"ka! "

Whitebeard's shock fist collided with Kaido's dragon heat.

The surging hot energy collided with the pure oscillating power to produce a heavy muffled sound. The two energies continuously pressed against each other, and were pressed back by the other side, as if two strong men were wrestling.

This is the dominance of "Gura Gura no Mi"!

Relying on the blessing of the power of shock, the power released by Whitebeard seems to be condensed into substantial energy, which is enough to face the elemental energy of any attribute. This is a pure energy without attribute.

There was a dull voice in Whitebeard's throat.

The shocking force that was stalemate with Kaido’s dragon flame suddenly burst out. Under the action of Gura Gura no Mi, the force moved irregularly like heated air molecules. Relentlessly strangling Kaido's scorching dragon flame, the surging energy was annihilated in the air in an instant, as if it had never existed before.

The reason why Blackbeard wanted to plot against Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi was not only because of the powerful impression that Whitebeard left on him.

Blackbeard is a powerful but cumbersome warrior. He can hit Ace's neck with one punch, but he can't keep up with Ace's speed.

In order to make up for the disadvantage of his speed and not to give up the advantage of his own strength, Blackbeard only focused on Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi, because Gura Gura no Mi’s three hundred and sixty degrees of vibration without dead ends Power, able to defend against all enemy attacks, while also giving full play to Blackbeard’s strength advantages.

Whitebeard is now in this state of unsolvable.

The battle between Whitebeard and Kaido soon became the same as before, as if they were a replay of the previous battle.

Whitebeard stood there still.

Seeing that long-range attacks could not break through Whitebeard's shock defense, Kaido silhouette flashed to Whitebeard's side in an instant, and the fist covered with the hard dragon scales swung fiercely toward Whitebeard's temple.

"Overlord bang!"

The surging high-level Busoshoku Haki gathered on Kaido's fist, and the shock wave of blue and white dazzling energy burst out in an instant.

Whitebeard grinned Issho, eating fresh with one trick.

Air shock!

A large number of Busoshoku Haki’s shock fists greeted Kaido’s fierce Dragon Boxing. The shock power not only made Whitebeard’s Busoshoku Haki to the extreme, it also had the “armor piercing” effect. Using Kaido's dragon scales as a medium to act on Kaido's body, the power of shock burst out unscrupulously on Kaido's body.


His muscles were affected by the force of the concussion, and Kaido, who was weakened, was blasted away by Whitebeard at the moment the two confronted each other.

With the power of shock, even if Whitebeard's power is not better than Kaido in the draconian state, he can knock Kaido back.

"Come again!!"

Kaido roar screamed, like a bull angered by a bullfighter, and charged towards Whitebeard again.

"Sure enough, Whitebeard can also integrate Busoshoku Haki into the shock, so that Logia's elemental transformation is not good for his attacks."

Hailan looked at Whitebeard and Kaido in the confrontation, looking thoughtful.

The essence of the power of shock is a physical blow.

Even if a person who does not understand Busoshoku Haki eats Gura Gura no Mi, he will not be able to hurt Logia Ability User.

"This Whitebeard old man... Is Gura Gura no Mi developed or not developed in his hands?"

Hailan suddenly had a doubt.

Unlike other Devil Fruit Ability User’s changeable styles, Whitebeard’s style is extremely single.

Whether it triggers a tsunami, an earthquake, or shatters space... Whitebeard has always used Gura Gura no Mi’s basic ability-using his fist to trigger the power of concussion, but he has developed this ability to the extreme .

But because of this, Whitebeard's battle method can be said to have almost no weaknesses. If you want to defeat Whitebeard, you can only compete against Whitebeard's terrifying shock.

"It seems that only by fighting him in person can we test the real gap between me and him and find a way to deal with him."

While thinking, Hailan took out a pill from the body protection symbol and sent it into his mouth.

In the previous battles with Charlotte Linlin and Kaido, Hailan consumed a lot of energy, and his body was damaged due to the attacks of two Yonkos and the consumption of "burning blood". His state needs to be restored. .

Launching Seimei Kikan, Hailan took advantage of the opportunity of Whitebeard and Kaido to fight, and quickly adjusted his physical state.

The other side.

The battle between Whitebeard Pirates and Beasts Pirates has resulted in a lot of casualties.

From a mathematical point of view, Whitebeard Pirates launched a war with Beasts Pirates for a group of Pirates, which caused more casualties. This is a very brain-dead behavior.

But this is not the case.

Whitebeard Pirates is not playing a few numbers, but a kind of Essence, Qi, and Spirit, they are all fighting for reputation.

If you don’t care about Kaido’s killing of Whitebeard’s son for fear of causing more casualties, then the reputation of the Whitebeard banner will be ruined, and “Whitebeard’s family must never be harmed”. Then there is the iron rule on the sea, but a joke.

Taking a step back, reputation damage is small, but once it gives the impression that Whitebeard Pirates is weak, more and more enemies will kick their noses and the members of Whitebeard Pirates will also be hurt. .

In some wars, the two sides do not want to start, but have to fight.

Taking advantage of the chaos, "Blind" Issho actually touched "Phoenix" Marco.

"Mr. Issho?"

Marco was taken aback for a moment, and then he politely greeted him. After all, Issho had rescued him once in Golden City.

"Don't be safe, Marco your excellency."

Issho laughed back.

"There is a proposal next, how about you and me join forces to destroy Beasts Pirates?"


Marco was asked by Issho's suggestion Confused, what kind of operation is UU reading www.uukanshu.com?

Glancing at Hailan, who closed his eyes and rested in the distance, Marco asked, "Is Mr. Issho joined Marine?"

"No, don't talk nonsense, it's not next What Marine."

"Then what do you mean?"


Marco declined: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Issho , Whitebeard Pirates does not need to rely on the power of others in the war."

"no no no ... Is it to use the power of your excellency?"



Marco is confused again.

Don't look at Issho's good-looking face, but don't forget that he is a gambler by nature. This honest guy is actually very bad.

"Your excellency is still owed to the next person, presumably you have not forgotten your excellency?"

Marco seriously said: "Of course!"

"Then the problem is It's easy."

Issho cleared his throat, "Now I want to eliminate Beasts Pirates. I need the power of your excellency, and your excellency must still have this favor."

"... …"...

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