
The movement of Hailan, who was accumulating strength, stopped.

The Titan movement in the distance also stopped.

Soldiers who concentrated on alert and prepared to fight at any time were all stunned in place, full of doubts. What happened?

They don't have the telescope-level vision of Hailan, and the overwhelming majority cannot see far away at all.

"This girl, the courage is really getting bigger and bigger."

Hailan chuckled, and Soulshang retracted the scabbard.

Kong Ming blinked, "No way...is this also OK?"

"Hi, big man, what's your name?"

Flying with Pikachu in the ears of Titan, Koala's voice sounded.

I don’t know why, when I hear this little voice, Titan feels very kind, "I...I'm Titan."

"Hello, Titan, my name It's called Koala, and this is Pikachu."

"Hello, Koala, Pika...Pikachu!"


It's on guard from a distance The soldiers opened their unbelievable mouths. How could this monster who resisted an army of 20,000 people have such a polite side?

"Titan, why are you alone?"

Koala followed by inducing.

For her, the content of the chat is not important, what is important is to use the ability of "Music Fruit" to slowly influence Titan during the chat.

Koala had long wanted to take the Leviathan from the G5 branch as his subordinate Admiral, but unfortunately the Leviathan was too ridiculous. After working hard for a long time, Koala was completely useless. After all, it was the overlord of the ocean.

Today, since I met the Titan who also has tyrannical strength, the little girl took the risk to communicate with this elemental creature.

Koala has always been eager to become stronger, and hopes to one day be able to fight side by side with Hailan.

"I, Mama, don't want me..."

Hearing Koala's question, the anthropomorphic features on Titan's face showed a sad expression.

In order to break through, Pirates pushed this elemental creature to the front line to attract Marine’s attention. Unfortunately, they did not expect that the Marine named Sakazuki would desperately complete the entire Pirates’ game. check.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"He... they beat me, beat me Mama."

The Titan pointed to the Marine fleet, "So I want to hit them too."

Koala smiled sweetly at Titan, "They won't hit you again, I promise."

"Really... …Really?"

"As long as you and I become friends, they won't beat you again, and they will treat you as a friend in the future.

Are you willing Be my friend?"

Titan startled, "Eh..."

At this moment, Koala's heart is full of anxiety, this Overlord level other creatures are not so easy Conquer it, if you fail...


Hearing Titan’s answer, Koala's heart was happy, but she tried to keep her face Calm down, "Then we will be good friends in the future!"

"Good friends...friends,


Pirate King’s world is different from the overwhelming majority world. On this plane, "soul" represents "lifespan".

Although Charlotte Linlin was unable to completely remove the soul of San Juan and the evil wolf, it did not affect the battle strength of this elemental creature, only the lifespan of the Titan.

This is also the fundamental reason why Ai Yin’s regressive fruit and the age fruit of Bonnie with a big stomach can’t make people live forever.

Because the fruits of regression and the fruits of age change only the target’s **, their bodies return to their youthful state, and the age is determined by the target’s soul. No matter how young the ** is, the soul has reached the time limit. , Even a small baby will die of old age directly; and if a small baby is turned into an eighty-year-old man by Bonnie, the old man will not have the slightest difficulty in living for several decades.

Ope Ope no Mi’s "immortality surgery" is because it involves the mysterious soul realm, so it needs a life for a life.

However, "San Juan·Wolf" is not a normal human in the first place. He is several times larger than Giant Race. No one knows how many lifespans there are. Only Charlotte Linlin can see his lifespan limit.

"Titan wants to make friends with everyone, but your friend is Mama's enemy. Although Mama doesn't want Titan anymore, Titan doesn't want to hurt Mama."

It may be for easy control The Titan seems to have been stripped of the cruel character in the soul by Charlotte Linlin. The Titan who inherited the soul of San Juan and the evil wolf turned out to be a simple and cute child.

"I'm your friend, how could I let you hurt your Mama? Let's go catch the fish!"

Koala as soon as you see it, take the Titan directly The problem of the "food crisis" of the Marine forces has been resolved.

"Go...go away?!"

The Marine soldiers who made a false alarm feel that today's experience is as incredible as a fairy tale.

A smile bloomed on Kong Ming's face, "Pirates high-end battle strength, -1."


Whole Cake Island, in the palace.

Katakuri calmly analyzed, "Marine is a fatigue all the way, and the resources are definitely insufficient. As long as we can persist for ten days half a month, those Marines who lack water and food will retreat without a fight, and we will always There is no need to worry about the food crisis."

Pirates has countless Devil Fruit Ability Users. Not only do they not lack food, but they also eat good things.

"Does I have to use this kind of aggrieved method?"

Kaido sipped himself a few sips and shouted angrily.

Charlotte Linlin suggested, "How about...you go and throw poison 7 bombs over Marine?"

"You silly old lady, use this thing once, if you keep using it What if they went to Lao Tzu’s Wano country to retaliate with poison 7 bombs?"

"Report, Marine sent a Den Den Mushi and a gift, saying it was for Master Kaido."


"No, no, it's not a bomb. The small one has been checked. It is..."

Den Den Mushi, bring it here!"

"Hey, I am Kaido!"

"Hello Mr. Kaido, next is Marine's staff, Kong Ming."

"I am not interested in who you are. If you have something to say quickly, and if you have a fart, please let go."

Den Den Mushi's expression has not changed the slightest because of Kaido's vulgar words, Kong Ming laughed and said, " Is it possible that the Tyrant Dragon King Kaido of the dignified Four Great Heavenly Kings can only be huddled on Whole Cake Island, don’t you dare to come out and fight?"

"I can do it for you, You bastards Marine, do you really think I don’t know the art of war? What do you call that...... That excitement......"

Glancing at Katakuri's mouth, Kaido suddenly felt Satori, "Exciting generals!


I just won’t go out, I’ll starve you bastard to death!"

"Kaido your excellency, don’t be angry."

Kong Ming’s tone was soothing, "Actually We are here to ask for peace this time."

"For peace?"

Everyone in the palace looked at each other in blank dismay. In Marine's bottle gourd, this is for sale. What medicine?

Is it true that as Katakuri said, they can't hold on because of the food crisis?

"Please open the gift we gave your excellency."

Kaido waved his hand and motioned to his men to open the gift.

"Aren't you talking about a gift for Lao Tzu? What do you mean by giving a floral dress?"

Den Den Mushi imitated Kong Ming's extremely flat expression, "Since Tyrant Dragon king your excellency dare not fight like a man, please put your excellency on this dress, as long as you use this image Den Den Mushi to take a photo next, and immediately lead the Marine troops to withdraw."


The sound of Den Den Mushi being pinched, an Azure Dragon skyrocketed.

"Kong Ming! Day Tiger!! All Marine...I killed you!!!"

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