


See the pair of Pierce Stupefied and unable to speak, Vivi said anxiously: "You must speak quickly!"

Cobra eyes shrank, hurriedly shouted: "Vivi, pay attention to you manner, don’t do anything to Pierce. Li!"


Vivi was surprised, when she heard Royal Father's reminder, she remembered that the man in front of her was World Nobles, not the cuteness of Alabasta Uncle uncle.

Vivi hurriedly apologized: "Yes... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my tone is a bit heavy."

"Cobra, I just made a joke, tease Vivi, you too The upper line is online."

It turned out to be a false alarm. Cobra relaxed: "Sorry."

However, he would rather go online a little bit by himself than see his own The baby girl accidentally really annoyed Celestial Dragon.

Pierce looked towards Vivi, no longer the embarrassment before, but continued to explain: "In fact, the light and heavy fruit and the heavy fruit are extremely rare and the same ability Devil Fruit, they The effect of this is to allow Ability User do as one pleases to change the weight of the body.

Vivi, you are Princess, I will test you, what kind of granary does a country have to guarantee that it will never finish eating? "

"This question is too simple. Of course, having a "granary" that can guarantee a bumper harvest every year can guarantee that you can never finish eating. If you only get out and don't get in, hoarding more food is not enough. People eat. "


Pierce nodded, and asked, "So, what kind of Devil Fruit is the strongest?" "

Vivi didn't do much research on Devil Fruit. After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't come up with an answer: "I don't know. "

Pierce said seriously: "The answer is, a Devil Fruit with development prospects.

People say that tons of pressed fruits are the superior fruits of light and heavy fruits, because the maximum weight of tons of pressed fruits is 10,000 tons, and the upper limit of the capacity of light and heavy fruits is only 10,000 kg. Obviously, people will definitely It is considered that the ton-compacted fruit is the superior of the light-heavy fruit.

But, can’t Ability User use its own development and efforts to achieve the upper limit of breakthrough of 10,000 kg for light and heavy fruits and 10,000 kg for the upper limit of per ton of fruit? If you let Marine Headquarter eat the light and heavy fruits, the weight will be more than 10,000 kg, and I think it will be more than 10,000 tons or 100,000 tons. "

Vivi nodded subconsciously: "Really, Bell often tells me whether Devil Fruit is strong or weak, and it depends on the development of Ability User in the end. "

Pierce added: "In fact, it can't be said absolutely. Maybe there is a fixed upper limit for light and heavy fruits and tons of pressed fruits, and no one can break through this upper limit.

If this upper limit really exists, it is not a matter of superiors and subordinates, but the two Devil Fruits themselves are useless, because the ceiling has been determined the moment they are eaten.

It's better to press a large amount of fruit, but it's a bit embarrassing to weigh the fruit.

However, after all, Devil Fruits with exactly the same abilities, just the size of level existence, I have only heard of such a pair, maybe this is the price. "

Looking at Vivi saying nothing and thinking hard, Pierce suddenly felt that the topic might be too hard for a little girl, so he added: "If the theory of superiors and superiors is established, The fruit of the weapon is the biggest winner. "

Vivi blinked: "What does this mean?" "

Pierce laughed: "Cannon fruit, musket fruit, bomb fruit, blunt weapon fruit...The lower level fruit of the weapon fruit, there are a lot..."

Vivi" "pu chi" laughed out, "you can really joke. "

Pierce is serious: "I'm serious. "

The little child thought of one appearance, and Vivi quickly changed the subject: "Also, what did you mean by saying that you are not afraid of water?" "

Pierce snorted, with disdain on his face: "Crocodile that idiot, I don't understand how he developed Suna Suna no Mi."

He obviously can absorb wetlands into deserts, but if he touches water on his body, he will waste it. Can't he directly absorb the moisture from his body with his skin?

Anyway, my salt-salt fruit can be easily done, and I can also separate the cytoplasmic wall, in a real sense. "

"That's it..."

Nodded, in the spirit of "understanding the roots", Vivi asked again: "What does the separation of the masses mean?" "


Pierce feels nodded pain, this little girl is too able to ask.

"This has to be called The people of Begapunk talked about...Come on, let me show you Mariejois first. "

"Okay. "

This time, Vivi, who is already familiar with Pierce, has no more scruples.

"St. Pierce, you know so much. "

"It's not that I know much, these are all taught to me by others. "

"Who is it?" "

"The idea of ​​the separation of the plasmodium is from the Ministry of Scientific Research; all opinions on Devil Fruit come from Mr. Zhouhu. "

Smart people don’t take the credit of others to themselves. Because paper can’t contain fire, there will be a day of exposure.

Pierce has already gained the favor of the Neferrutari family, and praised Hailan and Begapunk for no harm to him, otherwise he will only give up all his efforts after the incident is revealed.

Vivi was aroused by curiosity. "You've been talking about Mr. Shuhu since just now, what kind of person is this Mr. Shuhu? "

Not only Vivi, but even the onlookers who heard the same name in Celestial Dragon's mouth continuously became more and more curious about this day tiger.

In the past, their knowledge of the day tiger was limited to knowing that it was a Marine Vice Admiral and it was very capable of playing. Now they are even more surprised. Is this day tiger so famous in Mariejois?

"As for Mr. Hitora, I have to start with Wano Country. It’s not that I’m talking about it, even Kaido that madman, he had to treat me to meat back then, and he was kind to me..."

Passing through the crowd that automatically gave way, one big and one small Two silhouettes walked in front, followed by the team of guards, and gradually disappeared in the crowd of Mariejois.


New World, one side is drawn with the left eye The terrifying skull flag with two thick red lines and three thin black lines is very eye-catching.

On the "Red Firth" riding the wind and waves, a woman in a kimono stands on the bow of the ship, green and supple. Her hair is fluttering in the wind.

Feeling the approach of the man with red short hair behind her, the woman turned and bowed slightly and said, "Master Shanks. "

Nodded, Shanks walked to the woman's side, looked at the sea in the distance, and asked softly: "Hiyori, what do you think?" "

Kozuki Hiyori sighed, "Sir Father is gone, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi must be very self-blaming. I don't know if they are doing well now. I really hope to find them soon." "

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