"Lao Wang! Run!"

Ruan Feng seems to have known Liu Xiaojiang's intentions for a long time, and he doesn't care whether the other party will let him go. So when he thought he had diverted Liu Xiaojiang's attention, he suddenly burst into force and rushed to the location of Liu Xiaojiang and the others.

The cultivation of the Liuku immortal thief,

You can use the cultivation technique to create a powerful digestion and absorption system, so that you can get enough nutrients even when you breathe. , Not only does not starve to die.........It can even gradually expel the dirt produced by the grains in the body.

This kind of physique, which is gradually perfected by the Liuku immortal thief, will naturally be able to do things that other ordinary strangers can't match in the future because of the powerful and special cultivation technique.

And this...

It is also the main reason why Ruan Feng hopes that the bald and beard can give up the appetite,

After all, even if the cultivation Liuku The fairy thief is unwilling to give up the appetite, and can still gradually improve the physique with the strength and speciality of the cultivation technique, and finally achieve the same level as after the bigu, but in terms of progress............ After all, it is still impossible. It will be faster than Bigu's way.

However, speaking of which bigu is easy, but it is undoubtedly still very difficult to do.

Although the cultivation Liuku fairy thief can survive starvation with the cultivation technique, they don’t even need to use pine nuts for fasting, but as long as they are used to the old way of living, they feel hungry. …………It is an extremely unbearable pain for anyone.

Ruan Feng...

He is almost the only stranger Liu Xiaojiang has ever seen to carry out bigu to the end, and he is also the only person who has completely improved the supernormal existence of his physique by using the Liuku fairy thief. So that at the level of simply repairing'fate', simply no one can mention on equal terms with it.

It's a pity...

Ruan Feng is against Liu Xiaojiang.

The physique he obtained through Liu Ku Xian Zei and Bigu cultivating, not only is completely unable to compete with Liu Xiaojiang's physique, but in some aspects... it is not as good as Chen Duo. With the second daughter of Windsor, the body was strengthened through corpse poison.

Moreover, especially Chen Duo, a cultivated Liu Ku fairy thief, and a little girl who received special attention from Liu Xiaojiang......

Bang! ! !

Ran Feng suddenly fiercely moved towards Liu Xiaojiang. The punch he hit was actually blocked by Chen Duo, who seemed to be relatively weak and windy. It felt like hitting cotton with nowhere to apply force. It made him extremely shocked.

next moment,

Those Gu Insect crawling on Chen Duo immediately sprayed a large black mist at Ruan Feng in front of him.

Although these black mists seem to be very similar to the corpse poison released by Liu Xiaojiang, what they contain is not the extremely terrifying corpse poison of Liu Xiaojiang, but... even if only relative The weak and ordinary venomous insect's poison is not something that other strangers can easily carry.

Ruan Feng doesn’t know the origin of Chen Duo at all, nor does he know the level of Chen Duo’s insect technique, so even with the powerful physique shaped by the Liuku immortal thief, he does not dare to make a difference at this moment. It's easy to test the poison.


He used the most common and simplest method of cultivation Liuku fairy thief, which directly lifts the skin into the mouth and has the same effect as the digestive juice in the abdomen. 'S saliva, and then moved towards, who didn't dare to neglect at all, sprayed out the black mist in front of him.

As soon as such water mist comes into contact with the venomous insect's poison black mist, it immediately decomposes and disperses the tricky venomous insect's poison, avoiding the possibility that Ruan Feng is contaminated by the venomous insect's poison and can be taken down instantly.

But at the same time,

Ruan Feng also completely lost the advantage he thought he had. He gave up the idea of ​​fighting for the bald beard to gain time to escape through violent attacks, and without the The slightest hesitation stepped on the ground and quickly moved away from Liu Xiaojiang and the others.

However, from start to finish,

Liu Xiaojiang just stood there calmly, as if he had already noticed Ruan Feng's thoughts and thought he could not help Chen Duo at all.

The kind of offensive advantage Ruan Feng thinks is that Liu Xiaojiang didn’t even think about killing him now...


The bald bearded man did not run away according to Ruan Feng's will, but still stood there and didn't intend to abandon his friend.

He saw Ruan Feng launch an attack suddenly but failed. Moreover, he was not stopped by Liu Xiaojiang, the two of them most feared. A young little girl easily resolved this sneak attack. , And also confirmed the idea that the two of them might not be able to die well this time.


Ruan Feng, who had noticed something in the short encounter just now, obviously no longer had the mind to deal with the friend behind him.

"She...this little girl actually knows how I do it?!"

He saw his own means of breaking through the venomous insect's poison on Chen Duo. He didn't play the role he imagined, and naturally there were some unbelievable guesses in his heart.

After all, if you don’t understand the method of the Liuku immortal thief, and don’t know the specifics of his methods, he believes that even if the rootless person came back then, at least the same will still be used by this method. Forced to retreat, impossible, like Chen Duo, completely ignores its decomposition and digestion effects.


He might even think that in addition to knowing the methods of Liuku fairy thief, Chen Duo may also use the cultivation technique to develop other powerful physiques that are different from his own. Otherwise, ...... How can I so easily resolve this seemingly simple, but in fact, the means of using the special physique to its limit.

Know that...

He has already passed the cultivation of the Liuku fairy thief, which has caused his own physique to produce extremely powerful changes. The digestion and absorption shaped by the cultivation in his body The system has reached a level that was out of reach when he was a beginner, and the ability to decompose and digest can even have an effect on inorganic substances.

The performance of this woman in the face of her own means............ It shouldn't be!

On the other side,

"Xiaojiang big brother......" Chen Duo still stands in front of Liu Xiaojiang, guarding against Ruan Feng who retreats in the distance, saying:

"Windsor elder sister and I should be able to solve this problem, and this big monk is obviously very rude to your big brother..."

Liu Xiaojiang, although I don’t know that Ruan Feng is right Chen Duo was shocked, but he could guess why the other party looked at Chen Duo like that, but he didn't bother to explain why Chen Duo was able to ignore the other party's methods.

He smiled and shook the head towards Chen Duo, showing that he did not intend to kill Ruan Feng now, then he crossed Chen Duo and looked towards the great monk in the distance again, saying:

"I actually want to use myself for a chance for a friend to escape successfully. Just now this broke my original view of you..."

"Ruan Feng, now I am a little curious, you Teach others the behavior of the Liuku immortal thief, is it really to save people...or for the good of others, or...Even after the turmoil of the year, you still never thought about whether it should be. The problem?"

"After all, you casually taught others the behavior of the Liuku immortal thief, and even now that this person can get it just by staying with you, it seems... …It also shows your attitude towards the Liuku immortal thief, as if you really created it."

"I will give you a chance..."

"If you can ease my curiosity about these things, then...I will abolish you two and let you live and die on the island, but if you can't...I will wither you and the island Destroyed together."


He slowly walked in front of Ruan Feng, and his whole body exuded a very strange black blanket.

"Since you know exactly how Nathan is missing, then you should understand that I am an absolute disaster for you..."

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