" Want to run?"

Realizing that Momousagi's fighting intent is no longer available, Charlotte Linlin holds the "sword in the stone" Arthur swinging out a huge spiral sword aura, "Just rely on You are so courageous, you still want to compete with my old lady for the title of the strongest woman in the world?"


Momousagi muttered in a subtle voice, fundamentally Not in love with Charlotte Linlin.


A cold light gleaming ice saber blocked Charlotte Linlin's sword in the stone.

"Ah la la... don't be so irritable."


Suddenly came back to his senses, Charlotte Linlin realized I have fallen into Marine's trap.

Oh, didn’t you come to call Kaido back? Why did you fight with Marine instead?

What about Kaido? Why is that bastard gone?

Charlotte Linlin turned around to escape, but was greeted by a crimson magma dog.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

Charlotte Linlin activates the ability of "Blizzard" Metis: "Ice Serpent!"

"bang! !"

The magma vicious dog collided with the blue ice snake, evaporating a large amount of energy.

The precognition taunted coldly, "Can you do it, wounded!"

Akainu had a dark face, "Just take care of yourself, Kuzan!"

"You two, didn't you pay attention to the old lady?"

Seeing that precognition and Akainu ignored their existence and began to talk casually, Charlotte Linlin's blood surged.

Akainu took off his Marine cap, straightened out his short hair, taunted mercilessly, "If you want us to put you in our eyes, then come with all your strength!

Otherwise, we can only treat you as a trash."


On the other side, Hailan and Katakuri are facing each other.

Katakuri was not eager to attack Hailan, but stared at Hailan coldly, "Zhouhu, are you sympathizing with me?"

Hailan couldn't help but stare at Hailan. startled, "Why do you say that?"

No longer caring about his image, Katakuri tore off his scarf, exposing his scarred mouth, roaring loudly: "Foreseeing Future is me The ability to block Kenbunshoku Haki is your ability. Use your full strength. Don’t you know that fighting with full strength is the greatest respect for your opponent?"

Hailan gave a wry smile. "Some abilities shouldn't exist, but there are some things I can't explain to you. Is it so difficult for me to just want a fair duel?"

"I get it."

I don’t know why, Katakuri suddenly calmed down, "Hiku, you want to use me to train your high-end Kenbunshoku Haki, right?"

didn't expect Katakuri to misunderstand unexpectedly Hailan froze for a moment at first, and then said with a smile, "It's really Katakuri, it seems I can't hide anything from you."

Hailan didn't make any unnecessary arguments. If you misunderstand, just misunderstand, maybe, this is the best result.

"In that case..."

Katakuri activated the space power of the glutinous fruit and took out his Trident named "Mole" in his body.

"Before that,

I have a request."

"Please speak."

"If I lose, please accept my weapon."


Trident pierced the air, and the mole thrown by Katakuri stuck firmly on the ground.

Although Katakuri's words are very brief, Hailan can understand his intentions.

Katakuri is not a swordsman, but he attaches great importance to his weapons and will not be inferior to any swordsman.

"A weapon of the big fast blade level..."

Hailan pulled out the soul and threw it at a position close to the mole, "I promise you, the mole will never It will not fall into the hands of any younger generation."

The Soulshang that fell on the ground exudes a human energy, and some nearby Pirates who don't know that the large forces have already run away are coveting the Soulshang. , Their eyes were hot, but they only dared to look at it from a distance, because they couldn't overcome the soul-level pressure of Soulshang at all.

But even Sea Lan didn't notice that the soul of the soul that fell near the mole actually had a faint feeling of excitement.

In the distance between Soulshang and Mole, is their master.

The dark purple energy flooded in all directions, Katakuri without the slightest hesitation activated the awakening ability of the waxy fruit, turning the surrounding earth and rocks into sticky glutinous rice.

He did his best from the very beginning, on the one hand out of respect for Hai Lan, his opponent, and on the other hand, to buy time for younger brothers and younger sisters.

Only the longer he persists, the later Hailan will pursue his younger brothers and sisters.

