"Of course, why did I lie to you?"

Hai Lan squatted down, touched Chopper's wet hair, and looked straight into Chopper's eyes replied.

Chopper tilted his head and asked: "Then why are you okay?"

"Maybe I'm lucky."

Hailan didn't struggle with Chopper On this topic, he changed his mind and said: "The rumba ball can promote the development of Devil Fruit's ability. What kind of principle is this?"

Seeing Hailan doesn’t seem to have any problems at all. Chopper relaxed, replied: "The rumba ball can disrupt the deformation wavelength of Zoan Devil Fruit and increase the deformation into seven modes, including weight strengthening, jumping strengthening, fur strengthening, wrist strengthening, brain strengthening, horn strengthening, and foot strength strengthening."

Hai Lan feels something is not right.

He thought that the "seven transformations" Chopper said were adding four more transformation forms to the 3 types of basic transformation forms: "human form", "beast form", and "human animal form". Was it only partial strengthening?

In fact, six of the seven enhancements mentioned by Chopper are just Devil Fruit’s normal abilities. The guy like Kaido comes with six enhancements. As for the "brain enhancement"...anyway, just listen. I don't understand what this ability is, but Hailan didn't get entangled. Since the other six are just general abilities, this mental enhancement shouldn't be much stronger. Maybe it's a temporary improvement in his calculation ability.

It seems that the real valuable role of the rumba ball is to promote the awakening of Devil Fruit.

Instead of directly denying Chopper’s research results, Hailan changed the question and asked: “What kind of reinforcement is madness?”

“I didn’t deliberately develop madness. That should be a reinforcement of a mistake."

Speaking of this, Chopper lowered his head in shame, and his voice gradually became quieter, as if a little child realized that he had made a big mistake.

"No, that's not a mistake."

Hai Lan didn't mean to blame Chopper at all. "You know, Chopper, your madness is actually the awakening of Zoan Devil Fruit. Ah!"


When Hailan said that, Chopper immediately came to his spirits, his eyes sparkling.

"Of course it's true, when did I lie to you?"

Hai Lan smiled and said to Chopper: "Keep working hard to develop and research with the doctor. If not, Ask the doctor to ask the scientists of the scientific research department for help. You must develop a rumba that can stably control your awakening ability."

Although Logia and Paramecia can’t use the rumba, if they can develop The finished product with side effects is definitely a boon for those Zoan Ability Users in Marine.

Of course, Hailan must encourage Chopper and support Chopper.

Hearing Hailan’s words, Chopper’s face was joyful and nodded: "Yeah! I will work hard!"

"After tossing for a long time, Chopper, you are also hungry. Huh? Come home with me, I will make you some good food. Call the doctor together."

"Hailan, you are really good!"

Fortunately, Hailan has time At that time, the runaway Chopper did not cause any substantial damage, and the three of them walked back talking and laughing.

On the way back, Hailan was looking thoughtful.

Devil Fruit is really a magical power.

It can be strengthened through cultivation; it can also be developed through brain holes; it can also be studied using scientific theories; it can even be related to the microscopic world and wavelength; it is no wonder that even Bega Pang Kudo can only say that this is an idealistic ability.

"When I was in school, I remembered that Sensei had said that light is both a wave and an energy particle, which seems to be called wave-particle duality?"

Regarding the memories of the past, Hailan at that time did not have the ability to "remember", he can't remember much, but Hailan is not worried, because Devil Fruit is a kind of "ideal" ability, it doesn't need to be. To understand every detail and principle like scientific research, as long as you know a general direction, it is possible to achieve unimaginable ability.


Time is like a passing river, rolling forward day and night without stopping.

The "day of the decisive battle" agreed upon by precognition and Akainu is getting closer, and more and more Marine executives have gradually learned about this.

New World, Iron Ore Island, Steam Steel Works, Marine Vice Admiral Jonathan is playing chess with an old friend, and his old friend is about to compete with Kuzan Admiral for the position of Marine Fleet Admiral Sakazuki.

Drilling through Iceburg, wandering through magma, I am used to seeing Akainu in nature, and even came to this steam steel plant to experience the heat of molten steel.

Tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle. On the last day before the decisive battle, Akainu, who has always been cultivating day and night, quieted down instead. He stopped tossing himself, but sat on Jonathan’s In the office, playing chess with my old friend.

Moving the "Knight" on the chessboard, Jonathan worried for Akainu: "Sakazuki, this is not like you. There will be a decisive battle tomorrow, but today I relax, okay?"


"I have experienced countless battles and cultivation days and nights. The place to be perfected has long been perfected. I don't have the habit of last-minute preparation. UU reading www.uukanshu.com ”

Akainu's "war chariot" moved forward and knocked Jonathan's Knight out of the battlefield.

Jonathan did not care, but mobilized a "soldier" casually.

He knows that his old friend is right, Sakazuki's normally hard work and Kuzan's normally lazy, he is clear.

But he still sweats for Sakazuki, because Jonathan believes that Kuzan’s innate talent is higher than Sakazuki's-what is the talent of a lazy, two-term young man Comparable with a hard-working senior? It seems that there is only such an explanation as "innate talent".

Kuzan has shown unprecedented efforts in this last month. No one can guarantee that Kuzan will temporarily get a brand new breakthrough.

Worries belong to worries, but Jonathan couldn’t do anything for Sakazuki. He had no choice but to say: “I didn’t expect you to maintain a normal heart in the face of such a big event, but this Actually it’s the best."

"Jonathan, you seem to be more nervous than me."

Speaking, Sakazuki’s Knight doesn’t know when to directly Killed Jonathan’s "bishop", "It’s not like you."

Jonathan didn’t answer, but instead turned his gaze on the chessboard. After observing for a long time, he realized that he Unconsciously, the "king" has no soldiers available.

Jonathan leaned toward the sofa behind: "You won, Sakazuki."

"After so many years, this is the first time I have beaten you on the chessboard. , Jonathan."

Akainu, who had been staring at the chessboard, finally looked up towards the old friend, "Do you know why you lost?"

"Why? I really want to Listen."

"Your heart is in chaos."

Akainu stared into Jonathan’s eyes, "You didn’t put all your energy on yourself. On top of what it does."

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