New World, the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

Dressrosa, known as the "Land of Fairies of Love and Passion", is located at the front of the New World Sea Territory. Now Oka Shichibukai "天 Yaksha" Donquixote Doflamingo is the king and prosperous.

Without the help of sugar "childlike fruits", Doflamingo has worked hard for several years and finally made Dressrosa a paradise on earth.

Different from the original historical trajectory, the current Dressrosa does not even have a toy with complaints. If anyone else has a miserable fate, there are only the original Royal Family Liku family and the Donquixote Family. Catch it as the slave's little Human Race, Dongtata.

In Dressrosa's palace, in front of the swimming pool, Doflamingo arrogantly sat on a sun lounger, with coquettish sunglasses on his face, and laughed wildly.

Hot girls play in the swimming pool, and laugh like silver bells from time to time. Baby5 in a maid costume brings delicious juice to Doflamingo’s hands. Doflamingo’s life is chic and comfortable .


A calm voice sounded behind Doflamingo, Doflamingo got up, and walked in arrogantly amidst the continuous sound of young girls behind him. In the palace.

The calm man behind Doflamingo is Virgo, the top cadre of the Donquixote Family Red Heart Army, the first generation of Corazon.

Vergo, who originally served as a spy in Marine, was unplugged by Marine a few years ago, so now Vergo has always followed Doflamingo's side to handle important tasks. Dressrosa can have today’s prosperity. Ge is indispensable.

"Let's go ahead, what news did you receive?"

Doflamingo sat unceremoniously on the sofa and said lightly.

"The transfer of Marine... seems to be to implement a plan code-named Soul Killing."

Although Marine removed Vergo, Donquixote installed a brand new one in Marine. The spy, but with Vergo’s lessons learned, this new spy would be a bit fantasy story if he wanted to get into the identity of Marine Vice Admiral.

Except for the word "Soul Killing", the spy did not send any other effective information.

"Soul Killing?"

Doflamingo's eyebrows crowded together.

"Soul Killing",

actually means to kill the soul, which represents Marine's plan to defeat the "Soru Soru no Mi" Ability User bigmom.

Those who understand the connotation will be able to fully understand it. Outsiders who only hear the word "soul killing" are a little confused.

"What is Marine planning to do?"

However, compared to the general forces, Doflamingo's wrist is relatively powerful, and he can investigate more information than others. .

"For such a large-scale troop mobilization, Marine is obviously going to do big things."

"Akainu, precognition, Momousagi, Zhiduoxing... so many high-end battle strengths can be dispatched."

Isn’t Marine’s target Yonko?"

Doflamingo suddenly laughed: "Soul Killing...Bigmom is going to be unlucky."



Wilgo couldn't help but startled, but he soon came back to his senses.

"You mean..."

"Of course!"

"Should we remind them?"

"Just take care of this What are you doing? It’s good for a mad woman like bigmom to be killed by Marine!"

Doflamingo's forehead was bulging, and it seemed that he had eaten deflated at bigmom.

"Did the day tiger not go?"

"It is said that he seems to be recuperating in the Marine Hospital. Light."

"It's worth hurting..."

Doflamingo smiled coldly, but this kind of laughter doesn't mean happiness, "Legendary in the world, I really am Envy him!"

Doflamingo is called "Tian Yaksha" by the world, but compared with "Four Great Heavenly Kings", his "Tian Yaksha" name seems too small.

If he can be among the Four Great Heavenly Kings, even if it is the group of Heavenly Dragon pigs living in Mariejois, he would not dare to underestimate him.

shook the head, no longer thinking about these unnecessary distresses, Doflamingo walked to the window.

"Doffy, where are you going?"

"When Marine has no time to take care of the paradise, go to the shampoo to relax."

"Need Shall I go together?"

"No, just a few kittens, no need to be so troublesome."


With the sound of the silk thread being flicked, the thread fruit's ability was activated, and Doflamingo bounced forward in the air.


Sabaody Archipelago.

Kuro stands in front of the window of the black cat family that rules the Sabaody Archipelago lawbreakers and monopolizes the human trafficking business, looking at the white clouds in the distant sky, with no joy or anger on his face, as if wandering away.

"Mr. Kuro, is that adult not going to close the Internet?"

Monet's voice sounded behind Kuro, as if he felt sorry for Kuro.

Kuro did not answer. After a long time, his voice lightly sounded: "Call me again."

"Mr. Kuro"

Kuro closes Eyes, deep breaths, face lifted slightly, as if intoxicated by Monet's voice.

Kuro's real name is Kuro. In order to act as an undercover agent, he incarnates as "Shadow of Blade" Locke and settles in the impossible zone of Sabaody Archipelago.

But the name Kuro in Monet's "Mr. Kuro" does not represent Kuro's real name.

But "Shadow of Blade" Locke's pseudonym: Kuro.

This sounds convoluted, but there is a reason.

If you didn't meet Hailan, Kuro would be killed this year, alias Krabat, and become the steward of the Keya family, a big family in East Blue Usopp's hometown.

From then on, Kuro will spend three years gaining the trust of the Koya family, seeking the property of the Koya family through legal means, and living a peaceful and prosperous life as Krabatel. However, in the Sea Calendar 1520, the plan was completely destroyed by "Straw Hat brat" Luffy and returned to Pirate.

It's different now.

Kuro was taken by Hailan as a subordinate, and moved into Sabaody Archipelago as an undercover agent.

For three years and three years, Kuro, who seemed to have been forgotten by the world, was filled with sadness.

Is such a self alive in this world?

If you are killed by your enemies, is the name "Kuro" or "Locke" left in history?

Kuro, who was chased by Marine, longed to be incognito, and Kuro, who was acting as an undercover agent, longed to be recognized for his existence.

So he gave another pseudonym named Kuro as Locke.

True and false, false and true, at least in the future, the name "Kuro" will not be forgotten by the world.

Kuro, who was intoxicated by Monet's "Mr. Kuro", suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes sharp as a knife.

"Monet, hide, and at the same time order others not to act rashly."


Kuro uses the word "hidden", UU reading represents a major danger.

Monet disappeared into the room without saying a word.

"oh la la!"

The sound of broken glass sounded, and a tall silhouette broke into Kuro's room.


Doflamingo's arrogant voice sounded, "I heard that a little black cat here is getting more and more dishonest. "

"Oker, this is a paradise, do you regard this as Dressrosa?" "

Listening to the other person's attitude different from a few years ago, Doflamingo's anger surged: "Do you know that you are talking to who?" "

"It's just a Yaksha..."

Kuro's face is grim, "What are you? ! "

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