"Let the horse come here, day tiger!!"

Katakuri roared loudly. At this moment, he has to fight with all his life, because this may be his life The last Peak duel.

The pitch-black Busoshoku Haki dyed the white glutinous rice into a giant fist cast in black iron. Katakuri’s pupils burned with fighting intent, "I saw you!!

Nuo...lion fight!"

"Is this the ability of Foreseeing Future...it’s really tricky."

Hailan, who had already made the action, couldn’t help but feel amazed, Katakuri The Nuomi Ju Fist suddenly changed its shape in the middle, turning into a black lion and rushing toward him fiercely.

Why does Katakuri use this style? Because the style I'm going to use is "tiger hunting".

"roar! !"

The roar of the tiger sounded, and the blue thunderbolt aurora tiger and Katakuri covered Busoshoku Haki glutinous rice lion fiercely collided together. A surging air wave broke out.

In the battle between the tiger and the lion, Haoshoku Haki unscrupulously rushed in all directions, seeming to fight out who is the real king of the forest.

The two arms clung to each other with their arms carrying a tremendous amount of strength.


With a judgment in his mind, Katakuri's eyes sank suddenly, his left thumb was bent, and a jelly bean stained black by Busoshoku Haki pierced out. He even left a slowly spreading ring of air in front of his hand, which is a manifestation of the jellybean breakthrough sound barrier.

Katakuri's physique has been cultivated to the extreme of the second echelon powerhouse on the sea. With this jelly bean, Katakuri can shoot through the forehead of a Marine Rear Admiral.

Katakuri remembers clearly that when he competed with Roger Pirates for hegemony, a guy called "Silvers Rayleigh" on the other party’s ship would have such a style, which made Pirates suffer a big loss. From then on , Katakuri added the brand-new project of "unarmed sniper" to the normally cultivation.

In Katakuri's high-level Kenbunshoku perception, he even foresaw the future of Hailan being pierced by jelly beans on his shoulders, but the next scene caused Katakuri's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"How could it..."

Hailan simply didn't move in the direction the Katakuri jelly beans shot. Instead, he raised his finger in the same way, and a blue beam of light suddenly shot out.

To deal with a single target like Katakuri, Hailan does not need to use electromagnetic guns at all, because it will only waste extra time. No matter how fast Hailan moves, using electromagnetic guns also requires preparation. , And the speed of the electromagnetic gun is not as fast as the auroral ray with the power of thunderbolt.

"I was the one who was pierced?"

Katakuri's prediction of the future has undergone a radical change. This astonishing change made him give up the confrontation with Hai Lan, and the lion was The tiger threw down, and Katakuri was able to avoid Hailan's rays in a hurry. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Foreseeing Future..."

Katakuri's face is full of unbelief. If Hailan learns the high-level Kenbunshoku Haki now... it would be too fast. Right?

"Of course not."

Hailan's voice sounded, "I just calculated your next movement at the moment your left thumb was bent, and then forcibly changed your body. The response."

Hailan speculates that the so-called "Foreseeing Future" should be a manifestation of the extreme ability of perception and computing.

Just as the hunter will move towards a position in front of the bird and shoot, in the heart of the hunter, he has foreseen the future in which the bird will be hit.

Whether this "future" will happen is another matter.

This most common calculation is defined as "pre-judgment", and when a person can calculate a higher probability of the future through accurate perception of surrounding information, it becomes a high-level prediction , If you add the ability of "mind reading", you will become a high-level Kenbunshoku Haki-Foreseeing Future.

Hailan doesn’t know if his guess is correct, but if the scene just now is regarded as "Foreseeing Future" in the eyes of ordinary people, only the powerhouse on the ocean can realize that Hai There is still a gap between Lan's ability and "Foreseeing Future".

But Katakuri is different. He is quite convinced that this is the precursor of Foreseeing Future. Even if Hailan cannot master Foreseeing Future in the battle at this time, he is very fast.

Because Katakuri came from this step.

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