Tashigi was confused by the style name Hailan said in her mouth, with an incredible expression on her face, she tried to ask: "Quick...Happy wind is What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that Zoro's trouble wind is very powerful? Of course, you must use happy wind to defeat trouble wind."

"Don't make trouble... "

Tashigi pushed his glasses, even though she was as slow as her, he felt something was wrong, "Are you kidding me?"

" Okay, no joke."

Hai Lan coughed awkwardly. It seems that some things are really not easy to fool.

"Let’s tell you the truth."

Hai Lan had a serious face and said seriously, "There is indeed a sword technique called happy wind, but of course, it’s not aimed at What trouble wind was developed. The reason why it is called Happy Wind is that a Way of Sword Master named Ji Wind Sword Hao once developed this sword technique.

Speaking of The use of sword wind is unsurpassed in the world, and what this swift Wind Sword How cares about most in battle is not victory, but happiness. Whether he wins or loses, he always enjoys the fun of fighting. Over time, people will Called his sword technique [happy wind]."

Tashigi is still skeptical: "Whether he wins or loses, what he enjoys is happiness? Then what you said is Wind Sword How, he Is it awesome?"

"It's amazing, of course it's amazing."

Tashigi's eyes moved slightly, "How amazing is it?"

Hai Lan recalled it for a while and continued Said: "The most powerful thing about Wind Sword Howe is not his attack style, but his defensive style. He has a sword technique called [Wind Barrier], using the sword in his hand to wield a sword wind like a wall. Before the sword wind dissipates, it can withstand any long-range style, even if it is... even Admiral Kizaru’s laser beam can’t break through Wind Sword’s wind barrier, trifling’s trouble wind is nothing more difficult."



"How can such a powerful person still have time to lose."

Hailan laughed and said: "I just said that, Wind Sword's battle is not about winning or losing, but about experiencing the joy of fighting. Of course there are wins and losses. However, most of the losses are caused by him. "

Tashigi was surprised: "He did it himself? What does this mean?"

"Didn't you say that Zoro is particularly strong? Wind Sword Haohe He is just the opposite. His sword technique pays more attention to speed. And because of this, when Wind Sword Howe enters a happy state in the battle, when he uses his sword technique to his heart's content, his elegant movement method is extremely chic. Don’t talk about the opponent, even he doesn’t even know where he went, many times When he stopped, he was standing in front of his opponent, so he lost. "

"This...there is such a swordsman?" "

"Of course there is. "

Hai Lan nodded, "It is precisely because of Wind Sword How's Way of Sword focuses on speed, so I recommend you moved towards and work hard in a similar direction to him. If you go to exercise your strength now I definitely can't catch up with that Zoro. If you can master the speed of Sword Art, you may not be able to fight him. Coupled with the happy wind of advancing, attacking, retreating, and defending, defeating that Zoro may not be a foolish dream. "

Hai Lan said so much, Tashigi is still skeptical, because she always feels that the legend of Wind Sword How is a bit weird and unimaginable.

"Can you Show me happy wind? "


Hai Lan smiled and sighed, "Sure enough, I can't see the heart. "

Hai Lan stood up and was about to transform into an Aurora Sword. After thinking about it, he replaced it with a small branch that he picked up on the ground.

"Come on. , Use your strongest sword aura to attack me. "

Tashigi was a little embarrassed: "That...I don't know how to sword aura yet." "

"Sword wind is also fine, if you don't have sword wind, just use the gun in your hand. "

"Let's use a gun, I'm afraid I can't control the sword wind. "

Hai Lan laughed: "Whatever you want. "

The child Tashigi is a bit slow,

but very kind. She doesn’t use Jianfeng because she is worried that her mistake will hurt Hailan. But it’s a bit too simple. In fact, with her strength No matter how it was hit, it was impossible to injure the Marine Headquarter.

Tashigi took out a pistol and pointed it at Hailan, looking at the direction of the gun hole, simply did not aim at Hailan: "Then I am going to shoot. "

"Let's get started! "

"peng!" "peng!"

The muzzle flashed fire, the hammer ignited the gunpowder, and the burst of energy quickly pushed the bullet out of the barrel.

At the same time, an imposing manner sounded.

"Face the wind! ! "

The branch in Hailan's hand lifted upwards, and a bitter sword wind was instantly generated in front of him, and the billowing air wave was stopped there like a wall, even just using naked eye to see clearly , Before the bullet touched the wind wall, it was swept in the direction of the sky by the surrounding updraft.

Seeing this scene of Tashigi eyes shined, this move really can withstand the opponent’s attack, UU Reading the book www.uukánshu.com, it turns out that Admiral Hailan did not deceive herself!

Observing the change in Tashigi’s expression, Hailan explained while struggling with the iron: “The difficulty of this move is to integrate Busoshoku Haki into the sword intent. Then release it together with the sword wind to form a sword gang whirlwind that can cut people, retreat and defend. As for the speed sword technique, it depends on your own. As long as it is combined with the shaved in Rokushiki, it is enough to explore your own speed limit. NS. Also, when using this move, remember to say the phrase [Face the wind! ]. "

Tashigi looked a little embarrassed: "One...must shout?" "

"Does that Zoro shout when he uses the trouble wind?" "

"He shouted very skillfully..."

"So, you can't lose in the imposing manner, you must shout, and this sentence is also the soul of Storm Sword Technique. "

"Can Busoshoku Haki blend with Jianfeng?" That's a high-end Busoshoku, right? Tashigi didn't master it. "

Smoker is the question this time.

"Not necessarily. "

Hai Lan threw away the branches and sat back to explain: "Busoshoku Haki is actually a kind of ideal energy. It is the same mysterious power as Devil Fruit. It doesn't obey the laws of science. Thousands of changes.

You should have heard that some people can use the friction between the body and the air to bring fire to their weapons or fists, right? "

"I've heard of this. "

"In fact, combustion is a chemical reaction that emits heat and consumes materials. Wood burning needs wood, coal burning needs coal, and meteorites burn with the air before they fall to the ground. It is the meteorite itself that needs to be consumed, but those who use the flame sword technique or flame fist method have no loss. Why? "

Smoker couldn't understand: "Why? "

Tashigi tried to ask, "Will it be Busoshoku Haki?" "

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