A life and death battle ended temporarily after Kaido released his ultimate ultimate move.

Both Marine and Pirate paid a huge price.

Pirate's side fell down countless corpses, some were killed by Akainu, Momousagi, Vice Admiral in the war, and some died of M·H·7 in Kaido.

Marine, after paying the price of two Vice Admiral, finally withdrew from the envelope of M·H·7.

"Dalmesia, Stainless, both of them are Marine’s heroes."

After meeting with the large forces, the staff of Kong Ming led the soldiers to the two dead in the battle. Vice Admiral expressed a simple silence.

There is not much time for mourning, not even time for grief. Everyone’s faces are full of exhaustion, because the war is not over yet and needs to continue.

The simple ceremony is over, and the bodies of Dalmesia and Stainless are frozen by the precognition and will be transported back to Marine Headquarters in the future.

Pirates also failed to break through, they have now been besieged by Marine's large forces on Whole Cake Island.

Standing quietly at the bow of the ship, Douberman Vice Admiral looked at the Whole Cake Island in the distance with red eyes.

"Vice Admiral, you shed tears..."

"Asshole! How could I cry?! cough cough cough..."

On the face Dauberman roared loudly with scars all over his neck, neck, and body, as if he was about to let go of the sulking in his heart, and his Lieutenant Commander could not help but step back two steps in fright.

Dauberman didn't look back. He was looking at Whole Cake Island all the time, and the right hand unconsciously wiped the long knife held in his left hand.

"Dalmesia has been my best brother since I was a student. He is an excellent soldier. To him dying on the battlefield will only mean honor. How could I cry... "

Dauberman's voice gradually became quieter, "I just...the poison on my body has not been completely recovered..."


Even for the Improved M·H·7, it is not so easy to directly poison to death a Marine Vice Admiral. Dalmesia and Stainless died in the battle with the high level Homiz in the poison mist.

Kaido has an Immortal Body, he will not be afraid of poison mist, and of course those pure elemental creatures will not care.

But Logia Devil Fruit Ability User is different, poison mist or venom can cause real harm to them, otherwise Crocodile will not be driven by Magellan in the original book.

"Hailan Vice Admiral, don't you go and talk to the soldiers?"

In Hailan's cabin, Staff Kong Ming came to the door.

"You risked the mortal danger to rescue the remains of Vice Admiral and Stainless Vice Admiral in Dalmesia. At this time, your words will certainly encourage the soldiers."

Kaido suddenly used a poison mist attack, which severely hit Marine's morale.

Hailan shook the head, "I don't have time to encourage them."

Kong Ming's expression is full of worry: "Is your poison still okay?"

"It's coming soon."

Although Hailan is poisoned, he is a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User after all. Every part of the body can be elemental transformed, including blood and internal organs.

Under the control of Hailan's precise computing power, combined with the techniques of Seimei Kikan and elemental transformation, Hailan has eliminated a large amount of toxins from the body, and it will not take long for him to recover completely. health status.

"I'm definitely not in danger, but can Vice Admiral still fight?"

"We don't have the antidote for M・H・7. With the help of the medical force, we can only control Vice at best. The poisonous injuries of the Admirals are not moved towards serious development.

As for now, the Vice Admirals can at best show their Commodore level strength.

And I don’t recommend them. Continue to participate in the war, it will only aggravate their poisonous injuries and cause permanent damage to their internal organs and nerves."

"In other words, excluding us, only ten Vice Admiral will remain. Can the next two continue to fight, right?"

Kong Ming sighed, "Yes."

"Then let them assist you in leading the big army, the core area battle Just leave it to the two Admiral and me and Momousagi Vice Admiral."

Kong Ming worriedly said: "Akainu Admiral can still fight in that state?"

"You won't let him fight , It’s more uncomfortable than killing him."

"But his body..."

"That’s why I said I don’t have time to comfort the soldiers, because I want to give him Perform an emergency operation."

Kong Ming was surprised: "right here?"

Hailan Issho, "right here."

Kong Ming is still not Rest assured, "But even if you can complete the operation, Akainu Admiral is also impossible to recover."

"Don't worry."

Hailan got up, he has made all the preparations. "I have some healing potions sponsored by Begapunk here. Together with Seimei Kikan, Akainu Admiral should be able to persist until the end of the battle."

Watching Hailan push the door and leave, Kong Mingzhang After opening his mouth, he still didn't say anything in the end.

Now I can only try this way, otherwise, with Marine’s loss, I can no longer continue to complete the "Soul Killing" plan.


In the operating room, Akainu lay on his back on the operating platform, opened his eyes, and there was a dark operating lamp above his head.

He wears high-purity Kairoski yokes on both feet and hands, in order to prevent elemental transformation from the protection of the brain and nerves to the body.

"It doesn't matter if you can fight, know good food, and also have surgery. How can you perform surgery without turning on the operating light?"

When I think of Hailan, my mind is full of question marks.

How can one person master so many abilities at the same time?

Hailan Issho relaxed, "Because I am a genius."

This is not Hailan's narcissism, everyone called him new recruit genius at the new recruit training camp, and later Hailan For all the questions that were inconvenient for him to answer, I used this reason to prevaricate.

Akainu snorted, stop talking.

It seems that he really doesn't like talking.

The development of the aurora fruit has made Hailan possess vision that ordinary people cannot understand, so he naturally does not need to turn on the operating light; and he chose to operate on Akainu because of the aurora fruit. There is nothing better than Hailan. The "laser cutting surgery" is more efficient.

A nurse whispered behind Hailan: "Mr. Hailan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com anesthetic is ready."

Akainu has a large area of ​​tissue that has died. Even if he is the Marine Headquarter, these tissues cannot be restored as before, they can only be removed, leaving room for new tissues to grow.

"Wait a minute."

Surgery on platform Akainu, who had already closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

Hailan played said with a smile: "Why, don’t you worry about my technology?"

Akainu did not answer Hailan’s words, but said seriously," Let's forget the anesthetic."

The doctors and nurses in the operating room stopped their movements and looked towards Akainu with all their faces, wondering if they had heard something wrong.

Hailan asked, "Are you serious?"

Akainu calmly said, "I am Marine Headquarter, and my opponent is the most ferocious Pirate on the sea, and the anesthetic It may affect my nerves and make my Kenbunshoku Haki dull, so how can I fight Pirate?"

The operating room became commotion, the medical staff whispered, and finally looked towards Hai Lan, handed over the decision-making power to this temporary guest attending physician.

"It all depends on what I do?"

Hailan is nodded, it seems that Akainu’s choice is as it should be by rights.

Because if Hailan himself is lying on the operating platform now, he will also make the same choice as Akainu.

With a chuckle, Hailan’s fingers are generating plasma, "Let’s start."

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