" Squeak ."

The door of the reception hall was pushed open, and the two who walked in were Hai Lan with a soul slap on his waist and Kong Ming shaking a feather fan.

The unexploded powder keg between Doflamingo and Enel was extinguished like a pot of cold water.


Under the top hat, Hawk Eyes' eyes suddenly opened, and he felt an extremely terrifying breath breaking into this room, and this aura, sharp as a knife .

"Hailan Vice Admiral, Kong Ming Vice Admiral...you are here..."

Responsible for receiving the two Marine Vice Admiral relaxed of Oka Shichibukai.

Just like the Captain strength of Whitebeard Pirates’ 16 divisions, Marine Vice Admiral naturally has strengths and weaknesses. Not every Vice Admiral is like Momonga and Dauberman. The elites who block one side. As for Garp, Hailan, or He and Kong Ming, who are also serving as staff members, they have already broken away from the status of "Vice Admiral" in a certain sense.

"Good knife!"

The calm voice sounded, following the reputation, everyone noticed that Hawk Eyes had "woke up" at some point.

He seems to regard this as his home, everything is so casual and natural.

Hailan said to Hawk Eyes Issho, "Want to see it?"

Hawk Eyes snorted, "Forget it, I don't think that knife, I don't like others."

As "Greatest Swordsman in the World", relying on swordsman's keen intuition, Hawk Eyes almost instantly judged that the quality of Hailan's waist was no less than "black blade ・night" The terrifying demon knife, and this demon knife seems to have some kind of attribute that no stranger should enter.

Curiosity belongs to curiosity. Hawk Eyes is not like Doflamingo, so he will never ask.

Hailan and Kong Ming are here because they have to arrange Shichibukai’s actions. After all, these people are all arrogant masters on the sea, and they are already rebellious. even more how In Gorosei's regulations, "Oka Shichibukai" and "Marine" have the same status. If they can't shake them, maybe this group of guys will make trouble in actual combat.

Of the five Shichibukai present, only bears with rigorous character and empress, who cares about their image as a queen, behaved a little bit more plausibly. Hawk Eyes, Doflamingo, and Enel were three gangsters. They were three hooligans.

"I said, you are also great characters on this sea anyway, can't you just face up to your own image problem?"

Hailan glanced at Enel first. This one was absolutely don't dare provoke Hailan, and immediately sat on the chair obediently and honestly, although his expression still preserves a beating.

Hailan's gaze shifted to Doflamingo, this one was also unwilling to irritate Hailan. Doflamingo, who was originally stepping on the chair and sitting on the chair, "slid" under his feet and landed directly on the seat. , "That's right, I'm a king anyway, and I can't look too bad."

Finally, Hailan looked towards Hawk Eyes. Seeing Hawk Eyes indifferent, Hailan smiled and persuaded the second sentence. "Give me a face?"

There is no deep hatred or conflict of interest between Hawk Eyes and Hailan. The two have even exchanged Way of Sword more than once. As long as they don’t want to make trouble on purpose, Hawk Eyes has no reason. Can't get through with Hailan, "Of course."

Until Hawk Eyes dropped his feet on the dining table, the people sitting around the dining table finally had a little image to say.

"About the battle at this time..."


Empress frowned Liu's eyebrows and interrupted what Kong Mingzheng was about to say." You Marine should know that our Oka Shichibukai is an organization directly under the command of Gorosei. You have no right to order us at all."

"Of course we know that. Have we ever said to order you to do something?"

Hailan smiled and looked towards empress, "But Ms. Hancock, don’t you know that interrupting others is a very rude behavior? This is Marine Headquarters, not Amazon Lily. Here, I suggest you forget your empress identity for the time being!" Hai Lan is smiling obviously, but the smile looks in the eyes of empress, but it is like a blade pierced into her heart.

If you change to someone else, this Pirate Empress is already furious, but facing this Marine Vice Admiral who used to train their three sisters in lightning, Empress finds it difficult to pluck up the courage to challenge him.

Seeing the unconvinced "world number one beauty" biting his nails like a child "ge ge", Doflamingo grinned. It's really a funny thing that you don't usually encounter. .

The bear with a serious face and seemingly will never smile closed the bible and looked straight ahead, "Kong Ming Vice Admiral, please continue your explanation."

Kong Ming smiled slightly, "The combat arrangement for this time is actually very simple. You Shichibukai don't need to participate in our Marine's combat plan. You only need to choose the right time when the war breaks out.

Of course, if you have been If we hide behind and don’t work hard, we will report the truth to Gorosei."

"I like this arrangement!"

Enel suddenly said, and he quickly ate his hand. While chewing the apple, he said, "When the time comes, the drought・Jack, you all leave it to me. If anyone dares to snatch me, don’t blame his ruthless spirit."

Doflamingo suddenly laughed. Up.

Enel wondered, "What are you laughing at?"

Doflamingo tilted his legs and looked towards Enel with a playful look, "I think of happy things."

Enel was even more puzzled. "What's the happy thing?"

The smile on Doflamingo's face grew brighter, "The name Enel...I remember it seems to be a woman's name, right? AndI still remember that that woman was also Logia Goro Goro no Mi Ability-User."

Hawk Eyes and empress immediately shifted their eyes to Enel because of Doflamingo's words. UU reading www. uukanshu.com Even Bartholomew, who has maintained the image of a "cold-faced tyrant" since being bounty, couldn't help but twitch, and a big face appeared in his mind: Ivankov, did you make a ghost?


Unexpectedly, Enel didn't react unnaturally, but rather calmly said, "That's not a woman, it's a god."

Doflamingo couldn't help but startled, he didn't expect Enel to be so indifferent.

Empress was aroused by curiosity, "So are you a man or a woman?"

"I am neither a man nor a woman."

Enel crossed his legs, and the whole person slowly floated in the eyes of everyone in the reception hall, "...You can also say that I am both a man and a woman.

Because... God... …There is no phase."


The sound of the table being slapped sounded, "Don't be bullshit."

Hailan's intensity control It was steady and loud, but the table was not damaged in the slightest.

This meeting is getting more and more crooked, but fortunately, there is no plan to arrange any substantive content, just to deter the crowd.

"Anyway, after three days, you guys can adapt and play freely and do something that Oka Shichibukai should do. The meeting is over!"

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