Just as "Pika Pika no Mi" Ability User Kizaru impossible reaches the real speed of light, Hailan is of course impossible to create a real "helium flash."

If a real "helium flash" erupts at the present location from the surface, even if it is only a moment, there will be no living creatures on the surface.

"Aurora" is a luminous phenomenon formed after the solar wind enters the Earth's magnetic field. As a "Logia ・Aurora Fruit" Ability User, Hailan just traces its origins and uses its incredible Devil Fruit ability to simulate stars. "Helium flash" phenomenon.

This move does not require too many skills, and does not require a complicated development process. Even the enhanced version of "Sun Fist" is not an exaggeration. It is just Hailan to maximize all the energy in the body. , And then unscrupulously released in an instant, and this style named "Solar Storm. Helium Flash" was born.

Even if it can't be compared with the real stellar helium flash, Hailan's life-fighting trick has also shown unprecedented super lethality.

At that time, "Jin" and "Jie", which were far away from Hailan, were fortunate to say, "Xing" was burned to death by Hailan on the spot, die without a whole corpse.

Yes, it was "burned to death" rather than "exploded to death." The instant when Hailan burst out, the temperature was almost close to the surface of the sun.

On the surface of the sea, a large swath of water mist evaporates, and countless dead fish float on the surface of the sea with their white belly, or continuously jump up in the boiling water and then slowly become dead fish, more Many marine creatures flee to the deep sea frantically.

Even though it was Kaido, there were extensive burns on the surface of his skin, or indeed Kaido, the temperature did not even burn him to death.

"Qian" took advantage of his Devil Fruit ability to instantly absorb a large amount of heat energy, coupled with the protection of Busoshoku Haki, his appearance was actually similar to Kaido.

Zero whose strength is above the "front" is bad. Before Hailan broke out, a bullet just approached Zero's side, although this kind of long-range sniper bullet could not cause substantial damage to Zero. Damage, but as long as it delays for a moment, Hailan's flash is enough to submerge Zero.

When the light is not strong enough, the cloud is the nemesis of the light, because the cloud can obscure the rays of light; when the light is strong enough, all this is reversed, and the light becomes the cloud’s nemesis, because the essence of the cloud is inseparable from the "water mist", and the energy brought by the strong light is enough to evaporate the water mist.

This is the reason why Zero's strength is clearly above "Qian", but the injury is more serious than "Qian". The large burns have been burned to Zero's body and it is horrible.


The aurora slowly recondensed into Hailan's figure, he was gasping for breath, "self-destruct" level style , It also caused extremely serious backlash to Hailan itself, even more how Hailan was injured in the first place, and now Hailan's face is as pale as paper.

Except for "Zero" and Kaido, the gazes of the others looked towards Hailan were full of fear. Even the two of them felt profoundly incredible. So many people besieged Zhouhu alone. The output was assisted and controlled, but the day tiger was beaten so embarrassed by himself. How strong is the current day tiger?

No wonder even Gorosei has not dared to let this day tiger continue to grow.

"Zhouhu, you must die today!!"

A crazy voice sounded, and Fengfengbei accelerated, "Qian" came to the weak Hailan in a blink of an eye. On her body, Hai Lan could even smell the scorched smell of the protein that hadn't been dissipated.

Hai Lan frowned and gritted his teeth, "You... just want to die?"

His body is already very uncomfortable. If he can, he really doesn't want to move even if he can move. .

The voice of "Qian" carries the firmness of pressing forward to regard death as home: "For justice! Even though I die without regrets!!" The brainwashed CipherPol can give everything for Gorosei's order and firmly believe that it is justice. From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as a group of respectable people.

But respect belongs to respect, this is not a reason to let the other party take action against oneself.

Hai Lan raised his hand with difficulty, but he found that his arm was not listening, because Zero once again activated the fruit ability and used the line cloud to control his actions. Zero is also Logia Devil Fruit Awakening Ability User , Can make substances out of thin air, but the speed of shot is much faster than Doflamingo.

Hai Lan could only watch the front fist fiercely hit her body.

"Ten times the explosive power and platoon!!"

“Rolling” is a style derived from the “Reject Dial”. People who are weaker use the “Reject Dial”. "It will shake oneself to death, powerful people can ignore it, but the "front" formidable power is not a trifling Reject Dial, but is expanded to ten times on top of his basic explosive power.

"ka! !"

The sound of broken bones was heard. Hailan’s ribs were shattered on the spot by the "front". The extremely weak body was once again severely devastated.

As the price of using the "platoon", the bones of the "front" hand broke instantly, and Bai Sensen's bones even pierced the flesh and blood of his elbow.

Both sides used Busoshoku Haki to protect their bodies, but in the face of the tenfold burst of power, it was no longer helpful.


At this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com even the "line cloud" that originally trapped Hailan was broken, and the severely injured "Zero" could no longer maintain the strength and resilience of the line cloud.

Zero shouted: "Kaido, what are you doing in a daze?"

"Doesn’t that mean that Lao Tzu is the final winner?"

a single Thought suddenly flashed through Kaido's mind.

If you seize the opportunity to kill the day tiger here, then you will be able to secure your position as the "strongest one-on-one", and even Whitebeard won't be envious of this record.

Exhaled heat from his nostrils, Kaido's muscles bulged, and the hands holding the wolf fang club were tight and tight, the huge silhouette galloping like a thunderbolt.

"Thunder and gossip!!"

Although "Xing" was burned to death by the "helium flash", in Hailan's current state, it is basically impossible to join so many people. Fleeing in the midst, only a fight to the death, may be able to make a way out.

"Kaido, you're thinking of eating ass!!"

Taking advantage of the zero "line cloud" being broken, Hailan squeezed out the last trace of his body's strength, no Can't escape, flies quickly towards Kaido.

"Lead to death, day tiger!!"

"Kaido, go to hell with me!!"

"bang! !"


The aurora accelerated and then accelerated again. Hailan ignored all the reaction forces and endured great pain, and slammed into Kaido's body, carrying strong kinetic energy. The two were like meteors falling from the sky." "Pu Tong" fell into the sea with a sound, and the jet of water hit the sky, and the waves rolled.


CipherPol looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sea Calendar In 1520, Marine Headquarter "Zhou Hu" Hai Lan was attacked and ambushed by the Rocks remnants headed by Kaido. He fought desperately and finally "perish together" with Kaido of the Beasts.


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