Grand Line, New World.

The peaceful life of an unknown town was easily torn apart by a group of outsiders. Several Pirate Ships with skull flags were docked on the shore of the pier. Amidst the harsh screams and gunfire, countless Pirates carried hideousness. The face went to the inside of the town to kill.

"I am the Admiral of Pirate Graybeard. If you don't want to die, let me make a way, otherwise don't blame Laozi for being ruthless with the knife!"

The arrogant pirate captain holds it in his hand The sailor was proud of his sword, and the cruel subordinates began to plunder civilians' property like wolves.

"Greybeard, you are still as savage as ever?"

Behind Pirate Greybeard, a man in a tuxedo, a top hat and a magic wand in his arms , An elegant man with a pair of white gloves came out.

"Pillaging is just plundering. You don't have to use this barbaric method. If you attract nearby Marines, it won't be easy."

"Fear The ball?"

The figure is as tall as a brown bear, and the gray beard with a face full of flesh hums coldly: "Marine dare to come, just go ahead and do it, so much nonsense! The most unacceptable thing I don't understand is You guys like crafty plots and machinations, are there any problems that can’t be solved with your fists?"


The man in the tuxedo suppressed the pressure The brim of the hat, "I can't be used to you idiots with only squishy minds. I think even the lower creatures of Fishman are smarter than idiots like you."

"What do you say... …"

"Alright, Greybeard, magician, and you two are calmer, don’t forget the cooperative relationship between us."

Until someone comes forward When it comes to rounding off, Greybeard and magician snorted each other and stopped arguing.

None of them realized that their side had already been spotted by another group of people above the clock tower in the distance.

"Peach Beard, bounty 55 million Beli magician, bounty 42 million Beli arsonist, bounty 63 million Beli... It seems like there are no powerful characters."

A beauty with short purple hair.

The woman wears a red high-top hat and black sunglasses. There are long tail spikes behind the hat. The upper body is wearing a red long-sleeved waistcoat, a tie is tied around the neck, and the lower body is wearing a long tail skirt and red. Boots.

She is one of the core cadres of the Revolutionary Army,

Paramecia Inspires Fruit Ability User, Revolutionary Army "East Army" Captain, and Betty Belo.

Next to her are two men and a woman. They are bald man "Northern Army" Captain Karasu wearing black feather coats, beak masks and loudspeakers. They are short in stature and have hairy fur like a tribe of fur. "Southern Army" Captain Lindbergh tied red double ponytails, dressed very gothic Lolita Captain "Western Army" Captain Cirno, at this time she was leaning at the window and manipulating a hand that is almost equal to her height Special sniper rifle.

Actually, this Cirno is not a real loli, she has already passed Loli’s age, she is now 21 years old, but due to the fruit’s ability, she looks still Like a girl of sixteen or seventeen.

The reason why she wears a purple black gothic style is because this group of people wears a common feature, that is, it gives people a strong "steampunk" feeling. The point is that it's not very orthodox yet... the randomness is obvious, after all, this is a world of mixed cultures.

I don’t know, I thought this group of people came to the catwalk...

Lindbergh grinned: "Miss Betty, so you plan to inspire the fighting spirit of the civilians in this small town , I hope they can rely on their own strength to repel Pirate, right?"

"That's it, but before that, we have to eliminate the magician that poses the greatest threat to civilians.

According to intelligence, don’t look at that magician’s bounty is the lowest among these Pirate alliances, but his mind is flexible, and his strength is also the strongest among these people. It is true that the civilians alone may not be able to defeat him."

Betty analyzed slowly with a cigarette in his mouth.

"But that Marine's influence is really big. Someone imitates Whitebeard and claims to be a gray beard. There is even Pirate who imitates Marine and claims to be magician..."

Lindbergh The smile on his face seems to never fade: "So the leader summoned us to come back to discuss things about that magician."

"Bang! !"

There was a thunderous sound. The explosion sounded in the bell tower without warning, and Captain Cirno of the "Western Army" army who had not said a word from now on actually pulled the trigger in his hand.

The blood spattered, and the sound of the sniper rifle had not reached the Pirates’ ears, and the supersonic bullets had lifted the heads of Pirate’s “magician”.

"You this girl, I'm not ready yet!"

"Eastern Army" Captain Betty bluffed Cirno who shot suddenly, and then jumped straight. Jumped down from the bell tower.

"Northern Army" Captain Karasu follow closely from behind, this silent bald man turned into a group of crows and flew towards Pirate, just like a bloodfiend that could turn into a bat!

Captain Lindbergh of the "Southern Army" army said with a smile behind Cirno: "Hey...Is my special sniper rifle good for you?"

Cirno controlled the sniper rifle, without turning his head back: "Sloppy."

"What is so-so?!"

Lindbergh quit, "With my Technology and your marksmanship, the 100 million-level Pirate is basically impossible to rely on Busoshoku Haki to defend against the bullets fired by this gun. Even the 300 million-level Pirate dare not underestimate it. Is it so difficult to praise me?"

Cirno squeezed the trigger while speaking, and a Pirate who tried to hurt civilians fell under her gun: "Who doesn't know the reputation of the great inventor Lindbergh, do you still need me to praise you?"

