After learning about the World Government’s “world conscription” policy, Issho signed up for this conscription early.

Relying on the super strength of the crushing level, it did not take long for Issho to defeat the opponent of the overwhelming majority, and now the obstacle in front of Issho's "Admiral Road" is only Gion and the other two. NS.

"I'm here to participate in the competition. May I ask who is the next opponent?"

Under the guidance of the staff, Issho came to the venue where Momousagi and Tokikake are located , Kenbunshoku Haki perceives two powerful auras, Issho's face has a smile, and "looks" in the direction of the two.

"You are..."

Since seeing Issho, the surprise on Tokikake's face has not disappeared until the person approached here with a surprised smile , Jiaji hurriedly greeted him: "You are the blind man·Issho!"


Issho couldn't help but startled, "Have you ever heard of your excellency? Dare you? Ask who is your excellency?"

"I am Marine Vice Admiral'Tokikake'. It is normal for you not to know me. I used to work in Marine G5 branch. You come to Vice Admiral I’ve seen you several times when I was there."

Like seeing an old friend whom I haven’t seen for many years, Tokikake laughed and said, "Mr. Issho, the world calls you a blind man. I’ve heard of your chivalrous deeds a long time ago."

Issho’s voice also carries surprises: "It turns out to be your excellency, and your deeds have also been heard below. After a lot of time, people say that your excellency is a Marine general who is close to the common people. He has been familiar with your excellency for a long time."

"Blind man·Issho? I also think of it."

Momousagi, who used to work with Tokikake in the Marine G5 branch, also remembered that there seemed to be such a person in her memory, but what surprised her was that this guy and the blind man have known each other for a long time?

"This is Marine's Vice Admiral and Momousagi ・Gion. She is a great swordsman and a great beauty."

Tokikake enthusiastically introduced Issho With Momousagi, I am full of pride when talking about the word "big beauty", just like introducing my own wife...

"Beautiful swordsman?"

Issho a little bit Surprised, the word "beauty" is not important, what matters is Momousagi's gender,

a woman, and she is also a great swordsman.

In Pirate King’s world, there are very few female powerhouses, and even fewer great swordsmen. Finally, a Charlotte Linlin was produced. The result is still a variant, which can’t be considered, so Issho can become a Momousagi. The great swordsman was surprised from deep in one's heart, and at the same time he couldn't help but admire Momousagi a bit-it's not easy to be able to beat the crowd with a woman's body.

"Don't mess around with that guy in Jiaji , just call me Gion."

Momousagi is not an arrogant person, plus the blind person in front of me. The swordsman gave her a very powerful feeling, and her attitude towards Issho was naturally good.

"Okay, okay..."

Issho laughed twice, "I'm here for the next challenge. I don't know which one Mister Ji or Ms. Gion is next. Opponent?"

Tokikake honestly Issho: "Hey, I've long wanted to see the strength of Issho, the blind man, let me come first."

Issho not yet had time to answer, Momousagi step ahead and asked: "?? Mr. Issho, your eyes really do not see why you are every time can be accurately looked towards the eyes of others." Tokikake worried because underestimate the enemy defeat, So even if it was impolite, Momousagi directly asked his doubts in mind.

"As expected of Ms. Gion, your excellency really noticed the situation below."

When I heard Momousagi's question, I felt that Momousagi is very good Issho, and praised Momousagi from the bottom of my heart. a bit.

"Zai Xia's eyes have indeed lost its light, but under Xia has been cultivation to produce high-level Kenbunshoku Haki."

"High-level Kenbunshoku?"

Momousagi and Tokikake were surprised. The high-level Kenbunshoku is not a skill that is easy to cultivation. So far, there is only one Hailan in Marine.

Issho hehe smiles, his face is not red and his heart beats.

Actually, this old brat is bragging... He has no cultivation to make a high-level Kenbunshoku...

The so-called high-level Kenbunshoku means "seeing the future", even without eyes. Look, there will be clear scenes in your mind.

Issho’s Kenbunshoku Haki is indeed far beyond ordinary people, but he does not "see the future". In his mind, everything will have a rough outline, just like a silhouette, and because The emotions of the other party show different colors, which is why Issho can live and fight like ordinary people but cannot see. (This ability is not a secondary setting, from the Tokushima chapter)

If you insist, this may be said to be "half-step high-level"...

As for why Issho brags about himself Has become a high-level Kenbunshoku: firstly, which man is not good for face; secondly, to scare the opponent is actually a psychological tactic.

"In this way, I have to use all my strength to make a difference with Mr. Issho."

Knowing that Issho is blind, Tokikake planned to keep a few at first. According to the strength, but now it seems that everyone has awakened the high-level Kenbunshoku Haki, let alone retain the strength, even if spare no effort, he may not be able to defeat this opponent.

"Gion, this competition is not a trifle. Other referees may not be able to keep up with our battle. You can only judge who wins and loses."

Momousagi just wanted to decline, but when she saw Tokikake looked towards her meaningful gaze, she suddenly understood-plus this is to try the water first so that she can be psychologically prepared.

Because after all, even oneself is not sure to defeat this "blind man" Issho, if you can test out his shortcomings in advance, there may not be no hope of winning.

This fool...

With a mutter in his heart, Momousagi nodded agreed to Tokikake's request: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Not only is it a matter of refereeing, UU reading www.uukā is also holding on to the position of Admiral.

Issho may not have noticed Tokikake's little action, perhaps he has noticed and didn't take seriously, he serenely asked: "So... until it's time?"

Tokikake smiled twice. The voice, "People like us, even if they hit the opponent's move, they may not necessarily lose, they should fight to the exhaustion."

"It is true."

Issho nodded.

Kenbunshoku Haki's perception reminded him that these two Marine Vice Admiral are not as impossible to withstand a single blow like other players, and the way of clicking to the end may not be able to distinguish the victory or defeat in a fair way, maybe The opponent only hit his own sword in the last second, and the next second he could blow himself up with a punch.

Momousagi finally proposed: "Go to the uninhabited island near Marineford. Fight here. The damage may be too large."


Issho nodded agrees, and he doesn't want to spread to the innocent.

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