"Royal Father, have you noticed that this time we encountered far fewer troubles on the way from Alabasta to Mariejois than before?"

Lift Above, the 14-year-old Alabasta Princess "Nefirutali Vivi" looked at the scenery outside the elevator and followed the elevator through the white clouds. His little face was full of heartfelt happiness.

Mariejois is located on the Red Line continent, and the terrain in this area is steep and there is no smooth zone. If you want to board Mariejois from Sabaody Archipelago, you must take the elevator set up by the World Government.

Usually, only World Government participating countries are eligible to "borrow" here, and those non-participating countries or Pirate can only go to Fishman Island, which is 10,000 meters deep in the sea below Shampoo.

"We used to encounter some robbed Pirates on the road, but we did not encounter anything this time. Hina elder sister does not need to fight anymore."

Responsible for protecting Alabasta Royal Family's Captain "Black Threshold" Hina of Marine Headquarters. Since Marine Rokushiki hasn't mastered any trick so far, Hina's military rank has stopped here for the time being.

Marine's advancement, military merit and strength are equally important.

It is difficult to convince people with strength without military merit; only military merit without strength cannot serve as a high-level general. After all, Pirate, which general-level officers need to face, is not something that school-level officers can deal with casually.

Marine Headquarter has stricter requirements on strength, and you can even ignore military merits temporarily. This is why after Zephyr resigned from Admiral, Marine had only one Admiral from Sengoku during that time. Garp is vacant, and no one can take another position for the time being.

At that time, many of Marine’s powers were relaxed in the hands of the three Vice Admiral, Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition, because Sengoku could not handle all military affairs alone, and the strength of their three people at the time was “inferior to superiority”. There is more to follow".

After all, what Marine Headquarter needs to face is the powerhouse of the Emperor Pirate Emperor level. Even a slight difference in strength is a terrible risk.

Hearing her daughter’s voice, the king of Alabasta "Nefirutali Cobra" said with a smile, "All this thanks to Marine's efforts.

Sentence BIG・MOM, defeated Beasts Pirates, and killed Red the Aloof. So many major events have happened this year. How many Pirates who are not long-eyed dare to provoke Marine at this time?"

"Yes. When I came, I used Telescope to see that a few Pirates turned around in fright when they saw Hina elder sister’s Battleship, and they were still far away."

Tied and dressed The little Vivi in ​​the dress looked towards Hina with an inner smile on her face, looking very cute.

It is clear that Little Princess in front of her has a very strong affinity, but Hina is happy does not raise.

Hina is very clear that Marine can have today’s achievements, in fact, a large part of it is Because of Hailan.

Ke Hailan has already become Marine Vice Admiral, and will soon become Marine Headquarter, but he is only a Marine Captain.

Even the Smoker Smoker became Rear Admiral, and it won’t be long before Vice Admiral...the two of them...obviously graduated in the same class as me.

Hina really wants to use the reason "They are both Logia Devil Fruit Ability Users" to numb herself, but Hina, who has always been sensible, knows that she can't deceive herself like this.

The gap between myself and them is not at all because of the strengths of Devil Fruit, Gion Vice Admiral and Ayn Commodore... Is the gap in innate talent really so insurmountable?

"Yo! Isn't this the noble Vivi Princess?"

As soon as I boarded Mariejois, accompanied by a string of arrogant laughter, Wapol Wave, the king of Drum Island, greeted me. come over.

Cobra hurriedly protected in front of Vivi, with a cold face: "Wapol wave, what do you want to do?"

The last time in Reverie, Cobra couldn’t bear it because the Wapol wave disrupted the discipline of the meeting. After reprimanding him, the grudge Wapol Bo found a reason to slap Vivi in ​​a blink of an eye, and Vivi's face was swollen.

Now that Cobra sees the unfathomable mystery, he is greeted with the Wapol wave. Of course he is impossible.

Wapol's irritating skills are first-rate: "Uh...Cobra, you are there too, I didn't see you just now, I thought you were dead a long time ago."

Cobra pointed at the Wapol wave, his hands shook: "You..."

"Who is blocking there? It's really an eye."

"Bold! Which dare to say..." Ben...Wang..."

Wapol wave turned around, Yan Yi's expression changed eighteen times, and her voice gradually became like a mosquito.

The guy with the bubble hood is Celestial Dragon...

Mariejois' guards immediately saluted and shouted in unison: "St. Pierce!"


nodded, Pierce looked towards Wapol wave: "Which daring did you just say?"


Wapol Bo's mouth was wider than a hippo, and quick witted in an emergency said, "I mean I am too courageous when I am small, and I need a great character like you to teach me a lesson."

"One hand is flattery."

Pierce lifted his hand, "Then as you wish, let me teach you a lesson."

I saw the one that Pierce stretched out. The fine sand that turned into white by hand, like a poisonous snake coming out of a cave, hits the Wapol wave. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Wapol wave yelled in fright: "Protect this king!"

Normally I am used to being overbearing, I will call my subordinates if I have something to do, but today I am facing But Celestial Dragon, who would dare to stand up for him?

There was only one person, and Dalton, who Wapol wave hated the most, stood in front of Wapol wave without hesitation.


The fine sand flung fiercely on Dalton's body, and the Captain of the guard of Drum Island was easily swept away. After a moment of delay, the fine sand attacked Dalton. The Wapol wave is faster.


The king of Magnetic Drum Island turned pale with fright, wailing and ran away.

Pierce didn’t chase him, but looked towards Vivi and made a face, "I’m great, right?"

Although I don’t like Celestial Dragon, but for a daughter Celestial Dragon who expressed kindness, Cobra couldn't say anything.

Little Vivi is quite courageous. She said to Pierce: "Your abilities are very similar to those of Mr. Crocodile. Are you Baisha Fruit?"

"Of course they are like , But I am not a white sand fruit, but a salt-salt fruit, the upper fruit of Crocodile Suna Suna no Mi."

Vivi said curiously: "What does the upper fruit... mean?"

"It means that my fruits are better than him."

Pierce squatted in front of Vivi, "I can do everything Crocodile can do with sand, and I can intensify the wounds of the enemy. His pain can also poison the enemy. The most important thing is that he is afraid of water. I am not afraid of water."

Vivi's eyes widened in surprise: "Are you not afraid of water? It's a lie?"

A serious Pierce suddenly laughed: "hahaha, I am actually not the upper fruit, I lied to you."


"Yes Mr. Shuhu told me that he said that there is simply no upper fruit, or everyone can become a higher fruit."

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