Lindbergh Hey Issho: "I love to hear that."

"Damn assassin, I found you!!"

The stairwell of the bell tower The Pirates shouted, and a group of Pirates rushed up.

Cirno still shot Pirate in the distance without looking back. This is a kind of trust in her companions, but also a kind of confidence in her own strength. She is not the only one who can only shoot The melee weak chickens, if these Pirate kills behind her, they will only die even worse.

But these Pirates have no chance to experience Cirno's melee ability.

"Look at my h28g portable turret!"

Lindberg took a look from the toolbox, and an object that looked like a Rubik's Cube actually expanded into In the shape of a small turret, the turret stood firmly on the ground, and a laser beam hit Pirate's chest directly.

After a while, looking at the fallen corpse, Lindbergh pretended to be profoundly sighed: "Ai, my exspoisonous snake evolution turret hasn't been taken out yet, you actually fell down. "

"Huh? The battle is over?"

Looking back and seeing that Cirno had put away the sniper rifle, Lindbergh wondered.


Cirno cherished her sniper rifle, "Pirates have been wiped out by civilians inspired by Betty's abilities, and now she is giving a speech Well."

"It's easy."

Lindbergh recovered his fort and saw no one everywhere, suddenly asked in a low voice: "Kirno, Robin or Don’t you want to teach you how to interpret ancient characters?"

Cirno nodded: "Sister Robin said, she wouldn’t teach this kind of writing to anyone, because this kind of writing It will bring disaster, she doesn't want us to repeat the mistakes of O'Hara."

Lindbergh sighed: "Ai, it seems she still refuses to believe in our strength."

"This is also something that can't be helped. The leader is also worried about this. The Marine is too powerful now."

A strange voice suddenly sounded in the bell tower: "O'Hara really Is it capable of resuscitating ancient weapons?"

Cirno and Lindbergh were not scared because it was Karasu.

"Of course it's impossible, this is just an unnecessary charge that Celestial Dragon has given O'Hara'an."

Lindbergh sneered: "You can guess it with a little brain. If they really have the ability to revive ancient weapons, then O'Hara will not be destroyed by Buster Call. On the contrary, Buster Call will be annihilated.

What O'Hara wants to expose is Celestial Dragon. The crime in the blank hundred years has angered Celestial Dragon, so Celestial Dragon will launch Buster Call to destroy O'Hara.

Due to the pressure of world public opinion, they give Oha La'an was charged with this unwarranted charge. After all, the most indispensable person in the sea is idiots. They will take the World Government news as true.

So this incident turned out to be a good talk for Celestial Dragon to maintain world peace.

The ignorant civilians and those kept in the dark are actually a group of pitiful persons."

Cirno concluded: "That’s why the leader said that our The goal has never been Marine, but World Government."

Lindbergh nodded quickly shook his head and said: "That's it...Huh? No, right? The leader said that our goal is Celestial Dragon, no Marine is not World Government either."

"Celestial Dragon?"

Upon hearing this, Cirrus red’s within both eyes revealed a touch of meaning, "Celestial Dragon? They and Is there a difference between World Government?"

Karasu blinked: "Isn't World Government, like Marine, where ordinary people serve as officials?"


"Isn't it?"

"Who knows."



Grand Line, Baldigo, the island of white soil, Revolutionary Army headquarters.

This is an island that will not be guided by record pointers, so the World Government has not been able to find the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army so far.

The 17-year-old Sabo is sweating and he is undergoing a arduous cultivation.

His training opponent is a red-skinned sea bream Fishman. If sugar is here, she can recognize it at a glance. Isn't this the Fisher Tiger that she turned into a toy?

Tiger, the former captain of the Sun Pirates regiment, has also become stronger than before, and his current strength is not lower than Jinbe.

"Brat, you can't get up anymore now?"

Sabo, who was knocked to the ground by Tiger, got up with trembling legs, "How could it be... If I only have this level, how can I save my companions!"

Yelled cheered up for himself, and Sabo rushed to Tiger again.

Sabo's companion is the "Monster King" Ambrio Ivankov, and the ability user giant Jasmine who can carry out "earth escape".

Dorager in the office is also worried about this matter. UU reading www.uukānshu.cOM

He regrets it now.

In order to develop the comrades in Impel Down, the deep sea prison, after Hailan defeated the Monster King, Dorrag did not try his best to recapture the Monster King.

In order to build a Small World controlled by Monster King in Impel Down, the giant Jasmine deliberately committed a crime and was easily arrested by Marine and sent to Impel Down.

Later, through Bartholomew Kuma’s intelligence, Dorrag learned that there is a "Guardian of Soul Locker" Caro in Impel Down. Monster King and Jasmine are totally giving a lamb in a tiger's den, I can’t get out anymore...

Otherwise, the original "Western Army" Captain should have belonged to this Jasmine, but now it has to be played by Cirno. Fortunately, Cirno performed The comprehensive ability that came out was the best among the four Captains, which made up for the loss of Monster King and Jasmine, otherwise the Revolutionary Army would be simply a lame organization.

"I should regret it, I should regret it......"

When I think of Hailan, the distressed Dorag is in possession of Xianglin's wife, and his resentment rushes into the sky.

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