With Beckman's strength, the current Akagami and Yasopp teamed up will not be his opponent.

In addition, Beckman's IQ is very high and his mind is flexible, so Akagami will generally consider his suggestions carefully.

Since Beckman offered to let him run first, it means that this Marine is not easy to deal with.

Just between Akagami's thoughts, Beckman and Hailan have already tried several tricks.

Ben Beckman is the second Pirate that Hailan has encountered after Doflamingo who is able to fight him with ease.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that other people are not opponents of the Red Hair Pirates group. Pirates with this kind of expert oversee can lead the team with officers of the general level.

On the other side, with Akagami's cover, Wagner's approach to Yasopp is not as simple as at first.

"Acrobatics. Divine wind theater of Hundred Tops!"

Cabaji, who suffered a big loss in Beckman's hands, waved his hand and dozens of spinning tops flew like darts. Akagami and Yasopp gathered together.

Upon seeing this, Akagami was a little curious: It is indeed the Marine brought by Buggy, and even style is related to the circus.

With the reaction speed of Akagami and Yasopp, through anticipation, both of them can dodge bullets, not to mention Cabaji's spinning top.

Yasopp raised the rifle in his hand before he had time to aim at Cabaji Ji, he was suppressed by Akagami: "Don't shoot."

Yasopp was puzzled:" Boss, what are you doing?"

Yasopp not only understands Akagami's actions against civilians, but even agrees.

But if you don't even kill Marine, Yasopp doesn't understand it.

Akagami Indifferently Issho: "People didn't plan to kill you, why did you kill others?"


Yasopp looked dumbfounded , What theory is this?

But he was too late to delve into this issue, because within the time that Cabaji Ji was fighting for, Wagner had already launched a "shave" and came to Yasopp and Akagami.

A pair of big feet were still running on the ground. Akagami looked up and saw that it was Buggy who was floating in the sky.

The other soldier aimed at the Red Hair Pirates group with guns and live ammunition, waiting for an order from Hailan.



The silhouettes of Beckman and Hai Lan are continuously intertwined, and a dull collision erupts.

He is confident to defeat this Marine named "Hai Lan", but he doesn't know if there will be other ambushes here.

Glancing at Akagami who was entangled by Buggy and Wagner and a group of Marine soldiers, Beckman shouted, "Shanks, why haven't you left?"

Being distracted in battle, this is a taboo!" Hailan punched towards the bridge of Beckman's nose, and Beckman raised his hand in time to block Hailan's wrist.

But Hailan's right hand, who had made a fist, suddenly stretched out a finger, telling Beckman intuitively that the air in front of him has changed.

Fly. Shigan!


An air bullet almost glided along Beckman’s cheek. If it hadn’t been because he had mastered "Kenbunshoku Haki", he might have been caught by the sea. Arashi's attack hits.

"I know all the truth."

Beckman didn't care about it, but rather indifferent Issho: "But since I can be distracted in battle, this does not just prove me Is it stronger than you?"


Beckman's right leg was wrapped around Busoshoku Haki, sweeping towards Hailan's waist and abdomen like a steel whip.

Kami-e. Ryuyun!

Hailan's body suddenly became as light as flowing clouds.

The air flow brought by Beckman's whip leg acts on him, and he naturally takes Hai Lan to the place where his whip leg can't sweep.

"I caught you!"

But how can Beckman, who has mastered Kenbunshoku Haki, fall into a disadvantage just because of this move?

With the help of Kenbunshoku Haki Judgment, Beckman uses both hands and feet together, the style is as dense as strong wind and swift rain, and it hardly gives Hailan the slightest chance to breathe.

Tekkai. Wushen!

Within this half a year, Hailan has not only mastered Shigan, the most difficult one in Marine Rokushiki, but he has even strengthened his use of Tekkai with the skills of "Seimei Kikan". Tekkai has evolved from an initial defensive skill to an attack method.

Unlike Busoshoku Haki, Tekkai does not rely on the energy of the body, but mobilizes the tight muscles of the whole body to enhance its defensive power. It requires a high degree of concentration, so it cannot move when using Tekkai.

Some experts can use "accelerate blood flow" to speed up the movement of muscles, so that you can use "mobile Tekkai".

And this so-called "accelerating blood flow" is the technique in "Seimei Kikan".

The "Tekkai. Wushen" mastered by Hailan is almost equivalent to the low-end version of Busoshoku Haki.

After counting the punches, when Beckman punched Hailan again, he found that Hailan’s arm suddenly bends strangely like the tentacles of an octopus, crossing Beckman’s straight at a tricky angle. Fist, squeezed his wrist.

Kami-e .Seimei Kikan!

"Devil Fruit ability?"

Beckman couldn't help but be surprised. The Marine Captain in front of him doesn't look like a Fishman bloodline, so this weird ability can only be used by Devil Fruit. Explained?

Beckman hurriedly backed up a few steps and distanced himself from Hailan. The enemy possessed unknown abilities, which made him very uneasy.


Beckman finally spit out the cigarette in his mouth. From now on, this Marine Captain must be taken seriously.

Suddenly, an imposing manner like ocean waves exploded in all directions on the street, UU reading www.uukanshu. The Marine soldiers that com originally aimed at Akagami and Yasopp fell to the ground like wheat.

"Haoshoku's Haki..."

Hailan's attention was attracted by Akagami.

Over there, apart from Buggy and Wagner, the other Marine soldiers and civilians within a certain range all fainted on the ground.

Haoshoku's Haki can control the target, Wagner has the previous experience of Dorag, plus his current strength, so at this time Akagami failed to stun him on the spot, just let him temporarily lose Combat capability.

Buggy, like Beckman and Yasopp, is on Akagami's "white list".

"Beckman, you seem to be unable to beat Buggy's Sir, you are coming back soon, and you ran away..."

Akagami frivolous smiled, not a single thief encountered It looks like a soldier.

The Red Hair Pirates group ran away, leaving Buggy with a dumbfounded face.

What’s so special...Although it’s still a little immature, it seems to be Haoshoku Haki like Captain Roger!

Is this red-haired Pirate really the Shanks I knew before?

"Wagner, come back!"

Hailan called back Wagner who wanted to continue chasing after he recovered.

Wagner gritted his teeth unwillingly: "Sir, did you just let them go like this?"


Hailan has a face Dignified: "Are you planning to let your comrades-in-arms just lie on the street like this?" The soy sauce disappeared. In fact, this chapter is just a foreshadowing. The real battle between Hailan and Akagami is behind. (That’s what happened in these chapters)

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