" Extras, extras !!!"

Everywhere in the world, the newsboys smiled.

Since "Pirate King" Gol Duo Roger was executed by Marine in East Blue Loguetown and founded the Great Age of Pirates, they have never encountered an unprecedented explosion of newspaper sales.

A newspaper office is intensively working overtime to print batch after batch of newspapers. Despite their physical hardship, the gradually bulging pockets make their hearts sweeter than eating honey, painful and happy.

The "war on top" launched by Hailan alone has supported countless journalism industries all over the world.

"Holy Land" Mariejois.

In the huge conference hall, there are only five elderly people.

The old man wearing a flat hat leaned on the wicker chair and continuously looked at the cane in front of him, as if there was something special on the cane worthy of his research.

Two Gorosei with blond hair, long hair and long beards lie on their backs on the sofa, closing their eyes and looking at themselves, looking as if they don't hear anything outside the window.

Daoist Robe Gorosei, holding a demon knife in his arms, was far away from several people. He stood in front of the window and pushed the round-framed glasses in front of his forehead, looking towards the gaze outside the window with unknown meaning.

Gorosei, with a map-shaped birthmark on his head, was sitting on a wicker chair, bending over and reading a newspaper prepared by the World Economic News Agency.

The president of the news agency "Big News" Morgans knows the rules very well. Before publishing the newspaper to the world, he has sent the manuscript to the World Government in advance to test the tone of these adults.

As a journalist, he dare not offend these great characters who stand at the apex of power in the world.


Birthmark Gorosei said coldly Issho, "This Morgans is really interesting. After Pirate Yonko, he put forward the concept of Four Great Heavenly Kings."

On the newspaper, a striking headline caught the eye.

"The apex of strength, Four Great Heavenly Kings turned out!"

"If you ask about the strongest force in New World, it is undoubtedly Pirate Yonko:'Whitebeard' Edward ・Newgate, "Beasts" Kaido, "BIG・MOM" Charlotte Linlin, "Akagami "Shanks.

Each of these Great Pirates dominates New World, a huge territory, and they have so many kingdoms talk about it. They are the well-deserved emperors of Pirate!

But when it comes to the four most powerful Peak powerhouses, Pirate Yonko is only half shortlisted!

The four Peak powerhouses with the strongest personal strength are:

Whitebeard'Unbeaten Myth'!

'One-on-one against the invincible' Tyrant Dragon King!

'Blood Rebirth' Red Earl!

'Legendary' Magician!

They are the strongest Four Great Heavenly Kings with well-deserved personal strength reaching Peak Realm!

The editor will take you into the history and life of Four Great Heavenly Kings and learn about their amazing achievements.

Who is worthy of the name'the strongest man in the world' No., all of this will be judged by you!


In the following, there is a detailed description of "Four Great Heavenly Kings", the birthmark Gorosei is too lazy to look at those things.

The last one finished reading the newspaper, he threw the newspaper on the coffee table and looked towards several other colleagues: "What do you think?"

The long-bearded Gorosei opened Eyes said: "The content in this newspaper can be sold. Morgens is a smart man. The content he publishes has never had a serious impact on us. It's just..."

Blonde Gorosei answered: "It's just The strength of that day tiger grew faster than we expected."

Compared with the content in the newspaper that was mainly for bloggers’ attention, Gorosei heard from CP0 about "War on Top "The detailed description.

How did Hailan fight Kaido and Charlotte Linlin at the same time, how to repel Kaido, defeat Charlotte Linlin, and how to make a tie with Whitebeard temporarily, and even the whole Sodaliga Island was in the aftermath of the battle at the end They were very clear when they were hit and sunk in the middle.

The blonde Gorosei worriedly said: "Can the two zero-sum pawns join forces to win the day tiger?"

"I'm afraid not."

Gorosei, the curly hair with a flat hat, who was staring at the cane, spoke.

There are powerful people under his hand, which is both good and bad for the superiors. The good thing is that there are more people available to him, and the bad thing is that the too powerful subordinates can't control it at all.

Gorosei’s concerns are not unreasonable. Although Hailan has always been in harmony with the World Government on the surface, he has never agreed with what Celestial Dragon has done, and even has been thinking about how. In order to overthrow the Celestial Dragon's rule.

The World Government has ruled the world for eight hundred years, and Gorosei is even the five spirits of the World Government. How could they not even have this sense of crisis?

The Marine Headquarter "Fujitora" and "Ryokugyu" in the original work are from the world conscription. In addition to the insufficient strength of Momousagi and Tokikake, Gorosei intends to cause faction disputes within Marine. In fact, Gorosei It did achieve this goal, the new Admiral Fujitora even Fleet Admiral Akainu dare to be tough.

As long as Marine itself cannot unite due to factional disputes, their threat to Celestial Dragon will never be a concern.

"It's a pity that those useless Pirates didn't kill him!"

Daoist Robe Gorosei by the window turned around and said with a cold face.

Whether it is for public or private, he very much hopes that Hailan can directly die in this "war on top".

The birthmark Gorosei licked the fire again: "That day tiger still has a demon knife capable of Soul Cut, can the demon knife in your hand Soul Cut?"

daoist robe Gorosei Coldly snorted, "The old man's knife is used to kill people. It doesn't need those fancy abilities."

"Well, don’t quarrel, UU reading www.uukanshu.com still consider how to deal with it. This day tiger."

Gorosei, the long beard, said, "Those Marines who claim to be just spokespersons have always had more and more opinions on us. If this day tiger grows up, relying on He and his father’s influence and cohesion within Marine, the consequences can be serious."

Gorosei is not only the highest authority in the World Government, they are also the five most powerful members of the Celestial Dragon. The family, they will always be impossible to stand in the position of common people.

A Marine Vice Admiral, even Marine Headquarter, Marine Fleet Admiral cannot enter Gorosei's eyes.

However, the abilities that Hailan demonstrated and his achievements over the years have left a deep mark on Gorosei's heart like a soldering iron, and they have been unable to let go for a long time.

These five old people standing at the peak of world power unexpectedly started to feel a little uneasy because of a trifling Marine Vice Admiral. They never thought that there would be such a day, a clan with "D" The irrelevant youngster will linger in their minds like a shadow.

"Let's get started."

A Gorosei broke the silence, "Although I don't know if it is necessary, there are some things that we have to prepare from now on."



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