"Okay, you did not hesitate to betray the company in order to achieve your own goals." Wang Zhenqiu obviously would not believe the reasonable explanation given by Liu Xiaojiang.

He raised the colorful long stick in his hand and pointed it at Liu Xiaojiang, frowned on the opposite side:

"Liu Xiaojiang, I don’t know why you value Zhang Chulan so much, is it because of his grandfather The origin of the kind of Qi body?"

"Get out!"

"Make a ball." Liu Xiaojiang said badly with a smile.

"..." The blue veins on Wang Zhenqiu's forehead swelled up, and immediately rushed towards Liu Xiaojiang with his colorful long sticks.

"Liu Xiaojiang! You let me go!!!"

Liu Xiaojiang faces Wang Zhenqiu who is like'Monkey Sun', and he does not intend to give up the company with this kind of preference. The mission of Zhang Chulan must also be reasoned for himself and Zhang Chulan's troublemaker.

He slowly raised his arm and pointed at a distance in front of him.

"The method of combining books! The trapped immortal seals the scriptures!"


The black and white Dao Talisman appeared to overlap out of thin air, and then quickly flew towards Wang Zhenqiu, who rushed over,

After Talisman touched his body, it re-differentiated into two lines of one black and white, one of which was tightly wound around his body, and the other directly penetrated into his body.

Next second,


Wang Zhenqiu fell from in midair to the ground without warning as if he was tied tightly by a rope.


Just when Wang Zhenqiu was struggling and wanted to break free, he dropped the colorful sticks on the ground and the monkey with theatrical mask on his face. The face mask also began to slowly shatter and dissipated in the air.

In the end,

The meridian in Wang Zhen's sphere was completely blocked by the talisman. He was extremely embarrassed and couldn't stand up on the ground. He could only struggle to look up towards the smiling Liu Xiaojiang, unhappy. Said:

"Talisman...it turned out to be a Tongtian Urn!"

"I should have thought of it, you guys were also sent by Talisman, and it has been a while since I got the Tongtian Urn. , How could it be that I haven’t gotten started for so long!"

"Liu Xiaojiang, I actually forgot that you are also one of the successors of the Eight Wonders!"

"No wonder, no wonder You are so concerned about Zhang Chulan, no wonder you are so curious about rootless things, no wonder you used to show mercy to Ma Xianhong..."

The words stop here, he seems to think clearly After reading everything about Liu Xiaojiang, he gritted his teeth with an unhappy expression:

"so that's how it is!"

Liu Xiaojiang shrugged with this indifferent expression, "It's up to you Think, anyway, I’m still saying that, everything I’m doing now is loyal to my true inner thoughts."

"I don’t hate the company’s attitude towards foreigners, nor do I dislike what the company insists on. It’s a stable order, so he will become a temporary worker of the company."


Liu Xiaojiang bends down and looks at Wang Zhenqiu who is tied to the ground by talisman. Very sincerely said:

"I am very selfish. It is not impossible for you to let me sacrifice everything for the sake of justice.

It's just... …

You have to let the group of aloof and remote guys come and give me a good demonstration."

"Asshole! You let me go!" Wang Zhenqiu Although I don't think there is anything wrong with Liu Xiaojiang's thinking this way, he is still disinclined to pay attention, the old man who does not shake Bilian.


Two guys who didn't shake Bi Lian actually partnered to plot against!

Would you like these two goods...


Liu Xiaojiang squatted down proudly, reached out and took off Wang Zhenqiu's extremely irritating glasses, and put them in front of his own eyes to try the degree.

After that, while pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand, he smiled and said:

"Hey, without a degree, you are not blind. Seeing that it was my hand that I did to you just now, if I saw that I just got you down, how can I tell you this kind of request not to shake Bilian?"

"Qiu'er , Okay, my face is so thick..."

"I'll kill you!!!"

Wang Zhenqiu was so angry when he heard this, he immediately tried his best One of the carp hits very hard, facing Liu Xiaojiang's hand that is the size of his own face, it's a sip.

"Oh, fucking!"

Liu Xiaojiang also didn't expect Wang Zhenqiu to be so confused that he couldn't shake his palm with one bite.

The pain does not hurt.

I am also impossible to be bitten through my skin.

But it always makes people feel very embarrassed if they are always bitten and shaken.

Liu Xiaojiang is still a face-saving person, besides, there are still many people around who have not solved it. He is not good at handling other things with such a drag oil bottle, so he said:

"Asshole! You let me go!"

"Grave carbon! Cough heart! (Asshole! You let me go first!)"

"Let go!"

"Um pu! (I don't!)"

"What is your brat doing now! Believing or not me..."

It's here

Judy, who was silent on the side and didn't intend to escape, suddenly rushed to the crowd that was still fighting in the distance.

She obviously seized the opportunity of Liu Xiaojiang being entangled, and she really came here with the team with a mission.


The speed that Ju Di showed at this time was obviously faster than anyone else present except Liu Xiaojiang!



