Ding Zhangan’s viewing power is indeed not strong, but it is definitely not too weak.

His cultivation to Profound Realm from this kind of'viewing method' is indeed able to thoroughly see through the people who fight against themselves, but it is limited to some loopholes in the opponent’s fight, in other words, to see Clearly how can you win in the hands of each other.

It is true that Ding Zhangan has not cultivated the'viewing method' to Great Accomplishment, but using this method to see some things that are usually difficult to see clearly, it can be considered that there will be no accidents at all.


Ding Zhangan is facing Liu Xiaojiang this time, a guy who cannot be regarded as a human in nature.

Liu Xiaojiang, in the eyes of Ding Zhangan's use of the'observation method', it is still dark and dull as if it does not exist at all. It is not like the people he has seen before, and will be in' The "viewing method" presents a state similar to a human-shaped luminous body.

This situation even gave Ding Zhangan a certain illusion, an illusion that Liu Xiaojiang doesn't seem to know how to use this thing!

After all, no matter what shape and color will appear in the eyes of other people when strangers use their abilities, in the end, it can only be the blue of Innate’s Qi from the perspective of "Guanfa".

& The strength of light is very different from that of foreigners.

The rays of light emitted by aliens are stronger, which looks like a blue sun or blue lightning.

The rays of light emitted by an ordinary person are very weak, and look like a blue flame that is swaying constantly and may go out at any time.

However, from the perspective of Ding Zhangan's "Viewing Method", it is impossible for anyone to be as dark as Liu Xiaojiang!

Unless people die...

How is this possible? !

Ding Zhangan looked at Liu Xiaojiang, who was walking towards him step by step, and he was obviously more willing to believe that his own'viewing method' was too weak, so that he could not use this method to see through the other party's weakness.

After all, the opponent’s strength is too strong, beyond his own cognition, or the opponent has the means to make people'hard to know'...

These probabilities are always better than ' A dead person' is easier and more willing to choose convincing than the inexplicable thing that the other party doesn't know how to use.


Ding Zhangan hurried out before Liu Xiaojiang arrived, and quickly pinched out a few finger tips, and used a layer of golden light curse very similar to the golden light mantra, the color is completely transparent. , Careful but unwilling to protect the whole body.

"The tactics for enhancing the magic spells are used in combination with the escape light. If you only talk about the protective effect, I am afraid it is no less than your cultivation golden light curse..."

Liu Xiaojiang stood in front of Ding Zhang'an, glanced at the hood on the opponent's body, and immediately under the gaze of the opponent and several people around him, he quickly raised his arm and penetrated the body protection cultivation technique directly.

ka!! !

A palm with weird black husks squeezed into Ding Zhangan’s “unsuspecting” neck. In an instant, he completely defeated the condensed husks in the opponent’s body and held his neck. It slowly lifted from the ground.

Under the erosion of this weird black bamboo,

Ding Zhangan obviously can't raise the bamboo again, so he can only help Liu Xiaojiang to lift himself up.

He desperately wanted to make his feet touch to ease the embarrassment, but the other party was almost equal to his own height, and there was no way to get his feet touched when he was raised high. The ground, on the contrary, made myself more embarrassed.

But even so,

Ding Yuan noticed that Liu Xiaojiang did not seem to intend to hurt himself, but did not take the opportunity to take off Liu Xiaojiang’s face with his hands. He just didn’t Looking down at Liu Xiaojiang willingly, if you take a closer look... There seems to be a certain unfathomable mystery in his eyes.

"..." Liu Xiaojiang noticed the joy in the depths of Ding Zhangan's eyes, unavoidably a slight chill in his heart, and quickly loosened the opponent's neck.

"Hmm...Mr. Hero, you have already lost, admit it?"

"Convinced." Ding Zhangan twisted his neck uncomfortably, and his mood didn't count. It’s too bad, and even smiled and said:

"Mr. Win, as long as you are willing to accompany me to learn, then no matter what you want to do in the whole nature, even if it is to become a Sect Master of the whole nature, as long as you don’t It’s too much...I support it all."

Military, frank, with a bottom line...

Liu Xiaojiang re-evaluated Ding Zhang’an, then slowly moved towards the opponent nodded, said:

"Okay, I promise you, but relatively, I want you to promise me one thing now."

"You said." Ding Zhangan thinks Liu Xiaojiang The age is certainly not young, so after my own requirements have been met, I naturally began to use honorifics.

"I want you to be optimistic about them..." Liu Xiaojiang turned to face the other full-featured members with unbelievable faces, and said:

"Before I arrange everything, None of these people can leave..."

"What do you mean to win the donor?" Gao Ning heard this eyelid suddenly twitches, and immediately wiped his cold sweat with his hand with a smile, and said:

"You have proven yourself to us, this is..."

