"What are they talking about?"

BIG・MOM, who is kneeling on the platform for execution, is full of doubts. Now she can't hear anything. sound.

Using the principle of "brain death", Hailan affected some of the electrical signals in the brain of BIG・MOM, temporarily depriving her of her "hearing". Hailan's operation is very secretive, and her body is in a large prison. BIG·MOM, who was severely devastated, did not realize that he had been moved by Hailan.

"How do you say?"

Hai Lan, who heard Garp's voice, asked in confusion. Seeing Garp took a look at BIG・MOM, Hai Lan quickly added, "Don't worry, This woman can’t hear anything."

Garp nodded, continued, "If Sister Carmelite was still alive... she should be over one hundred and forty now, and when she cooperated with Marine, Only in his thirties, do you think you can blame Sengoku for this matter?"

Because of Garp, Hailan quickly figured out.

Sengoku is 75 years old this year (Sea Calendar 1518). When Sister Carmelo cooperated with Marine to deceive Giant Race, Sengoku hadn't been born yet... He didn't take the blame for this matter...

Giant Race is different. The average lifespan is 350 years old. Among Marine's giant Vice Admiral, there are many veterans who have worked until now.

Realizing that she had misunderstood Sengoku, Hailan respectfully said, "Sorry, Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

See Sengoku ignore herself, Hailan chuckled, "Uncle Sengoku?"

"Smelly brat, don't get close to me!"

Sengoku gave Hailan a white look. "

Hai Lan commented, "Paper can't contain fire. The truth will be revealed to the world one day. This kind of deceived subordinates is always a hidden danger. It's okay to make trouble today."

Sengoku worries, "But now in the war, if the giant Vice Admiral turns, it will create a disadvantageous situation for us, and the whole world will know about this matter, Marine will inevitably be disgraced. "

"I have blocked the electrical signal of the headquarters, and outsiders won’t know what’s going on here; as well as the reporters on the scene, I’ve already advised Crane’s staff to operate. Her Wash-Wash Fruit ability can Deal with this kind of thing very well."

Speaking, Hailan looked towards Loki in the distance, "As for the Giant Race, it is a warlike and power-worshiping race, a deceived giant. The warrior is a hidden danger, but if they can be convinced, the situation will be different.

Instead of relying on the word-of-mouth of Sister Carmelo, Marine can recruit the giant warrior. Why do we Don’t you subdue this race yourself?

The scene where we once pardoned the arrested giant warrior can also be staged in the future, but it is no longer an act, but a real combination of grace and power!"

Infected by Hailan’s well-established emotions, Sengoku also slightly sighed in relief, "Well, I’m looking forward to your performance."


BIG・MOM As a child, he killed an Elder of Giant Race and destroyed a village of Giant Race. This made BIG・MOM and Giant Race have an absolutely irreconcilable feud.

Prince Rocky of Giant Race fell in love with Charlotte Laura at first sight, which allowed the conflict between the two parties to be resolved slightly, but Laura chose to escape the marriage, which intensified the conflict between the two parties.

The chef of BIG・MOMPirates, the man named "Longbread", said that "Marine captured Laura. As long as you can save Laura, Laura will definitely be moved to devote one's life to". Finally got the opportunity to talk to Rocky Giant Race Prince.

Long bread is older than BIG・MOM. He saw the potential of BIG・MOM and led the young BIG・MOM on the Pirate road. It was also the BIG・MOMPirates. Elder, told Giant Race the truth that Sister Carmelite was actually the "mountain grandmother" of Underworld.

"My fellow citizens, let us stand up and stop working for the despicable World Government. Take up your weapons, rush out and destroy Marine!!"

Giant Race is A fanatical race,

they admire power, the god of Elbaf, and their great leader.

Loki is their Prince, the true Prince, his declaration, with no difficulty, ignited the blood of the giant Vice Admiral.

"So we have always been poor bugs who don't know anything?"

"Damn Marine, liar!!"

One piece is huge His coat of justice was torn off by the giant Vice Admiral and dropped to the ground.

Without restraint, the ferocity of Giant Race warrior is undoubtedly revealed. Those giants Vice Admiral, who used to charge and defend body protection after teammates, became the demon who met the Marines in a blink of an eye, and the scene was chaotic. Into a ball.

"Destroy Marine!!!"

With more than 20 Giant Race warriors leading the charge, the Pirates are morale strong, invincible, and imposing manner like a rainbow.

"Oh my god!"

Buggy, who was retreating backwards, swiped his feet, and his face touched the ice, and he slid for a full eight meters.

Buggy on the ground asked for help, "Cabaji Ji, help me up, I can run!"

Cabaji complained and ran to Buggy, "Buggy Sir, you too It’s going to be a drag!"


Buggy suddenly yelled, "This..."

Cabaji Ji anxiously said, UU reading www. .uukanshu.com "What's wrong with you?"

"I saw people in this ice!"

"Is your own reflection, right?"

"Impossible! My own reflection impossible is so ugly!"

"I think you are lost...Be careful!!"

Cabaji reminded loudly, A Pirate suddenly rises from the ice behind Buggy.

With just one knife, Buggy was chopped into two pieces.

Pirate looked towards Cabaji Ji, "Next it is your turn...pu..."

A dagger pierced Pirate's heart afterwards. His Behind him is Buggy's upper body floating in the air, "Small, playing with the sword? You are still far away!"

Cabaji sighed in relief, "Buggy Sir, don't show, let's hurry Go report it to the top!"


High on platform, Doflamingo said to himself, looking at the battlefield that became increasingly chaotic due to the backwaters of the giant Vice Admiral," This trip is really not in vain, it's much more fun than my boring Dressrosa."

"The drama...is it good to watch?"

I heard the sound behind me , Doflamingo, who was grinning, froze.

Turning around and seeing Hailan’s familiar face, Doflamingo said with disapproval, "It’s really surprising..."

"But only the audience is qualified to watch the show. It is the audience who contributes, and the ticket is bought. Do you...do you think how much you will pay?" Doflamingo's face is a bit ugly. He hasn't said anything yet, and Bartholomew Bear takes the initiative to step forward.

"I'll do it first."

Realizing that the bear is ready to take action, Hawk Eyes, empress, and Doflamingo took two steps back. This man is extremely destructive. , They don't want to be affected by the innocent.

The bear slowly walked to the edge of the high platform, took off his gray gloves without rush, exposing his hands with fleshy balls in the shape of a bear's paw, and raised his arms above his head.

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