The "Marine Fleet Admiral Battle" has ended for a few days, and the Marine fleet heading to New World Punk Hazard also safely returned to Marine Headquarters yesterday.

Different from the "Marineford Event" that was raging, it is not a glorious thing in itself to determine who is the new Marine Fleet Admiral through a duel, so under the control of the World Government, No newspaper dare to comment on this matter. Of course, this matter will not become a taboo topic at the level of "ancient writing", so there are still a lot of gossips discussing this matter among the people.

Since the "Second Top War", it can be said that this is the second "big event" that occurred in Sea Calendar in 1518.

There are many forces in the sea, some are happy and some are worried, and some are purely for fun, but in other words, even if they are strong like the Revolutionary Army, no one dares to make trouble at this time, the most is to take advantage of Let the Marine executives have no time for him to take care of the opportunity to jump on the Underworld.

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fleet Admiral "Buddha" Sengoku walked to his office with a sad look.

The last thing he wanted to see happened-Sakazuki won the right to succeed the next Marine Fleet Admiral after all.


Sengoku shook his head, "didn't expect even this last and only way, you can't get through."

Opening the door of the office, Sengoku sat in his office chair. Instead of starting to deal with military affairs as usual, he lay there and closed his eyes.

Because of this incident, he hasn't been able to sleep well for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, rubbed the temple, Sengoku put on his glasses and looked towards the desk in front of him.

"en? What's this?"

An envelope of unknown origin appeared on the table.

With doubts in his mind, Sengoku opened the envelope, and the first few big characters surprised him stared wide-eyed-application for resignation.

After reading the contents of the document in a hurry, Sengoku suck in a breath of cold air "Kuzan this guy...he left without saying goodbye!"

Gorosei and Sengoku had already predicted, "Marine Fleet It is very likely that the losers of the "Admiral Scramble" will no longer remain in the army, but no one expected that all this would come so soon.

This is a bit too fast. Sengoku originally planned to keep him if he applies for precognition, but he just returned to the headquarters yesterday and submitted his resignation application today?


The resignation application was placed on the table early in the morning. Maybe he had put the resignation letter here last night?

So he has already made this decision?


Sighed long, Sengoku's face seemed to grow older in an instant.

He himself resigned from the position of Marine Fleet Admiral, and it was useless to persuade him many times, so Sengoku knows best, if a person has made a decision very early, no matter what It is useless to stay.

"It seems that there is no way to stop the trend of world conscription......"


Precognition and Akainu have fought for several decades, even if it arrives. Today, no one is still able to convince the other party.

The disagreement between the concepts has already made it impossible for the two to get along. Now Akainu is about to become Marine’s new Fleet Admiral, riding on the head of precognition, and precognition simply cannot tolerate such things happening.

He wants to prevent Akainu from becoming Marine Fleet Admiral. Now that the prevention has failed, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, he can only choose to leave.

The injuries on his body haven't fully healed yet, and the precognition has already chopped and played silently and resigned from Marine Headquarter.

This incident did not immediately spread in Marine Headquarters. For the time being, only a few people knew about the departure of precognition.

Sitting on the sofa in his office, Garp was holding a piece of senbei in his hand, but he didn't put it in his mouth. It seemed that he couldn't even taste the favorite senbei in normal.

"The world is so big, I want to see it."

The silhouette of Kuzan appeared in front of Garp's eyes again.

The next sentence.

This sentence is very similar to what his son Dorag said before. That guy finally formed the Revolutionary Army because he was used to seeing too many injustices in the world.

After so many years, the most common expression Garp sees on Kuzan is "lost". He has thought too much, but he has never been able to think about what he wants to do.

This time, Kuzan's gaze has become deeper than ever. It seems that after the battle with Sakazuki, Kuzan has found the direction of his life goal.

Garp is not at all worried that Kuzan will go astray, because people who are determined to do big things are completely different from those who are purely wandering.

"Sengoku has already applied for resignation. Zephyr also said that this is the last student he taught. It seems that I should be like them and enjoy life. The rest of the way, Leave it to the youngsters to open up."

Garp lay on his back on the sofa, and his burden seemed to be relieved a lot.


In less than a week after Kuzan left Marine Headquarters, the World Government has delivered the shocking news of "world conscription" to every piece of the ocean corner of.

"Marine is indispensable for Admiral!"

This is Gorosei's answer when facing Sengoku's question of "Why not discuss with Marine".

"It's just like farting..."

This is Sengoku's abdomen.

Since "Marine is indispensable for Admiral", why did you let me carry the burden of Marine Headquarter for that many years? You just want to run on Marine.

However, Sengoku didn't say much. Gorosei was originally his immediate superior. Even more how he is a retiree, so he can no longer interfere with these things.

"Brother, can you tell me what you just said about enlisting in the world? I can’t see it, many thanks."

In a tavern, A blind swordsman approached the two youngsters with a kind smile.

Issho once made an agreement with Hailan. If he can defeat Hailan, Hailan will find a way to find him a Marine Headquarter position; if he loses, he will join Hailan's army.

Issho knew that Hailan was fooling him, and wanted to trick himself into working for him, because it was impossible for him to defeat Hailan at that time.

In order to deal with Hailan, Issho has been working hard to develop his fruit abilities. He was already ready to challenge Hailan, but when he heard that Hailan had killed Red the Aloof, he again Give up this plan.

"This youngster's growth rate is too terrifying..."

This is Issho's inner evaluation of Hailan.

Seeing that he has no chance of defeating Hailan again, Issho, who cannot become Marine Headquarters, is inevitably a little bit lost, and now, the opportunity is here.


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