"Holy Land "Mariejois.

"Didn't expect...Marine this time actually succeeded in defeating BIG・MOMPirates, although there is still a fish that escaped the net, but as long as you catch the crazy woman Charlotte Linlin, the name of BIG・MOM The number can be removed from Yonko."

"The sea of ​​New World has returned to the era of the Three Emperors."

A few Gorosei, you say something to me. Discussing the post-war results of Marine's "Soul Killing" battle, there is almost no joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on the face with the same expression all the year round.

"A total of more than 20,000 troops, high level officers killed two Vice Admiral in action, middle and lower-level officers lost only a few hundred people, several decades, Marine has rarely been able to compete in large-scale battles. It’s unimaginable to have such a slight loss, especially after successfully winning this battle."

"The people from CP0 reported that it was the appearance of Kaido that brought this battle. After a huge change, that guy, tossing and tossing, finally made a wedding dress for Marine."

The death of hundreds of Marines means the destruction of hundreds of families. Every Marine, they They were all someone's son, husband, father...at least, they were also someone's friends.

But these hundreds of lives are just a number in Gorosei's eyes. They even felt that Marine defeated Pirate with such a "small" loss, which was seriously inconsistent with their expectations. In the vision, Marine should suffer more losses.

It is precisely for this purpose that Gorosei did not send Oka Shichibukai and CipherPol people to assist Marine operations, in order to let Marine and Pirate sandpiper and clam war together and kill each other.

"What do you think about Sengoku's proposal to publicly execute BIG・MOM? Do you agree or refuse?"

"Of course you have to agree, why not?"

"Charlotte Linlin, the captain of BIG・MOMPirates, and their trump card Charlotte・Katakuri were captured alive by Marine. Although the remaining Pirates were just a group of defeated soldiers, they were always impossible to watch BIG・MOM being caught by Marine. Punishment, right?"

"I think so too. As long as the time and place of the execution of BIG・MOM are announced, it is most likely that a war of unprecedented scale will be caused. This can be..."

Gorosei didn't say what he said later, but the other four old people knew everything well-so that they could continue to consume Marine's power.

ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~Chinese Wωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм The blond Gorosei quickly changed the subject, "It’s not just for this reason, you guys should pay Remember Sister Carmelite?"

"Of course."

"If I remember correctly, that nun was the last Soru Soru no Mi Ability User, right?"

Sister Carmelite was a world-famous Holy Mother a long time ago, representing the will of God.

She is a kind nun who wanders all over the world, saving the poor and the people she meets, especially the orphans who lost their parents for various reasons, Carmelo The nuns will adopt them and raise them at their own expense.

Sister Carmelite is a Holy Mother who is respected by the whole world, even in the remote country of giants Elbaf, where the giants have been blessed by her.

Unfortunately, all of this is just appearance.

"More than a hundred years ago, it was precisely because this woman and Marine performed a scene that influenced those stupid giants. From that day on, the deeply grateful Giant Race began to join. Marine, so that Marine has powerful giants Vice Admiral."

"The soldiers and the two of them are sold to us by Sister Carmelite."

Some people seem to be on the surface. She is a Holy Mother who adopts orphans. In fact, she is a trafficker who abducts and sells children.

While being regarded as the Holy Mother by the world, Sister Carmelite is also known as the "mountain grandma" of Underworld. The child overwhelming majority adopted by her were sold to CipherPol by her.

When Charlotte Linlin was a child, her parents abandoned Charlotte Linlin because her daughter had an incomprehensible mutation. It was Sister Carmelo who adopted the little Linlin.

Realizing that Linlin has the potential of Marine Headquarter level, Sister Carmelo is ready to sell Linlin and her adopted children at a high price to CipherPol, but it was only when Sister Carmelo gave Linlin the last On a birthday, the nun and other children suddenly disappeared at the birthday party, as if disappeared from the face of the earth.

What’s even more unimaginable is that from that day on, Charlotte Linlin had the ability to "Soru Soru no Mi", and later, a gradually named BIG・MOM appeared on the sea. The terrifying female Pirate.

"What are you talking about that nun for?"

A Gorosei asked puzzledly.

The former replied, "If there were no accidents at the time, this Charlotte Linlin should have been an excellent agent for us, but now she has become the emperor Pirate who is working against us.

So public punishment is also good for us. We must use this time to make the people in Underworld realize that if you disobey us, you can only escape for a while, and you will never escape for a lifetime."

"It makes sense. It’s time for those rats who are getting more and more restless recently to beat and beat."

"What about Sengoku's request? You all know that UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM Sengoku is The Resourceful General, he impossible Can’t think of Pirate’s final madness. He has already asked us to ask Oka Shichibukai’s assistance in the public execution of BIG・MOM."

"Promise him."

Always The sword-holding Gorosei finally spoke, "Those bastards Shichibukai are becoming more and more disobedient. This time is just right, let Marine execute BIG・MOM in front of them. I want them to take a look, even if it is so-called Emperor Pirate, as long as we are against us, there is only one end, and that is death!"

"The people of CipherPol don't need to act. They can't benefit from the public execution of BIG・MOM. If you are injured in the war, you will suffer."

"Of course."

"Has Marine proposed the time for the public execution of BIG・MOM?"

"The exact time has not been announced yet. Sengoku means that BIG・MOM will be executed at the end of the year, because the Reverie will be held next year. If the two major events rush together, he is worried that there will be some mistakes."

"That's good, the execution of BIG・MOM can just hit and beat those kings, let them take a look, our will is absolutely not to be disobeyed."

"But just in case BIG・If the execution of MOM fails, it will be very detrimental to the organization of Reverie..."

"They will not fail."

The eyes of the pupils behind the lenses of Gorosei holding the sword are sharp. Rujian, "What we should worry about is how to control this falcon that is getting stronger and stronger."

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