Suddenly, Red the Aloof also opened his eyes.

Different from Hailan who has "seeed the future", Red the Aloof opened his eyes because he felt a huge pressure of death, as if Death God’s sickle had been placed on his neck , Can take his own life at any time.

critical moment, the world in Red the Aloof's eyes has slowed down, his pupils have shrunk into a line, only Hailan’s sword that pierced him is left in his eyes. Rachel's sharp sword edge shining with electricity.

Not only Red the Aloof, Hailan is the same. They have already calculated thousands of battles in the spiritual world. After Hailan opened his eyes and pierced the sword, the world in his eyes also became Slowed down.

It's as if the time and space between the two of them has been slowed down the ebbing of time. The sword that Hailan stabbed at Red the Aloof looked extremely slow in the eyes of the two of them. Everything outside, the fighting people, the flying debris, the scorching flames... all seem to have paused and disappeared, and they can't interfere with these two people at all.

But this is a simple and pure sword that does not have any gorgeous style and only contains the most basic sword trick "thorn", but it forces even a powerhouse of the Red the Aloof level. Go back.

In Red the Aloof’s high-level Kenbunshoku Haki prediction, no matter how he dodges or parries, he can’t stop the sword from piercing his heart, he can only retreat in the direction of the sword edge. Go, do your best to prolong the time that Lei Che stabs his heart, and then it is possible to find a weak spot of Hailan and restore his own defeated situation.

Hai Lan stabs forward with Rae Che, Red the Aloof's foot on the ground quickly retreats, the silhouette of the two of them traverses a long track in midair, the two of them with unchanged movements seem to be two A model of props dangling Wia.

Red the Aloof’s judgment is correct. After being locked by the high-end Kenbunshoku powerhouse, only then is it possible to escape alive. Unfortunately, the opponent he faces is Hailan, in Hailan’s world. , No mistakes.

"pu 呲!"

The faint voice of sword edge submerged in flesh and blood sounded, and the Lei Qi in Hailan's hand pierced the chest of Red the Aloof, behind Red the Aloof A long section of the back stab.

Busoshoku Haki covered his left hand, Red the Aloof grabbed the sword blade on his chest with his bare hands, letting the sword edge cut his palm, and at the same time, the black bat cane of the right hand hurried towards Hailan’s chest. To break Hailan's stomach.

“clang! !”

The sound of metal collision sounded, Hailan’s other arm covered Busoshoku Haki and blocked Red the Aloof’s life-threatening sword. With great strength, it retreated backwards.

The distance between the two was opened again.

Meanwhile, the executioner of the execution on platform is already ready.

Great Pirate "BIG・MOM" Charlotte Linlin has a natural "weird power" and "steel skin", even now her body has been severely damaged, in a state of extreme weakness, ordinary The executioner couldn't break her defense at all.

No one else is responsible for the execution of BIG・MOM. It is Chief Warden Carlo of Impel Down, the deep sea prison, and the high-level puppets created by Carlo using the shadow of "world destroyer" Byrnndi Wapol. With the strength of these two people, BIG·MOM can be executed smoothly.

"no! !"

The time left for Pirates is running out, and countless Pirates cry out.

Kaido released a powerful Haoshoku Haki swept away towards the execution platform. Under the indiscriminate Haoshoku coverage of Kaido, countless Marine and Pirate vomited along the way. Bai Mo fainted, and even Carlo and Wapol Duo couldn't help being dizzy for a moment.

But this can only buy Kaido a few seconds, the strength reaches the level of Carlo, and anyone's Haoshoku Haki is impossible to stun them.

I don't know what came to mind, but BIG・MOM, who was executed on platform, burst into tears.

Except for the Great Pirate Gol D. Roger who was called the "Pirate King" twenty years ago,

Throughout history, no one can laugh at this juncture of execution. Come out, even the current Emperor Pirate is no exception.

In front of the big screen, countless viewers stared at the executed BIG・MOM on the platform.

Many years ago, "Pirate King" Gol Duo Roger's words before his death made countless people rush to the sea, opening the Great Age of Pirates that lasted for more than two decades. The Pirate emperor has followed in the same footsteps as the Pirate King. Will she leave anything before she dies? Will her death bring about a huge change in this era?

"I never allow you to die like this!!"

At this last moment, Kaido burst into a monstrous imposing manner, "Tyrant Dragon King". In the form of "Azure Dragon", accompanied by the dragon roar resounding through Marineford, Kaido forced to kill towards the execution platform with an invincible imposing manner.

"...I would be lonely without you, a crazy woman quarreling with Lao Tzu!!"

"oh la la!!!"

A mountain-like ice wall suddenly appeared in front of Kaido, and the awakening ability of the precognition Ice-Ice Fruit was activated, instantly creating an "Iceburg". UU Reading

"bang! !"

Iceburg, which can withstand the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, is actually impossible to withstand in front of Azure Dragon Kaido A single blow, like a bubble project, was knocked down on the spot by the crazy Kaido.

It's near!

"Lava eruption!!!"

Akainu appeared in front of Kaido, the whole person turned into an erupting volcano, and the erupting magma blasted towards Kaido with immense power. go.

"fuck off! !"

Although the hot lava like molten steel pours on him, Kaido is fearless, the huge dragon head swings, and will stop him in front of him. Akainu hits and flies instantly.


"Speed ​​is power...Have you... been kicked by the speed of light?"

Golden's flash fell from the sky, the voice was still so familiar, but Kizaru's face was nothing A trace of banter, only the solemn face was left.


"bang! !"

A terrifying force that is desperate enough to be like a comet from the universe Steadily hitting the top of Kaido's head, the hundreds of meters long Azure Dragon crashed into the square of Marine Headquarters.

The three Marine Headquarters joined forces. In the face of this absolute power, even Kaido is already powerless.

"pu 呲!!"

Carlo and Wapol pierced BIG·MOM's body with two sharp execution knives, piercing her internal organs.

Charlotte Linlin's eyes gradually dimmed, and he opened his mouth. The last rays of light in his eyes gradually disappeared completely.

"What did she say?"

It exploded in front of the big screen. Countless people wanted to study and understand what Great Pirate BIG・MOM left to the world. .

Only Sengoku and Carlo heard clearly, and they also knew why the Pirate emperor was crying.

"Nun...that world where everyone is equal, in the end, I also failed to realize it."

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