" Victory !"

Breaking into the world in the mirror, Captain's face is eager to wait for joy, and quickly notified the state of the world outside Marine soldiers fighting on the world in the mirror, "BIG・MOM's execution is over, Red the Aloof has been personally killed by Vice Admiral, and Tyrant Dragon has been defeated by three Admiral. He is now lying in Marine Square."

"very good!"

Marine Vice Admiral's serious expressions eased, even the gazes of those looking towards Pirate changed, and the previous solemn expressions were only full of faces This is already a "must win" game.

Kong Ming held a Busoshoku sword and chopped down a Pirate, loudly shouted, "Soldiers, the overall situation is set, and the warriors outside have already played their own glory. Are we going to lose to them? Take it out Come on with all your strengths and completely defeat Pirate!"

"We must win!!"

The morale of the Marines was greatly shaken, and the soldiers who originally used more conservative play styles were in Kongming. Under his command, it quickly became a formation suitable for offensive, and with an invincible imposing manner, he killed the Pirates forcefully.

"Mama is dead!"

The morale of the Pilots, who received the news almost at the same time as the Marines, fell into a trough. Even Charlotte·Daifuku and Charlotte·Owen felt that they couldn’t mention it. Up strength.

Their Mama died when they died. They don’t feel heartache, but the consequence is that there are no “BIG・MOMPirates” in the world. Their big brother, Charlotte ・Katakuri, has no chance to be rescued. NS.

eldest son Perospero droops his long tongue, his face is unwilling, "Retreat, we can't plant here too."

"Where to run!!!"

A tall silhouette quickly appeared beside Perospero, fiercely with a long knife in his hand.

Marine Vice Admiral "Dogfighting" Doberman took the lead. With the power of one person, he charged to the left and dash to the right and had already killed the top cadres of the Charlotte Family.

His good friend, Marine Vice Admiral, Dalmesia died in Marine’s battle plan against BIG·MOMPirates last year. Now he has the opportunity to avenge his friends. How could Dauberman allow the Pirates to do that? Leave easily.

"Ding! !"

Charlotte Irving’s S knife held Dauberman’s long knife, and Dafu’s Fiend cut towards Dauberman and forced Dauberman. retreat.

Charlotte · Tai Fook and Charlotte · Owen these two people are more powerful than Marine Vice Admiral. Even the elite Vice Admiral such as Momonga and Doberman are not their opponents.

However, the military power gap between the two sides is too big. There are more than ten Marine Vice Admirals in the world in the mirror. These two people alone can no longer affect the overall situation.

"Just because you want to hurt my brother? Go to hell!"

Dafu controlled the transpiration Fiend, and wielded a huge S-knife to behead Dauberman.

"Ittoryu. Break the army and rise the dragon!"

A shining sword light flashed by, and Wapol Rear Admiral, who followed Dauberman, slashed away at Dauberman. Fiend’s slash, Fiend’s huge S-knife carrying a formidable force could not even cut a gap in Wagner’s sword edge.

As the first Marine to follow Hailan, Wagner has long been proficient in Busoshoku Haki, especially since the weapon in his hand is the famous sword "Withered Wood", how could he be scarred by Fiend like this.

"Doberman Vice Admiral, you rushed too fast!"

"Aren't you still there, I knew you brat must keep up."

"In case we..."

"I'm afraid that in case, I won't participate in Marine. In front of these Pirates, there are always people who have to sacrifice for justice!"

" p>

Because of Dauberman's violent temper, Wagner has never liked him very much. Until today, hearing Dauberman's this remark, Wagner respected this Marine Vice Admiral in awe.


Marine Plaza, Sengoku gave new instructions.

"Buggy, close the live broadcast, it's time to execute the plan to destroy Pirate."


Make a face and leave it behind After a few suspense, Buggy disappeared in front of the big screens of the whole world.

"Why did the picture disappear again?"

"This...this is over?"

"Did Earl Red be killed by a magician? Die? I only saw that he seemed to become a cloud of blood mist, and I didn’t see the corpse."

"Compared to this, I am more curious about how the magician defeated the Red Earl, a few minutes ago. The two of them are still facing each other."


"Retreat, all retreat!"

The overall situation has been decided, "Pandemic" Kui Because he couldn't bother to provoke Boa Hancock, this Beasts Pirates's big sign did not hesitate at all, instantly transformed into a long-necked dinosaur and took the lead and fleeed away with four sturdy dinosaur legs.

His boss, Kaido, has "Immortal Body". He doesn't have this ability, so he has to run if he wants to run.

Doflamingo lightly exclaimed, "Mihawk, where are you going?"

"The war is over and my agreement is over. I have no interest in the rest of the farce. "

Turning "black blade ・Ye" back on his back, Hawk Eyes turned around and left, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com left Doflamingo who questioned him and Cracker gasped for breath brow beaded with sweat.

After sneering twice, Doflamingo also ended the game between himself and the second son of Volley, letting the other party escape.

Among the five Oka Shichibukai who were present, except for "Thundergod" Enel who was still fighting with "Drought" Jack, the other four all let go of their opponents.

As for the "drought" Jack, he had already hit the head with Enel in the "Thundergod" state, where he could still hear Quinn's shouts, and still wrestling with Enel unconsciously.

From the beginning of the war until now, Enel and Jack have long been left with countless scars on their bodies.

Since learning Hailan’s "Electrical Stimulation Training Method", many years later, Enel’s body is no longer the weak one at the time. He has been able to head-on with Jack, the only thing that can’t be compared. Jack is his endurance. If the two continue to fight endlessly, Enel will still lose.

"Thundergod's thump!"

"Mammoth collision!"

"clang! !"

Enel that consists of thunderbolt elements Thundergod's body collided with Jack the mammoth again, and the collision made a sound like a steel plate hitting a rock. The lightning energy competed with Busoshoku Haki continuously, spilling, like a dazzling spark.



"Drought" Jack's pupils shrank suddenly and he saw a sharp shot of crimson Claw penetrated Enel's body from behind, breaking through his chest, and grabbed it straight to himself.

In the next second, only half of the world in Jack's eyes remains.

Enel, who was bombarded into a ball of elements, couldn't help being stared wide-eyed. The opponent who had fought him for so many rounds was unfathomable mystery, and half his head was burned by the bastard who suddenly appeared.

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