"Hawk Eyes?!!!"

Hearing this nickname, Zoro, who was half asleep and half awake, suddenly woke up with a shivered.

Hearing Zoro's sudden cry, Luffy smiled and said hello to him: "Yo, Zoro, are you awake?!"

"The Hawk you said Where is the man from Eyes? Is he here again?"

Zoro rarely ignored Luffy's existence and asked his friends excitedly.

Usopp hurriedly explained: "Zoro, don’t worry, that Hawk Eyes didn’t come here, we just happened to mention him."

Zoro’s dream is to become a "Greatest Swordsman" in the World", he has told his companions more than once that he must defeat the man with Hawk Eyes.

But reality gave Zoro a merciless blow.

A few months ago, the Straw Hat adventure group ran into the Hawk Eyes mentioned by Zoro in East Blue. No one expected that in their opinion, they are very strong and have a small reputation in East Blue. Zoro, who became the "Pirate Hunter" that many Pirate talked about, turned out to be like a baby facing an adult in front of "Hawk Eyes" Dracule Mihawk. There's no resistance.

Zoro has tried his best, but Mihawk took all of Zoro's style with only a small fruit knife, and almost pierced Zoro's heart.

If it weren’t for Mihawk’s personal appreciation of Zoro, this young swordsman, he chose show mercy. Zoro had long been hated by Mihawk’s knives. In the end, Mihawk would treat Zoro with the etiquette between swordsman and use the world. The strongest black blade "Night" left an indelible scar on Zoro's chest.

Until now, recalling the scene at that time, Zoro, who was recovering completely, felt that the wound was still aching.

It was precisely because of that encounter that made Zoro and Straw Hat adventure group truly realize how far they are from the strength of the cream of the crop on the sea.

"Really? That's a shame."

Zoro's eyes flashed through unconvinced Jieyu, "One day, I will defeat that man. Become the number one swordsman in the world and let my name resound from heaven!"

"What? Do you still know Hawk Eyes?"

A strange voice sounded on the deck , Zoro looked over suspiciously, and the first thing that caught his eye was a big red nose.

"Uh...Joker? Marine?"

Buggy laughed triumphantly: "hahahaha, young man, you have a good vision. This Adult is the king of clowns, Qian Buggy Rear Admiral, Red Nose, Buggy Rear Admiral!"

Zoro scratched his hair. "Your name is so long. Call you Buggy Red Nose."

Changing to the previous Buggy, he had to fight Zoro desperately, because the nose is his reverse scale.

However, since following Hailan, Hailan has already corrected Buggy’s problem. Now the "red nose" to Buggy is equivalent to "Akagami" to Shanks. Kind of glory.

Since Nami was born in the Marine family, there has been no conflict between other members and Marine, so the Straw Hat adventure group’s hostility to Marine is not so serious, but Zoro is still cautious: "Luffy, why on board Will there be Marine?"

Luffy sat cross-legged on a wine barrel, tilting his head and said: "Buggy said he wants me to join the Seventh Five Seas, but I don't like this identity."

Buggy chuckled a couple of sentences, "Luffy, don’t worry about making a decision, don’t you ask your friends for their opinions? Or, they are all your little brothers, you are in charge of everything, you don’t need to intervene. They?"

Luffy hurriedly retorted: "How is it possible? I cherish my companions the most!"

"Then you should discuss with them first."

"Luffy, you must join the Seventh Five Seas under the King!"

"Luffy, I am going to die, because I have a terminal illness of'If you do not join the Seventh Five Seas under the King, I will die' !"

Nami and Usopp expressed their attitude on the spot. Sanji leaned on the railing and smoked without saying a word. Zoro squinted and watched Buggy.

Luffy curl one's lip looks very reluctant: "Why?"

Nami further explained: "If you become the king of the Seventh Five Seas, Marine will never Come to trouble us. Of course, Marine will not come to trouble us now, but when we encounter the island where Marine is stationed in the future, we can just let it go directly. The process of sailing will become very convenient."

Usopp also echoed: "And if we run into trouble in the future, we can also ask Marine for help."

"But if I become the king of the Seventh Five Seas, I will follow Marine’s command line, right? I don’t want it, Adventure King is the freest person in the world."

Nami and Usopp looked at each other in blank dismay, "this...?"

Buggy laughed again: "hahahaha...Straw Hat brat, you are such a idiot!"

Luffy angrily said: "Asshole Buggy, don't laugh at me for being stupid!"

"You're not stupid?"

"I'm not stupid!"

Buggy said proudly: "You are not stupid, why don't you think you can just ignore it after becoming Shichibukai? The order of the World Government? When the Seventh Five Seas of Kings met, UU had never read www.uukanshu.com. Even if you accepted the invitation from the World Government, you would only have one more name. , You’re still free, there’s nothing wrong with profit!"

Nami is a little worried: "But if you violate the order of the World Government, Luffy’s status as the king of the Seventh Five Seas will be deprived, right? "

"No, unless there is another major event of the same level as the second war, there will be no problems at all. I don’t know how many years will such a major event happen once again. .

Furthermore, when it’s really about to come, Luffy, you will definitely go, because only in that kind of big scene can you meet powerhouses from all over the world at the same time, Marine Headquarter, Emperor Pirate, Don’t you, Luffy, don’t want to compete with those powerhouses? The other kings will also play together, such as world number one beauty Boa ・Hancock and Greatest Swordsman in the World Dracule Er Mihawk...Uh..."

Buggy was stunned. I don’t know which sentence touched the inner chord of this group of youngsters. The little girl and the long nose originally supported this invitation. , Needless to say.

Buggy even felt that the little yellow hair and that Marimo-head looked towards their expressions all changed, even Luffy's eyes were a little bit more colorful.

"Luffy, good opportunity."

"Luffy, you can agree."

Buggy sniffed, tentatively adding: " And in order to treat the King Seventh Five Seas preferentially, when the time comes everyday all will provide hearty dishes, enough meat..."

"Since it will not affect my adventure journey..."

Luffy jumped off the barrel, hehe smiled twice, "...then I will be this Shichibukai!"


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