Time passes in a hurry.

The public execution of Great Pirate "bigmom" Charlotte Linlin did not follow Sengoku's original plan and was successfully executed at the end of Sea Calendar 1517. This delay was delayed until February 1518.

"It can't be delayed any longer. If it is delayed, it will be delayed to Reverie in June. You can't execute bigmom at that time, right?"

In the Mariejois meeting hall, On the screen in front of Gorosei was Sengoku's displeased face.

"That being said..."

Daoist Robe Gorosei, holding a demon knife in his arms, said, "But you Marine is sure that you are fully prepared. Do you know that bigmom is not just a Great Pirate, she used to be a member of Rocks Pirates, if the remnants of Rocks come to rescue her, can you Marine handle it?"

Sengoku's expression remained unchanged. , "Several adults, Marine is fully prepared here, only waiting for your approval."

"Vegapunk’s experiment can no longer proceed, it seems that it has failed. , There is no need to keep bigmom anymore."

Gorosei wearing a hat said.

"If this is the case, then bigmom will give you all the power to deal with it. Oka Shichibukai will assist you at that time. Have you thought about the execution time?"

Sengoku looks a little bit Relax, "I'm going to set it on February 13. How many adults don't have any comments?"

"Yes, let the government take care of the publicity work."

" The subordinate understands."

After cutting off the connection with Gorosei, Sengoku finally relaxed.

The public execution of bigmom has been delayed until now because Gorosei hopes that the Begapunk Academician can crack the secret of the bigmom body and want to mass-produce this biochemical warrior with a terrifying body.

It's a pity that Begapunk failed and said that he really couldn't continue this experiment.

In desperation, Gorosei finally formally agreed to Sengoku's request for public execution of bigmom.

New World, Punk Hazard.

This is an evergreen summer island, with blue sky and white clouds, rivers and mountains, especially the dense deep forest, where there is a sense of tranquility.

In the depths of the forest, there is a secret scientific research base of the World Government built. The scientific research team led by Bergaponck is studying scientific research projects related to "biochemical warrior" here.

"Vegapunk, you are such an idiot!"

The Logia Gas Fruit Ability User with horn-like decorations on his head and a scientific research lab coat" "Caesar Courant" scolded Begapunk Academician.

Caesar has always regarded himself as the world’s number one scientific research genius, but he didn’t know what it means to be "in the wider world there are people more" until he meets Begapunk who is better than him everywhere. talented than oneself".

"Caesar, how can you talk to the Vegapunk Academician like this?"

A scientist who could not stand accused Caesar.

"Am I right?"

Caesar insisted on his point of view, frigid irony and scorching satire, "Doesn't this idiot know?" To achieve successful research in biology,

the best way is to conduct a ** experiment."

"We have already tested on those prisoners. This method simply doesn't work."


"You are so stupid. Experimenting on adults will certainly not work.

As long as we randomly grab a few children to carry out classification experiments, observe and record their growth response, I have to worry about not being able to make a freak like bigmom?"

Caesar was right.

As long as he wants, Begapunk can actually complete the task Gorosei assigned him, but he can't bear to hurt those innocent children.

Begapunk was finally angry, "Caesar, I have seen from the early morning that you are wrong in your mind. Due to your ability, I have always endured your attitude, but you have repeatedly provoked My bottom line, today I decided to fire you from the research team!"

"You...you have no right to do this!"

Begapunk coldly said, "I Of course there is this power, do you think Gorosei really doesn’t know if I don’t want to continue this experiment? They just give me face, as long as I speak, it’s not easy to fire you a Caesar, you really think of yourself as something "


Caesar was trembling with anger by Begapunk, and trembling fingers pointed at Begapunk, yelling, "Bega Punk, I x you&&!!!"

The scientists were so shocked by Caesar that their faces were green. They always knew that Caesar was a scientific rascal, but he didn't expect him to be rude. Kind of degree.

Begapunk is remaining unmoved. He sneered and hit the nail on the head, "Caesar, jealousy separated you."

After all, Begapunk went away. .

Hearing the words of Begapunk, the scientists including Caesar couldn't help but were taken aback, but they quickly reacted. After all, these people are scientific experts.


Caesar was so angry that he was so speechless that Caesar was so angry.

The other scientists looked like taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, "As expected of Begapunk Academician, he can even speak so well in cursing words, wonderful, wonderful."

"I admire the Begapunk Academician too much."

The scientists living in the depths of the jungle thought that the event at this time was over, and they would be able to return soon The scientific research headquarters, but just that night, a catastrophe that no one could have anticipated suddenly descended.

"Bang! !"

The ear-splitting explosion tore open the night sky, and countless people were suddenly awakened by the tremors of the earth. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Is it an earthquake? Or a volcanic eruption?"

"Not good, Begapunk made a calculation error, and the laboratory exploded!!!"

"The poison qi has leaked out, everyone, run away!!"


The awakened Begapunk Academician's flexible mind turned slightly, he It was inferred that this must have been caused by Caesar, and that bastard wanted to blame himself.

The door was knocked open by the guards, "Begapunk Academician, Punk Hazard will soon be enveloped by poison qi, and it will be too late if you don’t leave!"

"Where is Caesar" ?"

"I don't know, this is the time, do you still have time to worry about others? Come with us!"

I don’t even have time to change clothes, Begapunk stepped directly on his shoes in his pajamas and retreated with the guards.

"Where are the others?"

"Of course there are other guards in charge."

"What about the prisoners? What about them?"

"There is no time to care about those people, just let them live and die here!"


Begapunk stopped talking and was guarded Leaving hurriedly.

He is a smart man, he will care about some things, but he will not interfere, because he knows that he has no power to change many things.

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