monster snake is far beyond the Supreme's fast blade. Only a few monster swords dare to compete with the monster snake.


Hai Lan's lips arced with a smile, and the faint voice was like a simple goodbye between two classmates after school, calm.



crimson's Aurora Tiger completely swallowed the remaining half of the Emperor's sword in one bite.

Napoleon is like an ordinary hat thrown into the stove, it burns into ashes in an instant, and there is no more substance.

Let the flame purify everything!


The soul that has lost the physical boarding is annihilated and dissipated in the sky, the master of the soul Charlotte Linlin uttered a mournful scream, as if being thrown into hell The ghost of the pan.

It can be seen what kind of pain she is suffering at this time.

Napoleon is different from other Homitz.

The other Hormitz are independent individuals, even if they die, Charlotte Linlin will not be so painful.

Napoleon can directly communicate with other Homitz by using Nianbo, so that Charlotte Linlin can control other Homitz without opening his mouth. So when Napoleon died, Charlotte Linlin felt the great pain of the demise of the soul.

The arm was chopped, and the soul was in pain. Charlotte Linlin opened the empty door, as if Ren Hailan slaughtered him at any time.

"Stay away from my Mama!!"

At this moment, the reinforcements of the Charlotte Family finally arrived. The sword shot out, and it contained a rich Busoshoku Haki.

Hai Lan had two choices in front of him, either to severely inflict Charlotte Linlin and be severely injured by the reinforcements of the Charlotte Family at the same time, or to avoid the edge and give up this great opportunity to severely inflict Charlotte Linlin.

No need to hesitate, Hailan’s silhouette disappeared instantly in front of Charlotte Linlin.

Change life with Charlotte Linlin?

Not worth it!


Forcing Hailan back, Cracker, Smoothie, Dafu, Perospero and the others hurriedly protected Charlotte Linlin. UU Reading

Charlotte Linlin went crazy to not recognizing one's family. Her sons and daughters had a lot of opinions on her, even if she died, there might not be a few people sad.

But she cannot be killed by Marine.

Once she was beheaded by Marine, how could Marine let them go without a leader, so they desperately wanted to protect them Mama.

"Smoothie, Cracker, Dafu, you find a way to stop the Purple Demon, I will take Mama to retreat!"


Perospero made a decisive decision and did The decision of the whole army to retreat was made, even though he was extremely unwilling in his heart.

"Hateful, if it weren't for Mama's runaway, how could we lose so embarrassed!"

The BIG・MOM in the runaway state is very strong, but that kind of loses reason. The chaotic battle method is also full of loopholes. If the enemy is brought into the rhythm by her, she will only be crushed and beaten by her, but once the enemy calms down and finds her loophole, the Scales of Victory will instantly tilt.

"Want to run, how easy is it?!"

Hai Lan stood in front of the cadres of BIG·MOMPirates and countless crew members, facing them.

He was alone, with a jealous smile on his face, he actually saw BIG·MOMPirates a little faint.

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