"Calm down first."

Seeing this Fishman named "Jinbe" looked a little anxious, Hai Lan motioned to him to adjust his emotions first.

Jinbe retorted: “It’s too late to calm down, Marine Sir, if your Battleship doesn’t act in time, the slave ship may be arriving at No. 1 Mangrove District.”

"Who is that girl?"

Jinbe hurriedly recounted the information she had learned: "Actually I don't know her, I only know that she finally found a chance to escape When she came out, she was being chased by two Pirates and happened to be met by me. It was I who rescued him. Later I learned that those Pirates who chased her were actually human traffickers."

Hailan frowned:" Where is the slave boat?"

Jinbe patted his own chest: "I can show you the way!"

Buggy got to Hailan’s ear whispered: "This won’t be a Trap?"

As if reading the other person’s suspicions, Jinbe explained: "My Marine friends, there is absolutely no plan to deceive you here. The prerequisite for ambush is the time and place, and whether it is suitable for ambush. You can go and take a look."

Hailan’s Battleship is now in the Sea Territory near Sabaody Archipelago. According to the chart, there are no hidden reef areas in this Sea Territory. It's like a suitable place for ambush.

So Hailan ordered: "You should follow Jinbe's instructions first, be ready to fight at any time, and wait for my further orders at any time."


Buggy saluted a decent military salute and began to direct the soldiers forward.

"Sir, look at this."

During the voyage, Kuro called Hai Lan with a document in his hand.

"'Knight of the Sea'Jinbe?"

The file contains the relevant information about the chivalrous man "Knight of the Sea" Jinbe on Fishman Island.

Before coming to Sabaody Archipelago, Hailan prepared some information about the area, including the divisions of 79 mangrove areas in Shambord, and even the fishman island in the 10,000-meter deep sea below Shambord. Relevant information.

Jinbe, a responsible, heroic man, has an excellent reputation on Fishman Island, and his information is naturally recorded by Marine's intelligence personnel in the file.

Hailan was nodded and handed the document back to Kuro's hands: "If the information is correct, with this Jinbe as a person, he It shouldn't be a lie to us.

That What’s the situation with the girl now?"

"The vital signs are normal, and it’s okay. The ship’s doctor said it was due to prolonged hunger and fatigue, coupled with holding her breath in the water, that she was in a state of unconsciousness. With proper conditioning or stimulation, you will soon wake up."

"Report Sir, that woman is awake!"

Hailan and Kuro walked to the simple ward of Battleship, Jinbe He also followed, and under Hai Lan's signal, no one stopped him.

"Are you Marine? wu wu..."

After seeing many people in the room, the awakened girl froze for a moment in horror. When he listened After the other party claimed to be "Marine" and did wear the Marine uniform that he had remembered, a hanging heart finally let go and began to cry uncontrollably.

"Don't be afraid, you are safe now."

Hailan tried to comfort the girl, but the only answer to her was more sad sobbing.

frowned, Hailan gave Kuro and Wagner a look.

Kuro has a gentle smile on his face, and sits beside the girl. With the round glasses on his face, Kuro looks gentle, like an amiable gentle steward.

Wagner took the others out of the Medical Room, and Jinbe was also taken out.

Buggy whispered: "Isn't it just cute and happy, I am good at this, I should find me!"

"The situation is different now!"

Hai Lan glared at him,

Buggy chuckled back out.

"Don't be afraid, you are safe now."

Kuro tried to calm the girl's emotions, and after a few minutes, the girl finally stopped sobbing.

Facts have proved that handsome, gentle men are indeed easy to let women off guard, and vice versa, beautiful women have the same advantage in front of men.

"My name is Kuro, what is your name?"

"I...my name is Yami..."

"Don't worry, This is Marine’s Battleship. No one can hurt you anymore."

Yami glanced cautiously at Hai Lan in the room and found that the other party was just a handsome guy who was about the same age as Kuro. Kuro's gentleness made him a bit more majestic.

"This is Hailan Captain, he is my Sir, he will...no, we will protect you!"

"Thank you...thank you. .."

"Where is your home?"

"wu wu..."

When you hear the other party asking about your hometown, Yami's calm emotions agitated again.

Just as Kuro was thinking about how to further open the deadlock, Yami replied while sobbing: "I was originally a resident of the Grand Line Peach Island, and I was captured by Pirate with many others. Children under 10 years old, I beg you must save them!"

"Peach Island?"

Peach Island, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is located on the Grand Line An island in China, because the animals and plants on the island are pink, so it has this name.

Hailan originally planned to have the opportunity to see the wonderful scenery of the island there, but then he forgot about it. (The current Taoise Island has not been turned into a land of shemales by the Monster King. Don’t doubt Yami’s gender...)

"Do you know any other things? For example, those traffickers? Name, or it’s combat capability or something."

"No...I don’t know..."


Hailan’s There was a look of disappointment on his face.

This has caused Yami, who has been abused by traffickers for a long time, and his personality has become extremely sensitive. There is a strong panic in his heart.

Under the intense stimulation, Yami finally remembered some useful information: "Um...I heard them say when I escaped, they seem to have got two Devil Fruits.. .I don’t know if this is considered as intelligence..."

Hailan's eyes lit up: "Forget it!"

What I really want to come from, is this the Great of the crossed over? Destiny?

"Can you remember some other information?"

"Think... I can't remember..."

Hai Lan again After waiting for a few minutes, Yami really couldn't think of other things.

Leaving Kuro in the room to continue to calm Yami's emotions and investigate intelligence, Hailan slowly left the Medical Room.

Here, you can already see the fantasy landscape of bubbles floating on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Under Hailan’s order, Battleship did not immediately go to the Marine base on the island to report. Instead, under the guidance of Jinbe, it bypassed the 60-69 area and headed directly to the impossible zone.

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