New World, on a deserted island, from time to time a man's cry sounded.

The sound is so loud that it can almost cover half of the island. A large number of frightened birds and beasts fled in all directions. It seems that the one who is crying is a Demon King who may bring death and fear at any time.

"Quin, are you here?"

On a small mountain, Beasts Pirates' ace "Scourge" Jhin lightly spoke up.

He doesn’t look very good. The thick bandage is wrapped around his back to his chest. It can be seen that the laser beam shot by Marine Headquarter "Kizaru" Borsalino hit him hard. Body, even if he is a "Zoan Ancient Species" Devil Fruit Ability User with super physique, in the face of this absolute strength gap, he did not take the slightest advantage.

Looking back at the crowd behind him, Jhin frowned, "Where's Jack?"

Beasts Pirates' big sign "Plague" Quinn sighed, eyes With deep sorrow, "Jack he...he couldn't escape...he left."

Jin's pupils shrank suddenly upon hearing this, as if he had heard something incredible. , As if was struck by lightning.

At that time, Pirate was defeated like a mountain. Under the merciless pursuit of the Marines with the skilled offensive formation, all Pirates were broken up, and they had to flee with all their strength. There was no one at all. Can estimate others.

Jin did not expect or believe that in the past few decades, Jack, who has always charged ahead and fought more bravely than anyone else in the war, has not even succeeded in breaking through.

Jack is an "ancient mammoth" fruit Ability User. He is best at charging and attacking. At the same time, he has the bloodline of the "Fishman family" on his body. Even if he falls into the deep sea, he can survive, but even Jack like this I couldn't...

Jin’s pupils gradually filled with sadness. This is not the sadness of if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves, he is really heartbroken.

Although in normally, he and Quinn always scold Jack at every turn, but in mind, they both always regarded Jack as an idiot younger brother, and never really hated Jack.

"War...There is no undead. Either you die or I die.

Jack is very brave and can die on the battlefield. This is because he is a warrior. Glory."

Turning around, Jhin cast his gaze to the sea, and what was left in his eyes was the perseverance that looked down upon life and death.

But those tightly clenched, unstoppable trembling fists betrayed him, and Jhin's heart didn't seem to be so peaceful on the surface.

Quin took two steps forward and looked at Kaido below the hill, "Has Brother Kaido's mood not recovered yet?"

Jin sighed, replied, "It has continued like this It’s been one night and I don’t know how long it will take to recover."


The same name was continuously chanted in the mouth, Kaido grinned and gritted his teeth, tears are like spring Continuously flowed in the eyes, "You have been arguing with me since the time of Rocks... Didn't expect you to leave before me today..."

There was a long time between Kaido and Charlotte Linlin. There was a little-known past in the past, and the relationship between the two of them is far more than just the "opposing Yonko" on the surface.

"...rescuing your body from those damn Marines is the last thing I can do for you, I can't just watch you like that useless Like Roger, he can’t even be peaceful after death."

Speaking, Kaido shook off the tears that were flowing like spring water, and suddenly plunged his hands into the ground. With a little effort, a large amount of mud was turned over by Kaido. Up.

"Fighting with me for a lifetime, you should be tired too, you can rest here."

Kaido picked up Charlotte Linlin and put the body in his bare hands. Inside the pit that was opened.

"I specially selected this island for you. Don't worry, no one will disturb you."

Move a huge rock, the sharp dragon claw will After cutting the rock into a simple tombstone and building a simple solitary grave for Charlotte Linlin, Kaido slowly stood up.

"Akainu, precognition, those two bastards, one day I will bring them to bury you with you!"

Looking up, Kaido looked towards the inflammation on the hill," Jhin!"


"Get ready, we return to the country of peace!"


"'s not good, Brother Kaido, something big happened!!"

Just as Jhin turned around, he saw Quinn jump up in a panic.

"What's the big thing?"

In a blink of an eye, Kaido has fallen in front of the people on the hill.

Anxious and afraid, Quinn brow beaded with sweat, "Just now there was information from the country of He, saying that the Red Hair Pirates group took advantage of our opportunity to attack Marine Headquarters and forcibly broke into the country of He. Take away our red Poneglyph!"

Pirate King Gol dRoger's words before his death detonated the Great Age of Pirates "Do you want my treasure? Give it to you if you want it!" Go find it, I put everything on the world there!"

"There" refers to the end of the Grand Line, the island named "Raftel". UU Reading

It is said that sailing from the Twin Capes of Reverse Mountain, the first stronghold of the Grand Line, will arrive at Raftel in a circle around the Grand Line.

Some people think, then I can just climb Reverse Mountain directly, and I can find Raftel in a blink of an eye.

This is not the case. Raftel is a mysterious island. You can't find any ordinary methods. Only by collecting four pieces of "red Poneglyph" and positioning them according to the coordinate instructions above, you can finally find the mysterious Raftel. .

In Yonko, Charlotte Linlin and Kaido originally owned a red Poneglyph each.

Since Marine captured Charlotte Linlin alive and broke "Totto Land" Totland, the red Poneglyph of Totto Land was transported away by Gorosei.

Now that Kaido has no time to take the opportunity of the country of peace, Akagami launches a surprise attack on the country of peace and takes away the piece in Kaido's hands.

"Damn Akagami Shanks...I'm going to tear him up!"

Kaido roared, and then thought of something, "Where is Orochi? He just watched Akagami grabbing Laozi Something?"

Quin hurriedly reported, "Kurozumi Orochi was seriously injured by the Red Hair Pirates team and is now in recuperation..."

"It's really useless waste Ah!"

An angry heat erupted from his nostrils, Kaido suddenly realized something, "Where's Jack? Isn't the brat back yet?"

Quin hesitated," Jack he...he..."

Jin replied coldly, "Jack, he died in the Marineford war."


Kaido opened his mouth, looking angry as if he was going to choose someone to eat, "Who did it? What kind of shit Thundergod?"

"No, it's Marine Headquarter, Akainu Sakazuki."



Kaido turned around and looked in the direction of Marine Headquarters, "Akainu...Marine...I am not at odds with you!"

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