This Ninja is Obviously Not Strong, But He Kills Too Much

Chapter 54: The child abuser is back in the arena!

Mikawa Kamijin didn't say anything more and left, but the look in his eyes before leaving let Qingyu know that he was suspected.

However, most of Mikawa Jōnin is just relying on his intuition to suspect him, without any evidence, otherwise he would not have left like this.

In this regard, Qing Yu couldn't help but feel fortunate.

"It seems that the tools of crime can no longer be hidden in the home."

. . . . . . . . . . .

The next day, Qing Yu opened his eyes and immediately opened the [Eye of Perception].

Sure enough, there was a lifeform hidden in the tree in front of him, and the fluctuations were very strong, it was definitely not a small animal.

Someone is watching him!

And if there is no accident, it should be Mikawa Kaminin!

So he decisively threw the mask and black robe into the stove, and then started to make a fire.

Since he is being targeted, he must keep a low profile, and the task can be postponed, anyway, there is still a lot of time.

Although the trouble he caused this time was not that serious, the problem was that he had a "criminal record", and he had beaten so many people that he couldn't afford to pay for the medical expenses alone!

So it must not be exposed!

So he and Mikawa Kamijin launched a new round of wits and bravery.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

On the training ground, Qing Yu was still sweating profusely in a planned training session.

And the [Eye of Perception] has been open all the time, letting him know that someone in a nearby tree is still staring at him persistently.

It wasn't until he finished his day's practice and was about to go back that the induction there suddenly disappeared.

But after returning home, it is still the same old place, the familiar 'that person'.

So he was no longer in a hurry to complete the task, and he didn't even go to Fat Tiger's side.

He doesn't believe that the other party can consume himself!

The dignified special Joinin doesn't do anything, doesn't do any tasks, and just follows him all day.

How many days can Mikawa Shangren last?

The answer is a whole week!

It wasn't until the eighth day that Qing Yu finally couldn't find the other party from the [Eye of Perception], and he was relieved.

After a whole week, it really made him a little anxious.

But to be on the safe side, he waited another day.

On this day, he first went to the training ground as usual, and after making sure that no one was watching him this time, he turned back to the civilian area again and put on a new robe and mask.

Besides, Fat Tiger, since Fat Tiger has been repaired twice, he no longer dares to charge any protection fees.

The group of younger brothers around him also naturally all dispersed.

After all, no one wants to follow a loser and recognize him as the boss.

Fat Tiger was angry, but also helpless.

What made him even more anxious was that the person who promised to come to him to ask for something 'the day after tomorrow' never showed up, watching those idiots start to make a fortune, and even prepared to discuss eating his original This site, and mocked him face to face!

This is really unbearable!

I don't know if God heard his heart, just as he was walking aimlessly through a small alley, that person suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Big brother, you're finally here! I'm waiting for you to wait for tea and don't want to eat, I lost a few pounds in the past two days!"

It's different from Qing Yu's imagination that he will be very scared when he sees him. As soon as they meet, this guy is excited and leans over with all the fat in his body, and his eyes are full of light!

What's going on here?

Is it Stockholm Syndrome?


"Don't call me a boss, I'm not your boss, do you have something with me?"

"Okay, boss! No problem, boss! Here's the stuff, boss!"

Qing Yu resisted the thought of beating him again, pinched his nose and hummed, took the crumpled paper and opened it.

"What's the matter with this painting? Forget it, you'd better say it directly."

He silently threw the ghost-like thing away, and then waited for the other party's answer.

Fat Tiger was very excited to tell all the 'powers' he knew about in the entire civilian area, including their numbers, where they were usually active, and the bad things they often did. clean.

The day has finally come!

Feel the pain of my fat tiger, you too, bastards!

Qing Yu was very satisfied with this guy's acquaintance, but he still had to warn him, "You should have guessed what I'm going to do. Be stricter, or you will know the consequences."

"I'll be tight-lipped, boss! Actually, I wanted to stop those people from reporting this, but..."

"Okay, okay, I understand, you tried your best. In addition, don't learn well at a young age in the future, you say, what's wrong with learning? Non-students charge protection fees! Let me know that you are bullying the weak... boom!"

Qing Yu directly launched the [hardening] punch and cracked the wall!

Fat Tiger was taken aback!

It turns out that the big guys didn't show their real strength that day!

"Don't dare, boss, I don't dare anymore. In the future, I will definitely learn to kill pigs, and when I grow up, I will inherit my father's business!"

"...Well, it's ideal! Come on!"

Qing Yu resisted the desire to turned around and walked out of the alley.

"Next, it's time to harvest...Experience babies, wait for me, your dad is here!"

. . . . . . . . . . . .

After half a month, the mysterious devil boy who specializes in picking bear children appeared again!

And as soon as he shot, he turned over more than 30 bear children one after another!

As soon as these more than 30 bear children returned home, they cried and called for their father, so that the entire civilian area was in chaos again.

This time, the number of parents recruited by the group was almost twice as many as last time!

The ninja in charge of the reception was very busy, and finally promised to catch the prisoner within a week before the parents left unsatisfied.

Not long after that, a D-level mission to capture the 'mysterious boy' was posted.

And soon a team took over this task.

It's just that Qing Yu, who is immersed in the joy of the skyrocketing mission progress, still doesn't know about it.

However, just to be on the safe side, Qing Yu stayed in the training ground for two more days, and after finding out that Mikawa Shangren had never appeared, his heart started to move again.

So he went to visit Sanhe Shangren specially, and then learned that Sanhe Shangren had gone on a mission, and he didn't know when he would come back, which undoubtedly made him secretly happy!

The biggest threat that hinders him from completing the task is not in Konoha now, so what else is there to say!

Now that the completion of the mission has reached 55/100, it is only a few forty heads to unlock the achievement of Konoha Hundred People Slash. If you are lucky, you can take another risk and you can solve it. Even if you are not lucky, you can do it two or three times It's definitely done.

So Qing Yu decided to re-enter the arena!

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