The latest URL: "aaahhhh ……"

With a string of miserable calls, several weird men in kimono suddenly appeared out of midair. Thin air, without a little defense, fell straight to the ground.

"Help me!!"

"Young Master!"

"Foxfire" Kinemon struggled desperately, and finally succeeded in getting himself in Below the little boy.

This little boy is Kozuki Hiyori’s big brother, Kozuki Momanosuke.

"pu tong!"


Despite the Kinemon underneath, Momanosuke still cried out for birth.

"Young Master, are you okay?"

A beautiful and alluring woman hurried over to help Momanosuke. Unfortunately, he is not a woman at all. It is a man with gender cognitive impairment, "Can Xue" Juzhicheng.

But these three people are at least fairly normal, and the other two people who ran over are stranger in clothes and looks.

Very ugly, with a round hair like a spider's legs, Raizo of the ninja "mist"; with a long red hair in the shape of a brush, and a freak-like "shower" Kenjuro.

Kanjuro looked around at the unfamiliar scenery around him: "It seems that we have really successfully reached the future."

Raizo was so cold that he trembled: "Patience... Snee, where is it? Why is it so cold?"


Kinemon made a gesture, mutter incantations in his mouth, and used stones to make a few pieces to keep warm The clothes were put on the companions.

The few people who put on winter clothes relaxed: "Ha... finally came alive."

Kikunosei suggested with the heat: "It's too cold here, so let's find a way first ."

Find a living person and ask where it is! Young Master, what do you say?"

Momanosuke was shivering from the cold: "I agree with..."

I don’t know how long it took,

the entire group of Momanosuke finally walked to the port and saw a few ships.

Kanjuro stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, what is this place?"

The sailor took a look at this weird weird man, with a look of alertness: "You don't know what place this is, then you How did you get here?"

Kikuno Cheng weakly replied: "I...we are lost, please help."

Seeing this beautiful girl Seeing pity, the sailor's vigilance relaxed a lot: "This is called Punk Hazard, and it is said that it is the remains of the previous Marine Headquarter Akainu and the precognition duel.

Say you might Believe it or not, this was originally a lush and green summer island, but the natural environment was changed by those two lives and turned into an island of ice and fire. Those two guys are really amazing..."

The sailor was talking about Danger Land.

Momanosuke and the others were stunned.

Turn Summer Island into an Island of Ice and Fire? Are people from overseas so good? I don’t know how it’s better than Kaido’s monster?

No wonder Kozuki Toki said that overseas support can be found to defeat Kaido.

"Well, do you know how to get to Wano Country?"

"Wano Country? Never heard of it."

"Why... …"

Seeing the disappointed look of the big beauty, the sailor said with relief: "Why not, we are planning to go to Dressrosa, if you don’t mind, we can take you for a ride, there Maybe someone knows where Wano country is. Of course, I have to ask our captain if we agree."

"Thank you so much for that."

"But I I advise you not to have too much expectations. There are not many countries in the world now."

"What do you mean?"

"If I have the opportunity, I will slowly follow Please explain."

In this way, the entire group of Momosuke can work for the captain with all kinds of weird abilities, boarding a passing sailing boat, and heading to Dressrosa.

On the way, they finally figured out the current world pattern.

"Beasts Pirates has been wiped out?"

"Kurozumi Orochi was also killed ?"

"Has no country turned into a state?" " " this is like nothing?! " " Young Master, we need to find ways to overthrow the new Government, and restore the country ah! " "En!"

Momanosuke sat cross-legged, imitating the appearance of his father in the memory, pulling a long voice, eh.

The entire group was filled with righteous indignation, stayed up all night, and was discussing plans to restore the country.

A few days later.

In the palace of Dressrosa.

The slimy Trebol chuckled: "Doffy, I found something very interesting."

"Oh? How interesting is it?"


Doflamingo took a notice from Trebol.

"Publishing the World"

"I am Daimyo from the country of Wano, I am not dead, I just crossed over twenty years ago to modern times."

"Now there are still tens of thousands of warriors loyal to me in the country of peace. As long as you send me back to the country of peace, and provide me with a batch of funds to purchase weapons, when I successfully restore the country of peace, I will seal you as the Admiral Army. ."


"Jie 馐 quietly blows Nadi Sakura Valley 屢庵zhi release 嫘 Γ magpie caries Qi钍gun 庠溠俊

Doflamingo I remember vaguely, it seems that a warrior surnamed Kozuki was killed by Kaido before. The reason why he was impressed with this incident was that the warrior left an indelible sword on Kaido, who is known as Immortal Body. Hurt.

"Most people shouldn’t be able to make up this name, don’t care about them, Yingye hangs purely to make up for the ruins of the Han Dynasty, you, and you, fluorenes, to cut the foundation!


"No one responded."

After several days, there was no People contact the entire group of Momanosuke.

If it weren’t for Kinemon, Kenjuro, Raizo, and Kikunojo who each had innate talents, and they could also make a living by doing art, these guys would not be able to open the pot in the well-regulated Dressrosa.

Finally, Kikunojo happily brought people back: "Young Master, I have found someone who is willing to help us!"

Since Beasts Pirates have been eliminated, the entire group will be wiped out. There is no need to call Momanosuke's pseudonym Momoko, just call him Young Master.

"You did a great job, Kikunojo !"

The happy Kinemon punched Kikunojo on the chest. This hit was okay, and he was scared to shrink back in a hurry. Because he felt it seemed limp there.

"Chrysanthemum...You, you, you..."

Chrysanthemum scolded Kinemon shyly: "You hate it!"

"Ah Ahhhh!!! You have become a woman!!!"

Seeing the bulging chest of Kikunojo, everyone in the room felt that their three views were completely broken.

"Kikunojo boy, where are all your friends?"

An afro-head with a purple head, a tall girl in sexy leather pants with a few beautiful girls The beauty and a few brawny in women's dress walked in.

"Thanks to Master Ivankov, people finally got rid of this stinky man's body, ah, the dream of so many years has finally come true!"

has become Kikunojo's Kikunojo is intoxicated by her fantasy, and it seems that she has been attacked by this adult.

"Wow, what a cute kid, let the old lady hug."

I don't know why, Ivankov feels especially fond of it when he sees Momanosuke.

Few people know that the Kozuki family has this fascinating ability derived from bloodline.


The young little demon showed a very wretched smile, and Ivankov didn't dislike it at all.

Kinemon is already unconscious with a nosebleed.

Only Kanjuro and Raizo still have vigilance in their hearts: "Who in the world are you?"

"What kind of country, welcome to join Okama Paradise."


I don't know how long it has passed, I don't know how long it will be.

Kamabal, here is an island with the reputation of the second "daughter country", but a famous chef called it "the purgatory on earth."

The shore. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Young Master, you run slower!"

He is obviously a little boy, but he is wearing a floral skirt, holding a pink ribbon in his hand, and walking barefoot on the beach On, continuously swaying the ribbon and running.

He is smiling, although he can't see what emotion he is, but he is smiling.

The same big men behind him wore floral skirts, showing the hair of one leg.

"Hey~ha! Kikunojo boy, you see how happy they are."

In the distance, Ivankov said to the beautiful lady next to her, big lady Gently nodded, "Yes."

"When I saw them, I remembered the past."

Ivankov was actually a little sad.

"I think of running under the sunset that day, that is my lost youth."

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