"I hope I'm just being too cautious, so I guessed it completely wrong this time..."

The man in the suit is obviously better than the other star club present. The members knew more, so they didn't speak directly to confirm the arrival of Sect Master Wingo.


He also knows that once he confirms this, it is equivalent to acknowledging that Qu Tong and all of them have been suddenly visited by the star. The Koyanagi daoist at the headquarters has solved it...

If the matter really develops to this point, then he is responsible for helping Qu Tong to transfer the weakness of the Xiaoyan daoist, and wants to threaten the other party to continue to act according to requirements in the future. The two of them... are dead too!

The voice is over,

Although the guy in the suit doesn’t know that Liu Xiaojiang, why didn’t he directly enter the villa and take the lives of both of them, he also knows that the other person must hide at this time. In the vicinity of the villa, and maybe because of the existence of Chen Duo, this method was adopted.


He thinks that if he wants to survive, he must seize Liu Xiaojiang’s weakness and control Chen Duo in the villa in front of the opponent. …………Perhaps there is still a chance to bargain with this kind of absolute power!

"Old Brother? We..."

"Quickly, open the window and jump out, and then go to Chen Duo's room to take her out. It's best to...let her To cooperate with us to complete the control, it is said that the president contacted us to give an order!"


The man in the suit quickly made a decision and planned to jump out of the window and leave the house. When he avoided being contaminated with black smoke and being poisoned indoors, he found that the only road in front of him that could lead to the kingdom of heaven, even started to appear that black smoke was slowly infiltrating.

See this,

All the thoughts in the suit man’s heart are broken, and the whole person is instantly like an ice cellar...

The doors and windows are undoubtedly two people. The only way to leave the house is now completely blocked by black smoke that is mortal when touched. It seems to have completely lost all the probability of escape alive.

After all, if the two of them can easily use their physical and abilities to break through the specially reinforced walls of the villa, they will no longer be responsible for transferring and guarding an already controlled Chen Duo...

"Old Brother, what shall we do next...?" Another member of the Star Society present has obviously also noticed the critical situation, and a youngster like him who is inexperienced, naturally Will also count on the experienced Old Senior like a man in a suit.


In the end he only saw a pair of helpless and desperate eyes...


After a while,

Several strands of black smoke mixed with despair and blood energy returned to Liu Xiaojiang's body inside the villa.

After absorbing the blood energy of the two members of the Yaoxing Society, his eyes flashed a little disappointment as expected, and he confirmed that blood energy was almost of no help to him now, at most. It just restores a little physical strength relatively and adaptively.

This so-called effect............ is basically the same as the effect after people eat!

"Tsk, forget it, after all, it is better than nothing..."

Liu Xiaojiang shook the head somewhat helplessly, and then looked towards the high-end building not far away The villa, aware of the very familiar breath in it, hesitated for a while or walked over.

For Chen Duo,

He actually doesn’t want the other party to follow him in the current situation, because following him in the future is equivalent to being with the company... and even the whole world. If the order is right, the danger may only be a matter of time.

He may be sure to ensure his safety, and he firmly believes that he will eventually complete the plan and retreat after choosing the cruel path...

All-round member... …

Even friends like Ma Xianhong who are willing to help themselves...

Liu Xiaojiang thinks that everything is their own choice, even if they accidentally die on the way forward , I can't completely blame myself for this alien, because even if there is no such alien existence, some people will not be destined to remain in peace.

But if it is Chen Duo and Er Zhuang, they obviously have no special purpose. It is just because of their own abilities and circumstances that they have to become some kind of problem. He also doesn't want this from the bottom of his heart. The two girls, accompany themselves on this cruel path.


He still cares about Er Zhuang and Chen Duo very much. He doesn’t want these two to definitely help him, and he will firmly choose the girl who walks with him. The encounter is a hostage as it is today, and even a situation that has already suffered a lot.

Also about Liu Yanyan...

For this woman who almost gave her life...

Liu Xiaojiang also cares, but because Liu Yanyan's own experience has led her to break away from the chaos, and even become a regular employee at the company. Don't bother...it can be regarded as the best kind of protection for her.

What's more, beside Liu Yanyan, there are smart guys like Xu Si and Zhang Chulan who are willing to help themselves conceal the relationship with Liu Yanyan, but it also makes her the least need People from Liu Xiaojiang.


Liu Yanyan might have been ignoring for a long time, causing this girl to be full of resentment and complaints towards herself, but in the final analysis... she can Living safely is the most important thing in Liu Xiaojiang's heart.

As for the other...

He believes that as long as he and the other party can finally meet alive, maybe it will only be an emotional problem that can be solved in a short time...


After all, no matter whether you like pranks or not, Liu Yanyan that girl, like Chen Duo and Er Zhuang, is an extremely kind girl to her own kind of alien.

Because there is nothing alien in their hearts, and there is no full trust in Sect Master Yinggou, some............ It is just Liu Xiaojiang who has had close contact with them.

In front of the villa,

Liu Xiaojiang noticed the monitoring equipment inside the corner, but like before, he did not choose to destroy it. Instead, he walked directly into the villa calmly.


Inside the villa,

The deepest room,

Even though Chen Duo's strength has increased greatly because of the Liuku fairy thief, I still didn't notice everything that happened in the villa just now, so that I didn't know that I was the only one left in the huge villa, still sitting in the room patiently waiting for Qu Tong's other arrangements for him.


The door inside the house opened at the sound,

Liu Xiaojiang walked into the house slowly and watched as he stood up to guard himself Chen Duo couldn't help but frowned slowly, but his eyes still kept the gentleness of the past.

"Duoer, I'm here to pick you up..."

"You..." Chen Duo heard these words and saw Liu Xiaojiang walking into the house again, dark A glimmer of doubt flashed in green's eyes, it seemed that Liu Xiaojiang's identity had not been reflected for a while.

But this kind of doubt finally only flashed past. Although mentally fragile because of Qu Tong's methods, even if she was defeated by both hands because of her loss of mind at the beginning, she was temporarily confused and puzzled. After that, Liu Xiaojiang's identity was quickly recognized.

"Xiaojiang big brother ………"

Chen Duo's relatively petite silhouette quickly fell into the arms of Liu Xiaojiang. There was no hostility in the process, obviously even It has been controlled by Qu Tong with both hands, but it is still difficult to change her dependence on Liu Xiaojiang.

Qu Tong may be able to use both hands to control Chen Duo to cooperate with all actions he decides, but if he wants Chen Duo to be hostile to Liu Xiaojiang from the bottom of his heart, even standing in Liu Xiaojiang when meeting. The opposite of ... ... is undoubtedly talking about dreams.

Chen Duo's spirit may be very fragile, but his obsession with Liu Xiaojiang...obviously is also unimaginable powerful.

Double hands are not enough to obliterate any aspect of strength in people's hearts.

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