Without continuing the explanation just now, Smoothie changed the topic: "Flampe, do you know Thundergod Island?"

Flampe thought for a moment to replied: "It was in the first half of the New World Sea Territory Duan, that island covered by lightning all the year round? If the elder sister refers to that island, of course Flampe knows it~"

Smoothie took a deep breath, his eyes moved slightly, as if he was remembering What an incredible thing, "But Flampe... You know, that Thundergod Island is not naturally formed..."

"Huh? Is it artificially made?"

Flampey tilted his head, poked his index finger on his chin and recalled: "I seem to have heard that there is a group of old men in the little Skypiea that can change the natural environment..."

Smoothie shook the head, Issho reluctantly said, "No, Thundergod Island was created!"


Flampe stared wide-eyed, with surprise and anger on his face "I’m ten years old, elder sister. You are not allowed to tease me."

"This is true."

Smoothie gave a wry smile, "There are many kinds of Paramecia, such as Whitebeard’s Gura Gura no Mi and Mama’s Soru Soru no Mi. Let’s not talk about their awakening effect for now.

Let’s talk about the glutinous fruit of the Katakuri big brother. The effect of his awakening is to remove the surrounding material Assimilated into glutinous rice, and can be controlled by the Katakuri big brother out of thin air."


Franpe held his breath and listened carefully.

"An ordinary Logia Ability User, he can only turn his body into an element and use the body to produce elements."

This is like Enel’s Goro Goro no Mi," "God's Punishment" is emitted from Enel's arm, "Thunder Beast" is emitted from Taiko drums, and "Lei Ying" is based on the Ark's motto. Enel does not have a trick created out of thin air, because his Goro Goro no Mi has not awakened at all.

"When Logia Devil Fruit Ability User awakens, they can acquire the ability of summon elements out of thin air. Look at that Akainu, he just stomped on the ground with his foot, not far from him. There is magma erupting directly on the ground.

So this is the advantage of Logia. Even if the Katakuri big brother is awakened, he must first assimilate the surrounding substances into glutinous rice before it can be used; and Logia awakening does not. They need to be assimilated. Within the scope of their abilities, they only need a single thought, and a large number of elements will be generated.


"Logia is indeed unfair."

Flampe pouted, "But elder sister, you haven't told me how Thundergod Island was created."

Smoothie's face was helpless, "Logia Devil Fruit is still there after awakening. second ability."


"That is to permanently change the natural environment of a place!"


"Yes, Thundergod Island was beaten by a Goro Goro no Mi Ability-User in a Peak duel more than 100 years ago!"

"This... Then..."

Flampey opened his small mouth in surprise, "Doesn't that mean that the cheese island will become the magma island in the future?"

"That's it. "

"This is unscientific. Without the energy support of volcanoes, wouldn't those magmas cool down?"

"What science did you tell Devil Fruit..."

Smoothie said with a bitter smile, "Mama caught that many scientists have not been able to understand Devil Fruit. It is said that the genius of the World Government Academician Begapunk’s research on Devil Fruit is only a mere fur and he wants to use science. Explaining Devil Fruit’s ability is utterly idiotic."

"The battle is about to end."

Smoothie muttered to herself, looking at the distance, "I can hold on for so long. ……Logia ……Sure enough, it is the most powerful Devil Fr uit. "

Flampe asked: "Isn't Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi the strongest?" "

"That's just Whitebeard strong, not Gura Gura no Mi strong." "

Smoothie stroked Flampe's little head, shook the head, "...and if you know Yami Yami no Mi, maybe you don't think so.

Even if you don't mention Yami Yami no Mi, didn't the Purple Demon who ate Logia's aurora fruit also tied with Whitebeard? "

At the end of the talk, Smoothie's white teeth are bitten together tightly, and the hatred is hard to dissipate.



When the precognition came to the "Cheese Island", this calm, always a lazy man on his face, became extremely serious.

As far as I can see, there are gurgling everywhere. The flowing magma, the air on the magma is distorted by the high temperature, it looks as if even the air can’t help twisting and dancing.


The eyes quickly locked in a silhouette.

The man was bathed in magma and the sea of ​​fire, and his body was covered with deep red liquid. He couldn’t tell whether it was magma or blood at all; his expression was violent. The pain became a little distorted. Behind him was a sea of ​​fire, and under his feet was a magma. Around him were corpses that exuded a scorching stench. The man was stained red by scarlet, and his face was fierce, like a Demon God resident in the hell of red lotus.

Seeing this scene, even the precognition, which has gone through countless battles in several decades, can't help but be slightly moved.

Why does a person fight to such a degree?

What is he doing?

Akainu's body is covered with scars, but his Marine coat is not damaged at all. Under the light of the fire, the word "positive x" is particularly dazzling.


Whether it’s magma or fire or lightning, these are not elements of the natural world, just like the magic of the magic world, they are just a manifestation of Devil Fruit’s ability. Ability User can avoid harming what he doesn’t want to do. Object.

Obviously, Akainu's undamaged coat is impossible just that he doesn't want to hurt it. He has been protecting this coat because he wants to hold on to the justice behind it.

"The dog bites Guren! ! "

Akainu roared loudly, as if a beast struck hard. His entire attention was on Pirate's body. Kenbunshoku Haki didn't notice that the precognition had already reached the outskirts of the battlefield.

"Since you think like this is dead, the old lady will fulfill you, Akainu! ! "

BIG・ MOM with some minor injuries on his body has a fierce and ferocious expression. Unconsciously, the "magma little demon" in his mouth has also become "Akainu".

"Crash-bang! ! ”

An ice wall with a width of nearly a kilometer, a height of hundreds of meters, a thickness of more than 50 meters, and a hardness comparable to steel essence lay abruptly between Akainu and BIG・MOM. Time.

The lava dog from the red lotus hell was stopped by the ice wall, and the BIG・MOM, who was walking in the wind, also stopped.

"Ah la la...Sakazuki , If you just die like this, I will have a headache. "

Behind Akainu, the voice of precognition rang casually.


Akainu panted heavily, he was alone Blocking the entire BIG・MOMPirates has persisted until now, "Have you really awakened as a fool? ”

When Akainu saw the ice wall, he realized that if he hadn’t awakened, precognition would be impossible to create this level of defense out of thin air.

Save Akainu’s precognition mouth On the slightest no mercy: "If you are injured, go to the rear to rest, Sakazuki! "

Akainu counterattacked: "Can you stop so many Pirates on your own?" "

"What if we are added?" ! "

The voices of "Shua", "Shua" and "Shua" sounded, and eight tall silhouettes flashed to Akainu's side.

"Marine" Vice Admiral..."

"Doubman! "

"Yamakaji. "

"Strawberry. "

"Dalmesia! "

"Kaisha. "

"Stainless. "

"Bastille! "

"Momonga. "

"...Request to play!" ! "

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