"pu hahahahaha ...old man I'm back, the village chief, Dadan, don't you come to receive me?!"

As soon as I walked into Goa Kingdom Foosha Village In the streets of the city, Garp laughed utterly.

Originally, Garp didn't have much majesty on his body. At this time, he took off his military uniform and put on a big flower gown and big pants, more like an old urchin who is disrespectful and disrespectful.

"Mr. Garp!"

A girl with short dark green hair and a yellow turban ran to Garp's side with excitement, full of enthusiasm.

"Makino, you have grown taller again!"

Garp rubbed Makino's little head with a smile, and sincerely praised the girl.

With a gentle smile on Makino’s face: "Mr. Garp, you are finally back!"

Garp crouched in front of Makino: "Why? Is it Luffy? Did little demon make trouble for you?"

"I didn't make trouble. He is less than one year old. What can he make trouble? Just..."

Speaking of which, A trace of embarrassment appeared on Makino's face.

"If you have something to say, what else can't you say to me?"

"Luffy is getting along well with everyone!"

Garp He scratched the back of the head questioningly: "Isn't this good?"

Makino seems to be more anxious than Garp: "What's so good, he never thought of looking for father Mama , I never thought about looking for a grandfather. Are you not afraid that he will not recognize you as a grandfather when he grows up?"


Garp embraced his arms, A face full of confidence: "If he dares not recognize me as a grandfather, I will use my love Iron Fist to let him remember me as a grandfather forever!"

Hailan on the side can't listen anymore. "Can’t you just use your Iron Fist?"

Garp didn’t care about it: "Fighting is kiss, cursing is love, Pirate that many on this World, don’t fight too much. His few punches made him familiar with the cruelty of this era early on, how can he survive in this chaotic era?"

It does sound reasonable.

"Forget it, it's your grandson anyway, whatever you want..."

Hailan seems to have anticipated the miserable life of Monkey·D·Luffy in the future.

"Hey? You are not..."

Only then did Makino finally notice Hailan.

Garp glanced suspiciously at Hailan and Makino: "What? You two know each other?"

"Of course I do!"

Hailan has not yet Speaking, Makino has already answered first: "Isn't this the Major Hailan from Loguetown? He is very famous in East Blue now! The newspapers say that he is the hero of East Blue!"

At this time, Hailan suddenly realized Satori. It turned out that Makino's "knowledge" meant such a meaning.

As for "East Blue Heroes", Hailan is still quite embarrassed.

But Buggy said to Hai Lan: Since it's bragging, then it should be bragging. Even if others only believe half of it, it is better than bragging too small and others believing it all.

Kuro also agrees with Buggy's remarks.

So Hailan didn't stop East Blue Weekly from bragging about him.

Due to various inconvenience reasons, there are few large-scale "daily newspapers" in this World, and most newspapers use "weeks" as periodicals.

And "daily newspapers" are generally published in a small area of ​​the country.

Makino bowed to Hailan, politely: "Hi, Major Hailan, my name is Makino, didn't expect you to be Mr. Garp's friend. I am glad to meet you!"

In Hai Lan's view, although this Makino is not the kind of Peak beauty, but Issho gives people a warm and comfortable feeling, it is difficult to make people feel disgusted.

"Thank you." So Hailan responded politely.

Looking at the teenage girl next to him, Garp dug his nostrils and squinted his eyes: "I think you two are a good match, so let's get married as well as you two!"

"Mr. Garp, Please don't talk nonsense! People are still under adulthood!"

Makino's face is very thin, and Garp immediately blushed to the bottom of his ears.

The corners of Hailan’s mouth couldn’t help being twitched: "How did you get your brains open... The two of us were just greeting each other politely when we first met. You can talk about it." Going to get married?"

"I didn’t send it out of feelings!"

"Sent to feelings?"

Garp deserves a beating "You see that Brat has a son in Dorag's brat, but you don't even have a girlfriend. You can't do it, you are being compared!"

"I am not an adult yet What about..."

"So I should find a girlfriend to cultivate relationships first!"

"hmph! You guy has the face to say that others can't do it? I see this Brother Wei Hailan is fine!"

At this time, there were voices criticizing Garp.

I saw Wup Slap, the head of Foosha Village, appeared in front of Garp with a small crutch in his hand.

The senior wears an orange shirt with a red heart pattern on his upper body. He is more sultry than Garp.

"The village chief!"

Garp carefree in Issho.

In fact, the village chief is at worst older than Garp, but he is short and thin, so he looks more like an old man.

The village chief unceremoniously criticized: "This Major Hailan is now our East Blue hero. How long has it been since you, the so-called'Hero of the Marines,' have not helped your hometown to defeat Pirate? "

"I'm not busy..."

"Too busy even to ignore my grandson?"

The village head from his side An aunt of's took a baby from her hand and walked to Garp in her arms.

"This little fellow is not sensible yet, so he was sent back by his parents. I asked you to bring him back to Marine Headquarters to raise him. Why don't you listen to my advice?"

Garp replied while teasing the baby Luffy: "Marine Headquarters is a group of big bosses. UU reading www.uukanshu.com knows how to raise children. I think you are more reassuring if you talk about taking care of children."

Hailan is not very clear. The reason why Garp did not bring Luffy back to the headquarters is because of Dorag's revolutionary actions.

Maybe Fleet Admiral Kong and Admiral Sengoku of Marine Headquarters will not use Luffy as a hostage to threaten Dorag, but the World Government in Marine's head is in doubt.

Garp looks headless, but in fact he is very visionary and he is like a mirror in his heart.

"Hai Lan, come and hug Luffy. You will want to get married when you spend more time with your children."

"Can we not mention it?"


Although Hai Lan said so, her hand movement did not slow down.

He hugged the little baby named Luffy, looked down, and found that the infant child smiled warmer than the sun.

"Child who loves to laugh generally will not have bad luck...?!"

"What are you doing Hailan?!"

Garp's expression changed abruptly because he found that Hailan had suddenly thrown Luffy to himself.

"Why did you throw Luffy... asshole!"

Garp scolded Luffy in the second sentence because he caught Luffy firmly, but he was caught A column of water that refracted colorful rays of light in the sun cast its face.

Luffy's smile seems to have become happier.

"Hahaha, stinky brat, wait, wait until you grow up and old man will teach you again!"

Hailan can see clearly, even if he was just thrown away During that period of time, the smile on Little Luffy's face remained undiminished, as if he enjoyed the feeling of flying.

"This child...don't be a Brat when you grow up..."

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