"Great monk, you guessed right, I am indeed aiming for the position of Sect Master. Come." Liu Xiaojiang slowly walked towards the all-sex members who had watched the show for a long time, his eyes one after another swept over the three of Yuan Tao, Gao Ning and Dou Mei who were present, saying:

"After all, I very much agree with the concept of the omnipotent ancestor Yang Zhu, and I do not deny everything that Rootless Life did at the beginning, but compared to Yang Zhu, even Rootless Life, you have gone too crooked."

hearing this,

Ding Zhangan, who was following Liu Xiaojiang, seemed to understand something, and then couldn’t help but reminded:

"Mr. Win, some of them don’t No..."

"I know."

Liu Xiaojiang looked at Gao Ning and Dou Mei without looking back, and seemed to want to run away immediately, watching from time to time. Yuan Tao, at the gate of the factory, continued:

"Pull a dime to benefit the world, not for nothing; take a dime to harm the world, not for it."

" I don’t think the philosophy of the omnipotent ancestor Yang Zhu has been lost. This sentence has always been there. It is obviously not jerky and difficult to understand, but you still get things done. Taking a single bit of damage to the world can be done..."

"Since it is not a concept of totality, it is not a true totality, then you are deceiving the world and indulging in the name of totality. If you do, you should pay a reasonable price for everything you do."

"In troubled times, you may not be able to care too much, but in the governance of the world, if you hurt your lives because of your selfish desires, then you should take your own Pay for the dead..."

"Pay for your uncle!"

Yuan Tao realized that Liu Xiaojiang had been watching Gao Ning and Dou Mei, and felt that Liu Xiaojiang seemed to have something to him. After negligence, he immediately took out a pair of rabbit ear slippers from Handan’s backpack, put it on his feet and laughed and cursed:

"little bastard! grandfather knows you didn't suffocate your fart! Let grandfather pay..."


Liu Xiaojiang disappeared in an instant like a ghost-like, and came to Yuan Tao when he reappeared.

He stretched out his hand without the slightest hesitation to pinch Yuan Tao's neck, and immediately let the other party swallow back what had not been said.

"I also know that you are incurable."

Crack! ! !

The permeating, crisp and muffled sound suddenly sounded, the luster in Yuan Tao's eyes quickly faded, and his breath was completely lost.

"You...you, you!"

Handan found that Yuan Tao could no longer scold himself, and immediately took out the water gun and hammer from his backpack, not even think, and lift it up. The gun was pointed at Liu Xiaojiang, and while constantly pulling the trigger, he rushed over with the hammer, as if he wanted to avenge Yuan Tao.

"I'm sorry..."

Liu Xiaojiang let the water droplets shot by the water gun hit her body, watching the nasty egg running towards him trying to work hard, slightly appeared in his eyes A trace of apology and regret.

"It seems that the relationship between you and Yuan Tao is really deep. I don’t know how to make you continue to live in peace and security in the world after losing him. I hope you can live a normal life in the next life. Day..."

After that, he raised his hand against the hammer that the stubborn egg smashed at him, then raised his other arm, folded his fingers into a knife, and instantly pierced the opponent’s heart.


The simple egg fell to the ground as well, which overwhelmed Gao Ning and Dou Mei’s last line of defense...

"Dou Mei! Run away! I was the one who killed me. You!"

The smile on Gao Ning's face was long gone, he immediately shouted to remind Dou Mei to run, and then rushed to the location of Liu Xiaojiang alone, as if he wanted to fight for Dou Mei. A little bit of time.

"If there is another life..."

"Just forget it." Liu Xiaojiang appeared behind Gao Ning instantly, holding a lively beating in his hand Heart, said coldly and mercilessly:

"The smell is the same between you and Dou Mei. It is different from the situation of Yuantao master and disciple. There is no relationship between who hurts who... ......"

Speaking of this, he glanced at the beating heart in his hand that gradually calmed down, and said:

"However, before he died, he wanted to lie to me and wanted to use himself In exchange for another person to survive, I remembered...you Gao Ning, you still have a trace of humanity."

"It was me...that hurt...Dou Mei." Gao Ning lowered his head and glanced. When his empty chest slowly fell to the ground, his mouth still insisted on what he said.

Afterwards, I saw Gao Ning stopped moving,

Liu Xiaojiang threw his heart back to the other side, re-looked towards all around brows tightly frowns members, and did not even In time to escape Dou Mei, said:

"Dou Mei, do you still use me to retell the case you and Gao Ning committed together without omission and in detail?"

"No need." Dou Mei smiled and looked towards Liu Xiaojiang, giving up the thought of running away in her heart, then inexplicably glanced at Xia He who bit her lip, and said:

"Xia Xia, you are right..."


Dou Mei smiled and fell to the ground under everyone’s attention. He maintained that kind of noble lady's posture to death.

Blood dripped onto the ground along the palm of his hand,

Liu Xiaojiang glanced at Dou Mei, who committed suicide, and then re-looked towards the other all-sex members who were slightly nervous. Slowly opened his mouth and said:

"I...may be dark, but if it is the current situation, I hope that the full performance will become a controllable darkness, so that everyone can at least get a good death in the end."

"I will not force you, I can wait for you to choose by yourself, I will......I just want to give you a better choice."

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