
Charlotte Katakuri took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, organized her words and continued, "BIG・MOMPirates officially asked Beasts Pirates for help."

Katakuri's brows frowned, because Den Den Mushi imitated Kaido's expression, and Kaido heard the weird and arrogant laughter that couldn't be described in words on the other side.


After laughing enough, Kaido blows his beard and stares, changing his face faster than flipping a book: "Why can I help you? Beasts Pirates, why can I help BIG・MOMPirates? "

Katakuri reminded him neither humble nor arrogant: "Mr. Kaido, you owe our captain..."

"I don't owe her anymore!"

Kaido roared loudly, spitting stars mixed with wine and spraying Den Den Mushi's face, "Now, it is the old lady who owes Laozi favor!


little Demon, didn’t you Mama tell you about this?"

Of course, Katakuri knew the detailed process of the Sodalga Island war, but he still wanted to give it a try. This favor is no longer useful.

Katakuri endured Kaido's ridicule, his brain was running fast, and a new set of words was quickly blurted out.

"Surely Mr. Kaido should understand the truth of the lips and teeth cold? If you watch our BIG・MOMPirates being wiped out by Marine, maybe Marine's next goal..."

"Lip Death...tooth cold...a fart!!"

Kaido interrupted Katakuri roughly, "Who is the lips? Who is the teeth?

Lao Tzu now occupies the country of peace, taking advantage of the time and place. Marine wants to attack Beasts Pirates. Can they climb the waterfall?"

The smooth cliffs can only be landed in the country with a counter-current waterfall at the only entrance. Beasts Pirates is perilous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In addition to the many powerful warriors under the Shogun Orochi, even the World Government dare not easily provoke the joint forces of Beasts Pirates and the country. CP0 is only in front of Shogun Orochi. Can be polite and dare not even fight back.

Especially, the World Government and Beasts Pirates secretly trade weapons.

Devil Fruit Ability User's nemesis-"Kairoseki" is the country of origin.

Kaido is very clear that unless Marine is out of the control of World Government, World Government impossible allows Marine to crusade against the country of peace.


Katakuri has nothing to say. As Kaido said, it can be said that Kaido is now the least afraid of Marine in Yonko.

It’s not that Katakuri never thought of using the same reason to ask Whitebeard Pirates or Red Hair Pirates for help.

It’s just that Whitebeard Pirates doesn’t even have to think about it, those arrogant guys will never agree to their help; As for the Red Hair Pirates group...people can’t find it anymore... they are in the eye of Akagami’s forces. No one can find out where Akagami is now.

Helpless, Katakuri had to compromise further: "Mr. Kaido, if you can help BIG・MOMPirates through the difficulties of this time, we are willing to give in to the territory of Totto Land."


Kaido on the other side of Den Den Mushi suddenly fell silent.

Through the imitation of Den Den Mushi, Katakuri can clearly see that Kaido's expression has become more serious than ever.

Have a show?

After a long time, Kaido's deep voice finally sounded: "You... dare to be the master for Linlin?"

"Mama has already said that I am in charge of the combat command this time. "

Katakuri actually lied. Charlotte Linlin did give him the command, but she didn't say that even Totto Land could send it out.

Katakuri has gone out. In order to protect the younger brothers and younger sisters, he would rather bear Mama's anger, even if he died for it, he would have no regrets, especially when he heard that Smoothie was killed by Hailan. When he broke an arm, he strengthened his inner thoughts even more.

"get lost! !!!"

It was Kaido's angry roar that answered Katakuri.

"Why do Lao Tzu's subordinates work hard for the hostile Pirates? Your house is broken, if I want it, I can grab it!!"

Katakuri Before he could reply, Den Den Mushi in his hand suddenly twitched, with an expression of extreme horror on his face.

Seeing this scene, Katakuri is already very clear, Den Den Mushi will have this performance, it means that the other Den Den Mushi connected to it has died.

On the island of ghosts, Kaido opened his palm, blood and rotten meat stuck to his hand.

"This old lady, she dared to bring up this kind of condition, is she crazy?"

Instantly transformed into a dragon, Azure Dragon Kaido went straight into the sky, The loud Dragon's roar resounded across the sky, and even the white clouds were blown away by the billowing waves.

The Pirates of Ghost Island looked up to the sky one after another. They really couldn’t guess what kind of things would make their boss so angry. They only know that it’s best to stay away at this time. Boss, the farther the better.

Whole Cake Island, Katakuri gloomy face, serious and helpless eyes.

I don't know what kind of psychology it was. Katakuri actually slowly dismantled the mechanical facilities on Den Den Mushi and put Den Den Mushi back into nature.

Lifting the head, Katakuri looked towards the sky, in the sky, white clouds fluttering, quiet and peaceful, under the sky, war everywhere, under the war, there is no peace.

"We are the only one left."

Katakuri sighed, and clenched the cold light gleaming Trident in his hand.


"Totto Land" Totland, the direction of Nut Island.

Marine Headquarter "Akainu" holds a steel knife that I don't know where he got from, and in front of him is a ditch that stretches for thousands of meters.

He used to be a swordsman, and it was not too difficult for him to slap sword aura or something.

"Those who cross this line, die!!"

Putting the steel knife into the ground, Akainu glanced around coldly, the deep voice with a strong oppression force.

On the other side of the line, there are a large number of Pirates led by Hot Fruit Ability User Charlotte Irving and high level Homitz "Sun" Prometheus. In the vicinity of the sea there is a glare like a tiger watching his prey's high level Homitz "Sea King" Atlantis.

Akainu is Logia ・Magma Fruit Ability User. The fruit is characterized by high temperature. If it is one-to-one, it is easy. In the case of one-to-many, you want to kill Prometheus without fear of burning. It is not easy for Sri Lanka and the heat-resistant Owen. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

So after breaking through the defense line in the direction of Nut Island, Akainu simply stopped wasting energy with the enemy, but drew a line of life and death.

On Akainu's side are the civilians of Totto Land and Pirate who are familiar with BIG・MOMPirates who are mixed in it.

Marine has never imagined that BIG・MOMPirates can be wiped out only by the surprise attack of the Hailan four. They are just to stop the Pirates from escaping.

Akainu is here to stay, he is waiting for the arrival of Marine forces.

Owen and the others stared at Akainu. Although they were crowded, they didn't dare to relax in the face of this fierce Marine, and they didn't even dare to even think about crossing the line.

The people on Akainu's side are also trembling with fear. Not long ago, a civilian who was unwilling to leave Totto Land wanted to return to Owen, but when one of his feet crossed the dividing line. , This Marine's magma swallowed that person instantly.

In this brief moment, they finally understand what is meant by-"Those who cross this line, die!"

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