"Is there such a thing?"

Marine Headquarters, Hailan who was called into Sengoku's office was surprised.

"A duel must be used to determine who is eligible for the next Marine Fleet Admiral? I have never heard of such a thing."

Sengoku rubbed the rubbed the temple, "After all, Kuzan and Sakazuki are both Admiral qualified to compete for this position. In other aspects, whether it is strength, military merit, etc., neither of them has managed to stabilize each other, and now they can only use this It’s not a solution."

Hailan said curiously: "You won’t fight in the headquarters, right?"

Both precognition and Akainu are Peak powerhouses in the first echelon of the sea. , Especially when the two of them are Logia, they are extremely destructive. If they want to distinguish between the winners and losers, they may be able to defeat half of Marineford.

Sengoku has long considered this question: "Of course not. I have already figured out the location. Let’s set it at Punk Hazard in New World.

The island is because of Kaiserku. Lang leaked poison qi, which is no longer suitable for human habitation. The fighting there will not endanger civilians, and the battlefield there is large enough for them to play."

Hailan relaxed, "I'm relieved. "

As for the precognition and Akainu's decision to choose who is the next Marine Fleet Admiral in a duel, Hailan is not good to say anything, it is useless to say, so he did not express himself the opinion of.

Hai Lan asked: "Then why did you call me here?"

"Apart from the above and the two of them, this matter is currently only you and me. I know."

Sengoku looked at Hailan with a serious face, and said seriously: "I definitely can’t get out of my body, so I hope you can protect the two of them. If there is an accident, no one I can hurt them under your protection."

Sengoku is very considerate and confident of Hailan's strength.

Precognition against Akainu, no matter who wins or loses, the final result must be that the two bodies are exhausted and there will be no more power to fight. If a Kaido is dropped from the sky at this time, the two people’s heads will be steady. In the bag, Sengoku will not allow this risk to exist.

In Marine’s powerhouse, only Garp and Hailan are the only two people who have too much credit. They eat their money all day long, which leads to a very leisurely life. Even though Garp is a 70-year-old man, he still doesn’t care about it all day long, Sengoku He was uneasy about leaving this matter to him, so Hailan naturally became the only candidate.

"I understand."

Nodded, Hailan took the burden, "With me, no one can think of sneak attack two Admiral."

"I'm relieved after hearing your guarantee."

Sengoku relaxed and said: "The duel is set for next month. This month, they have to let them finish their work first. , Regarding the specific time, I will inform you again when the time comes."



Gorosei even proposed "world The plan of "conscription" did not start immediately. Instead, it was prepared to wait until the next Marine Fleet Admiral was decided before it was implemented.

There is less than a month left for a duel. After precognition and Akainu have finished their military affairs as soon as possible, they have been involved in the arduous cultivation.

Understand the true meaning of ice on the ice sheet, experience the hotness of lava in the volcanic crater, and in order to defeat Akainu, precognition has shown hard work and seriousness that can never be seen in normal times.

Soak in the magma and melt the cold Iceburg into a glacier. Akainu's cultivation is also not lost in the effort of precognition.

In order to defeat the strong opponent "Cone" Green Pepper, Garp once blasted eight mountains and achieved the name of "Iron Fist", defeating the leader of the Eight Treasure Water Army in one blow.

The current precognition and Akainu have become two crazy "environmental destroyers" just like Garp back then.

Different from them, Hailan’s cultivation is very quiet, like a calm lake, calm.

Because of cultural limitations, precognition and Akainu still stay in the "macro" field of cultivation, and they can only "macro" field of cultivation; Hailan has long been awakened after being enlightenment by Begapunk. ,

began to focus on the "micro" world.

Everything in the world is composed of molecules, atoms, protons, electrons..., two oxygen atoms combine with each other to become oxygen molecules, and oxygen molecules combine to form oxygen; two hydrogen atoms combine with each other to form oxygen Hydrogen molecules; destroying oxygen molecules and hydrogen molecules can be recombined into water molecules and hydrogen peroxide molecules...

Devil Fruit can assimilate other materials into attribute materials after awakening. The thread fruit can make stones Turning into thread, Gold-Gold Fruit can turn wood into gold. This is no longer a simple molecular chemical reaction that can explain it. Perhaps it has involved the change of atomic nuclei and even smaller quarks.

Hailan is not Begapunk. He has no way to use science to study and explain these things, but he is not out of nowhere, because even Begapunk, a genius scientist, thinks that he cannot be pure Relying on science to explain the power of Devil Fruit, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is to spread the thinking from the perspective of "idealism".

Hundreds of years ago, the ancients could not imagine that the "iron sword" was actually an alloy, or even contained certain elements in charcoal. It was just because the ratio of the elements was different, the hardness would be very different, but the ancients However, a strong iron sword can be forged with the skills of the time.

There is no need to really use scientific experiments to realize the transformation of carbon element to Metal Element, but to choose to believe that it is a transformation realized in the micro world, and then continuously mobilize the power of Devil Fruit Try and calculate, it is possible to achieve this result.

As for how to use scientific theories to achieve the transformation between elements, that is what mankind should do in hundreds, even thousands, and tens of thousands of years.

"oh la la."

In Hailan’s hands, a piece of hard granite suddenly shattered into fine crumbs. It was obvious that Hailan didn’t use any force at all, but the granite was like fine sand. His fingers flowed across the ground.

Hai Lan sighed: "Failed again."

It has been five months since the last time I met with Bergaponk.

Every day of Hailan is spent trying, failing, trying again, and failing again.

Hai Lan thinks this is of great significance, because once he can use the shortcut of Devil Fruit to snoop into the "Domain of God" in Begapunk’s mouth, Hai Lan has His power will not only assimilate the surrounding matter into an aurora, and move his sword in the realm of "atoms", "electrons" and even "quarks", perhaps he can change everything.

At that time, there are only two powers that can stop him, one is the fight for awakened sovereignty by other Devil Fruit awakened; and the other is the more mysterious Busoshoku Haki.

a thought bloomed flower, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

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