Liu Xiaojiang noticed Judy's unusual behavior and noticed the opponent's goal of rushing into the distant crowd , And reminded Wang Zhenqiu that after letting go of his mouth, it was obviously too late to stop Judy from making contact with the target.

"Baby! Be careful! The target of this product is you!"

"..." The baby Feng in the distance heard the sound, noticed Judy rushing over behind him, and waved immediately With the engineer's shovel, he turned and moved towards the opponent's skull, which was fiercely's shovel.


When! ! !

The defensive magical artifact on Judy's body is obviously higher than Liu Mingyuan's quality. A golden protective cover directly blocks Bao Bao Feng's shovel, and then continues to rush towards Bao Bao Feng in a grappling posture.

Seeing it,

Baby Feng just wanted to run backwards,

Several controllable metal ropes stretched out from Judy’s sleeves instantly, all for a while. Blocked all the escape routes of Bao Baofeng and trapped him in the center of the metal rope.

At the same time,

On the one hand, he was also paying attention to Judy. Foreigners who planned to cooperate with Judy also followed suit, obviously wanting to help.

"you are courting death!"

Liu Xiaojiang arrived not far behind Feng Baobao, he saw the dark-skinned South Asian foreigner, and immediately raised his hand with golden light to condense He took out a long whip and swung the whip directly around the opponent's waist. Fiercely threw it to the side of the stone wall.

next moment,

It seems that all foreigners have discussed it, and they have thrown away Xia Liuqing and the others who are haunting them.

These people rush to Judy's location regardless of where they are, and they obviously maintain a unified idea with the South Asian stranger just now, and they plan to come over to help Judy complete their own special tasks.

However, these people don't know what Judy wants to do. They only think that she wants to kill Baobao Feng when they see Judy. Almost everyone wants to attack Baobao Feng.

"5th layer thunder talisman!"

Seeing this, Liu Xiaojiang also understood the plan of these guys, and immediately raised his hand and swept in front of him.

Five black thunder talisman appeared out of thin air, each Dao Talisman locked its own target, and at the same time moved towards four foreign strangers and Judy launched an attack.

For a time, dark holes **rays of light appeared everywhere,

Five blue and white lightning flashes at the locked target instantly, but due to the power contained in these talisman, It is not entirely determined by the strength of the operator, and the strength is far less than the thunder technique released by Liu Xiaojiang itself.


They only caused a little harm to four foreign strangers, completely blocking the possibility of this group of people participating, but they did not smash Judy with one blow. The high-quality Magical Artifact on the body.


This is enough!

Just when Judi successfully restrained Bao Bao Feng and pressed it to the ground, opening his mouth seemed to be planning to use some means,

Liu Xiaojiang had already come to Bao Bao Feng, directly He stretched out his hand to cover Judy's mouth that was shining with blue rays of light, and smashed the defensive magical artifact that could be turned on on his own.

"so that's how it is, this is your purpose..."

After a whisper that only Baby Feng can hear,

Liu Xiaojiang's eyes flashed with red glow, staring directly at the eyes of Judy's pupils, without the slightest hesitation, he broke her neck with his hands.


Along with the tingling sound of the scalp,

Judy’s head was already crooked into a terrible arc, and he fell on Baby Feng like a loss of strength.

At this time,

The four foreigners who were still active around also stopped their actions one after another, looking at the dead Judy in a daze.

The mission failed!

However, the reward for the task is already in hand, and they seem to have no reason to do it anymore.

At this time, I noticed the four foreign strangers and the enemies and stopped at the same time, all around the remaining transformers. strength.

However, just as these people were about to run past Liu Xiaojiang, one by one fell to the ground one after another, and after a few struggles, they quickly lost their movement.

On the other end,

It is also Nathanwei, Vesta, a burly figure, guarding Liu Xiaojiang and the others while walking away to carry Elijah on his back. return.

"Vista...leave me alone...run away..."

"Huh? What did you say?" Elijah seemed to be saying something weakly.

"Run...this guy...something is wrong...even if there is no reason to do it...he won't let us go..."

This time,

Vista finally heard what Elijah was talking about, so he turned his head and looked towards the other three people, only to find that all three of them were also very injured, but they still had the strength to leave the place.

Finally, he looked towards the six people standing opposite each other, especially the young man who broke Judy’s neck, saying:

"We were caught from the very beginning Liu Ge played a trick, now the goal of the mission is dead, we..."

"You can't go."

When Liu Xiaojiang heard these words, his eyes immediately changed Judy on the ground turned to the a little embarrassed foreigner on the opposite side, and said in dissatisfaction:

"If you rush into an area that should not be active, even if you are hired, you should bear the responsibility The corresponding risk."

"What's more, killing so many Level 1 protected animals, and fighting against us with the idea of ​​killing us, the purpose is to pay, to take away what belongs to us 'Things."

"Now that I have failed, I just want to leave without incident, and let us not mind..."

"Is this also your back garden? Come as you want, kill as you like, leave as you like, do you think... is it possible?"

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